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The interpreter.

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Presentation on theme: "The interpreter."— Presentation transcript:

1 The interpreter

2 Derived Expressions (define derived? (lambda (exp) (or (if? exp) (function-definition? exp) (let? exp))))

3 Shallow-derive (define shallow-derive (lambda (exp) (cond ((if? exp) (if->cond exp)) ((function-definition? exp) (function-define->define exp)) ((let? exp) (let->combination exp)) (else (error ’shallow-derive "unhandled derivation: ~s" exp)))))

4 Recursive derivation (define (derive exp) (if (atomic? exp) exp (let ((mapped-derive-exp (map derive exp))) (if (not (derived? exp)) mapped-derive-exp (shallow-derive mapped-derive-exp)))

5 Concrete derivation


7 Cont.

8 let

9 Function-definition

10 Reminder

11 Core (applicative-substitution)
Language expressions ASP The global environment Data structures+core Values Data structures+ core

12 We will start with the data structures, that actually do most of the work
Then the core – evaluation rules will be rather easy

13 Values The Primitive-procedure ADT: 1. Constructor make-primitive-procedure: Attaches a tag to an implemented code argument. Type: [T -> Primitive-procedure]. 2. Identification predicate primitive-procedure?. Type: [T –> Boolean]. 3. Selector primitive-implementation: It retrieves the implemented code from a primitive procedure value. Type: [Primitive-procedure –> T].

14 Usage

15 (User) Procedure (define (make-procedure pars body)
(attach-tag (cons pars body) ‘procedure)) …..

16 Other values (define (make-value x) (attach-tag (list x) ‘value))

17 Environment

18 frame

19 Initialization with primitives

20 Before introducing the constructor: A word on mutation
So far we kept our code fully functional That is, no state required “define” is somewhat an exception, but mainly for convenience Recursive function definition is an exception to that, can be done without define, but requires fixpoint operation For implementing the global environment we want to be able to change bindings A functional solution is possible but messy We use an abstraction of mutation through the Box ADT of Dr. Racket It basically “wrappes” the object and allows (sort of ) a “pointer” to it

21 Global-env constructor


23 Defining the global-env
(define the-global-environment (make-the-global-environment)) This expression is in the global scope of the interperter…

24 Selector:lookup

25 MUTATOR: add-binding!

26 Binding ADT

27 Using the environment

28 Eval-apply loop (applicative-eval exp) (apply-procedure proc args) Mutually recursive (why?)

29 eval

30 Eval-atomic

31 Lambda+definitions

32 If

33 application

34 Apply-primitive

35 substitute



38 “main” code of substitute

39 rename(exp)


41 “main” code of rename

42 Environment Model Formal algorithm Interpreter

43 Environment Model (Diagram)



46 Dynamic env-model

47 Interpreter for env. model
What should be changed?

48 List of main changes ASP stays intact Data structures: Core:
Support an Environment ADT Procedure ADT should include an environment pointer Core: Every eval function gets an environment as an additional parameter Uses it e.g. for lookup, and passes it on to recursive eval and apply calls apply of user procedures (closures) change to manage envs.


50 env

51 lookup

52 Adding binding in global env

53 Core:eval

54 Every eval now has env argument

55 apply-procedure

56 apply-procedure (cont.)


58 Dynamic-env interpreter
What would you change?

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