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Bienvenue! Francais avec Renee.

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Presentation on theme: "Bienvenue! Francais avec Renee."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bienvenue! Francais avec Renee

2 greetings en francais Comment-dit-on “hello”? Bonjour!
Salut! (a un ami ou a une amie) Comment-dit-on “goodbye”? Au revoir, tchao, a demain,

3 beginning a conversation
What is your name? How are you? How old are you? Comment appelle-tu? Comment allez-vous? Quel age as-tu?

4 getting to know someone
Do you have a pet? What is your pet’s name? Do you have any siblings? As-tu (Avez-vous) un animal? Quelle est le nom de tu (ton) animal? As-tu (Avez-vous) des freres ou soeurs?

5 questions for a new acquaintance
What town do you live in? What is your favorite color? What are your parents’ names? Tu habites (vous habitez) dans quelle ville? Quel est ton couelur prefere? Quelle est les noms de tes parents?

6 couelurs en francais anglais francais white black orange red blue
green brown purple blanc noir orange rouge bleu vert maron violet

7 a good website Here is a good website for what we will be doing in class: songs and rhymes stories fun stuff flash cards French culture Why French?

8 studying French culture
some of the things that we will learn about: French history famous French people French foods etiquette geography of francophone countries flags of francophone nations French clothes currency and economics



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