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B504/I538: Introduction to Cryptography

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1 B504/I538: Introduction to Cryptography
Spring • Lecture 22 (2017—03—30)

2 Recall: Trapdoor permutations (TDPs)
Intuitively, a trapdoor permutation family is an OWP family with the additional property that each OWP in the family is easy to invert when given some special information called the trapdoor

3 Trapdoor permutation (TDP) families
Defn: A trapdoor permutation (TDP) family is an infinite set {πk}k∈Ke, in which each πk:Dk→Dk is a permutation, equipped with a quadruple of PPT algorithms (Gen,Samp,Eval,Inv) such that Easy to sample from family: Gen:1ℕ→Ke×Kd is a randomized algorithm that, on input 1s, outputs (k,tk) where tk is the trapdoor for πk. Easy to sample from domains: Samp:Ke→⋃Dk is a randomized algorithm that, on input k∈Ke, outputs x∊Dk. Easy to evaluate: Eval:Ke×⋃Dk is a deterministic algorithm that, on input k∈Ke and x∈Dk, outputs y=πk(x). East to invert with trapdoor: Inv:Ke×Kd×⋃Dk is a deterministic algorithm that, on input any (k,tk)←Gen(1s) and y∈Dk, outputs x∈Dk such that y=πk(x). Hard to invert without trapdoor: For every PPT attacker A, there exists a negligible function ε:ℕ→ℝ+ such that Pr[x←A(k,y)|(k,tk)←Gen(1s)∧x←Samp(k)∧y←Eval(k,x)]≤ε(s).

4 Public-key bit encryption from TDPs
Let {πk}k∈Ke be a trapdoor permutation family with algorithms (Gen,Samp,Eval,Inv) such that each πk has a corresponding hard-core predicate hk. Q: Does such TDP family even exist? A: Probably!? Or, at least, hopefully! (Why should we think it does?) Goldreich-Levin implies that if any TDP family exists, then there exists a TDP family in which each TDP has a hardcore predicate.

5 Public-key bit encryption from TDPs
Let {πk}k∈Ke be a trapdoor permutation family with algorithms (Gen,Samp,Eval,Inv) such that each πk has a corresponding hard-core predicate hk. Define (Gen,Enc,Dec) as follows: Gen:1ℕ→Ke×Kd is just the Gen algorithm for the TDP family Enc:Ke×{0,1}→Dk takes (k,m)∈Ke×{0,1} as input, chooses r←Samp(k) such that hk(r)=m, and outputs c≔Eval(k,r) Dec:Ke×Kd×Dk→{0,1} takes (k,tk,c) as input and outputs hk(Inv(k,tk,c)) requires 2 samples on average

6 Public-key bit encryption from TDPs
Let {πk}k∈Ke be a trapdoor permutation family with algorithms (Gen,Samp,Eval,Inv) such that each πk has a corresponding hard-core predicate hk. Thm: The tuple (Gen,Enc,Dec) just described is an IND- CCA2 secure public key encryption scheme with message space M={0,1}.

7 Encryption for longer messages
Q: How do we extend bit encryption to longer messages? A: Encrypt message bit-by-bit using the bit encryption scheme But this is outrageously inefficient… Q: How do we extend bit encryption to longer messages efficiently? A: Very carefully… A candidate approach (with M=Dk): Gen:1ℕ→Ke×Kd is the Gen algorithm for the TDP family Enc:Ke×Dk→Dk maps (k,m) to c≔Eval(k,m) Dec: Ke×Kd×Dk→Dk maps (k,tk,c) to m≔Inv(k,tk,c) Not randomized! Not obtained from Samp!

8 Hybrid encryption from TDPs
Let {πk}k∈Ke be a trapdoor permutation family with algorithms (Gen,Samp,Eval,Inv); Let (Gen’,Enc’,Dec’) be an IND-CCA2 secure symmetric-key encryption scheme; and Let H:{0,1}*→{0,1}* be a cryptographic hash function (modeled as a random oracle) Define (Gen,Enc,Dec) as follows: Gen:1ℕ→Ke×Kd is just the Gen algorithm for the TDP family; Enc:Ke×{0,1}*→Dk×{0,1}* takes (k,m)∈Ke×{0,1}* as input, chooses r←Samp(k) and outputs c≔(y,C), where y≔Eval(k,r) and C≔Enc’H(r)(m); Dec:Ke×Kd×(Dk×{0,1}*)→{0,1}* takes (k,tk,(y,C)) as input, computes r≔Inv(k,tk,y), and outputs m≔Dec’H(r)(C).

9 Hybrid encryption from TDPs
y≔Eval(k,r) C≔Enc’H(r)(m) Define (Gen,Enc,Dec) as follows: Gen:1ℕ→Ke×Kd is just the Gen algorithm for the TDP family; Enc:Ke×{0,1}*→Dk×{0,1}* takes (k,m)∈Ke×{0,1}* as input, chooses r←Samp(k) and outputs c≔(y,C), where y≔Eval(k,r) and C≔Enc’H(r)(m); Dec:Ke×Kd×(Dk×{0,1}*)→{0,1}* takes (k,tk,(y,C)) as input, computes r≔Inv(k,tk,y), and outputs m≔Dec’H(r)(C)

10 Hybrid encryption from TDPs
Thm: The tuple (Gen,Enc,Dec) described below is an IND- CCA2 secure public key encryption scheme with message space M={0,1}* in the random oracle model. Define (Gen,Enc,Dec) as follows: Gen:1ℕ→Ke×Kd is just the Gen algorithm for the TDP family; Enc:Ke×{0,1}*→Dk×{0,1}* takes (k,m)∈Ke×{0,1}* as input, chooses r←Samp(k) and outputs c≔(y,C), where y≔Eval(k,r) and C≔Enc’H(r)(m); Dec:Ke×Kd×(Dk×{0,1}*)→{0,1}* takes (k,tk,(y,C)) as input, computes r≔Inv(k,tk,y), and outputs m≔Dec’H(r)(C)

11 Recall: The eth root problem
Defn: The eth root problem (aka the RSA problem) is: Given (n,e,a) such that n=pq for distinct s-bit primes p and q, a∈℥n, and gcd(e,φ(n))=1, compute a1/e mod n. One possible solution: compute d≔e-1 mod φ(n) and output ad mod n

12 Recall: RSA instance generator
Defn: An RSA instance generating algorithm G is a PPT algorithm that, on input a security parameter 1s∈1ℕ, outputs a pair of distinct s-bit primes (p,q) and e∊℥φ(pq). We write (p,q,e)← G(1s) to indicate that s-bit primes (p,q) and e∈℥φ(pq) are sampled from the output of G. We define hardness assumption for the eth root problem with respect to a particular fixed instance generator

13 Recall: The eth root (RSA) assumption
Challenger (C) Attacker (A) 1 s (p,q,e)←G(1 s) N≔p·q a∊℥N b≔ae mod N 1 s (N,e,b) a’ Let E be the event that a≡a’ mod N Define A’s advantage to be AdvRSA,G(A)≔Pr[E] Defn: Let G be a fixed RSA instance generating algorithm. The eth root (RSA) assumption holds with respect to G if, for every PPT algorithm A, there exists a negligible function ε:ℕ→ℝ+ such that AdvRSA,G(A)≤ε(s).

14 The Strong RSA assumption
Challenger (C) Attacker (A) 1 s (p,q,e)←G(1 s) (if gcd(e’,φ(n))≠1, choose again) N≔p·q a∊℥N b≔ae’ mod N e' 1 s e'∈Primes[s] (N,b) a’ Let E be the event that a≡a’ mod N Define A’s advantage to be AdvStrongRSA,G(A)≔Pr[E] Defn: Let G be a fixed RSA instance generating algorithm. The strong RSA ssumption holds with respect to G if, for every PPT algorithm A, there exists a negligible function ε: ℕ→ℝ+ such that AdvStrongRSA,G(A)≤ε(s).

15 The RSA trapdoor permutation family
The RSA assumption is equivalent to the assumption that the eth root problem induces a trapdoor permutation family Ke≔{(pq,e)|p,q∈Primes[s] with p≠q and gcd(φ(pq),e)=1}; Kd≔ℕ; and Dk≔℥pq Gen(1s) chooses distinct primes p,q∊Primes[s] and e∊ℤφ(pq). It outputs k≔(pq,e) and tk≔e-1 mod φ(pq) Samp(k) outputs x∊℥pq Eval(k,x) outputs y≔xe mod pq Inv(k,tk,y) outputs x≔yd mod pq

16 “Textbook” (a.k.a. naïve) RSA
Many textbooks (and courses) describe RSA encryption as a direct application of the RSA trapdoor permutation to a “message” (usually a symmetric key) Q: Is this a secure public-key encryption scheme? A: NO! NO! NO! Don’t ever do this! (Seriously, don’t do it!) (If you do this and I find out, I will retroactive fail you in this course!) Meet-in-the-middle attacks Short message—small exponent attacks CRT-based attacks Related message attacks

17 Meet-in-the-middle attack
Suppose k∊{0,1}128 is a random 128-bit symmetric key Q: Given (N,e) and c≔ke mod N, how hard is it to recover k? A: It is sometimes very easy! If k≡k1·k2 mod N where lg k1≈lg k2≈264, then k2e≡c·m2-e mod N Idea: Precompute a lookup table L≔{1e,2e,3e,…,(264)e} mod N For each a∈L, compute b≔c·a-1 mod N and check if b∈L; if so, then k≡a·b mod N!

18 Meet-in-the-middle attack
Computing L≔{1e,2e,3e,…,(264)e} requires about 264= exponentiations to power e modulo N A brute-force attack would have required about 2128/2=2127 exponentiations to power e modulo N

19 Meet-in-the-middle attack
Toy example: N=282,943=523·541 and e=3 Message k is an 8-bit symmetric key Ciphertext is c=ke≡206,824 mod N 13 23 33 43 53 63 73 83 93 103 113 123 133 143 153 163 1 8 27 64 125 216 343 512 729 1,000 1,331 1,728 2,197 2,744 3,375 4,096 206,824 25,823 60,057 180,071 74,088 42,875 27,000 270,853 190,853 9,261 268,643 111,463 1,328 175,232 ⇒ k≡14·15=210 mod N (indeed, 2103≡206,824 mod N)

20 Short message—small exponent attack
Alice wishes to encrypt a short message, say m=100, under Bob’s public key k=(N,e) If N>me, then no modular reduction occurs! In this case, given c≔me mod n, it is easy to compute m=c1/e in ℤ!

21 Recall: Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT)
Chinese Remainder Theorem: Let n1, n2, …, nk be positive integers with gcd(ni, nj)=1 whenever i≠j, and let N=n1·n2⋯nk. Then the system of congruence relations x≡ c1 mod n1 x≡ ck mod nk has a unique solution in ℤN. zi≡1 mod ni zi≡0 mod nj when i≠j For each i=1,…,k, set yi ≡ (N/ni)-1 mod ni and zi≡(N/ni)·yi mod N The unique solution is x≡∑zi·ci mod N

22 CRT-based attack Suppose Bob, Carol, and David have distinct public keys (NB,3), (NC,3), and (ND,3) Alice wishes to encrypt the same message m for each of them cB≔m3 mod NB cC≔m3 mod NC cD≔m3 mod ND If gcd(NB,NC)=gcd(NB,ND)=gcd(NC,ND)=1, then by CRT there exists unique c∈ℤN such that c≡ci mod Ni for i∈{B,C,D} Solving for c, we get m=c1/3 in ℤ (Why?) If NA,NB,NC aren’t pairwise relatively prime, attacker still learns m (How?)

23 That’s all for today, folks!

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