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The Turing Test Alan Turing.

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1 The Turing Test Alan Turing

2 What is the Turing Test?

3 The Turing test was developed by Alan Turing in the mid-1900s, it is a test that is able to quantify machines ability for cognitive thinking and directly correlate this with the thinking of a human mind. If the machine is able to interact with a human by online instant messaging, the receiving human would not be able to determine whether the sender is human or machine.

4 The Turing Test is for determining whether a computer can actually think. Many papers regarding the test summarize the imitation game, while discussing variations of the tests, evaluating the standards for passing and considering the rules a computer must follow to be able to pass the test.

5 Engineers have used the Turing test to help aid online security
Engineers have used the Turing test to help aid online security. If a ‘bot’ is unable to understand the GUI it is unable to gain access to the site. Example: when validating an address for an online site you will usually have to look at a small image and type in the alphanumerical value to validate the transaction.

6 From 1950 to 2003, many controversial topics regarding the Turing test were raised, one of these topics was “Can machines think?” at the beginning of Computing and Machinery and Intelligence, inside the section The Imitation Game. This has and will be a controversial topic for the considerable future.

7 “Even though Turing made it clear that his new question merely replaces how can machines think?", some people claim that Turing intended an equivalent or even a stronger definition of this question. A few of these people further believe that Turing stated that any machine could be considered intelligent if it passed the Turing test.

8 There have been reports of the Turing Test, and whether or not it is suitable for the purpose of depicting a machines thinking process. It concludes with the ironic fact that if a machine were to pass the Turing Test that it will have most probably used the methods of the test in order to beat it

9 Many have followed and studied the course of computer intelligence following Alan Turing's development of the Turing Test in  Papers related discuss test as a benchmark  for the validation of a computer system becoming intelligent and explores the multiple interpretations of Turing's concepts of organized and unorganized machinery.

10 Researchers have explored the philosophical debates, practical developments and repercussions of the Turing Test over the 50 since Turing's conception of the imitation game. It discusses Turing's ideas in detail, theorizing over the decades long interpretations of the test and important comments relating to its sociological and psychological influences.

11 Mauldin, M.L., (1994) August. Chatterbots, tinymuds, and the turing test: Entering the loebner prize competition. In AAAI (Vol. 94, pp ). Baird, H.S., Coates, A.L. and Fateman, R.J., (2003). PessimalPrint: a reverse Turing test. International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition,5(2-3), pp William J. Rapaport (2005). The Turing Test. State University of New Yor Tyler Cowen & Michelle Dawson (2009).  What does the Turing test really mean?  George Mason University. Washington D.C.k. New Yo Ayse Saygin, Ilyas Cicekli & Varol Akman  (2000). Turing Test: 50 years Later. University of California. Minds and Machines. Khwer Academic Publishers.  rk.

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