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Identifying Strengths

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1 Identifying Strengths
Senior Advisory Lesson #2

2 Looking Ahead Research your options! Identify your strengths
Stay motivated in your classes Manage your time wisely Stay involved! Ask for help

3 Identify Accomplishments
#1 - Get out a blank piece of paper #2 – Draw a picture of something you accomplished in elementary or middle school Could be related to athletics, music, arts, academics, volunteering, etc. Part of college, training or job applications is being able to speak well about yourself and your personal attributes.

4 Identify Strengths What are my strengths?
Read each word and check all that describe you as you are now:

5 Good Experience Worksheet
How do you define a good experience? You enjoyed doing it. You did it well. You’re proud of doing it. Identify at least two GOOD high school experiences. Examples: class projects, volunteer work, internship, extracurricular activities

6 Group Activity Share at least one experience from your list.
Identify words from the strengths worksheet that describe the characteristics the person sharing needed to accomplish what was described Circle words that people used to describe you that you did not already check 

7 Classroom Discussion “Was it easy to think of an accomplishment from your childhood?” “How about a current accomplishment?” “Did your group mates come up with descriptive words (strengths) about you that you did not?” “What skills would you include for a work or college/university application?” Survey: What did you learn about yourself? Others? What did you like about the activity? Not like? Change?

8 Build a support network
Ask for help! Parents/Family Members Counselor, Teachers, School Staff Club Advisors & Athletic Coaches Community Members Positive Peers

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