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A. Type of tissue B. Lines Lumps Pale zones between lines n lumps.

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Presentation on theme: "A. Type of tissue B. Lines Lumps Pale zones between lines n lumps."— Presentation transcript:

1 A. Type of tissue B. Lines Lumps Pale zones between lines n lumps

2 2. A. Type of Tissue B.White Space around cell Name of cell Pink region between cells

3 3. Name of Fiber

4 4. Name of Fibers

5 5. Type of tissue. 6. Round structure in middle

6 7. Name of cell 8. Name for lines

7 9A. Type of tissue 9c. Lines 9b. Dark ovals

8 10A. Name of tissue 10B . Name of cells

9 11. Name for space 12. Type of Muscle

10 13. Name for thin perpendicular lines
14. Name of dark perpendicular line 15. Name of tissue

11 16.Type of Tissue 17. Name for cell.

12 18. Name of Cell

13 19. Name of Cell 20. Name of Cell 21A. Type of tissue 21B. Liquid between cells

14 22A. Type of tissue 22B. Name of small cells

15 23A.Name of tissue 23B.Name of dark spot 23C.Name of lines 23D.Name of long cylinder

16 24A. Type of tissue 24B. Type of tissue

17 26B. Type of Tissue 26A. Name of layer 25. Type of Cell

18 27. Type of tissue 28a. Name of cell 28b. Name of space

19 29. Type of tissue

20 32. Process occuring here 30. Type of tissue 31. Process occuring here

21 33. Type of tissue

22 34. Type of tissue 35. Type of tissue

23 Answers 1.A. Loose Connective Tissue 1B. Thin lines = elastic fibers, thick = collagen fibers 1C. Fibroblasts A. Elastic Cartilage B. Lacuna C. Chondrocyte D. Matrix Collagenous fiber Reticular fiber Bone Osteonic Canal (aka, central canal or Haversian canal) Osteocyte Canaliculli 9. A. Dense Connective Tisse 9.B. Fibroblast cells 9.C. Collagen fibers 10.A. Hyaline Cartilage 10.B. Chondrocytes Lumen Smooth Muscle Striations made by actin and myosin proteins Intercalated disk Cardiac muscle Myocyte or muscle fiber Neuron Red Blood Cell, aka erythrocyte White blood cell, aka leukocyte 21.A. Blood tissue 21.B. Plasma 22.A. Nervous tissue 22.B . Glial cells, aka neuroglia 23.A. Skeletal muscle 23.B. Nucleus 23C. Striations 23D. Myocyte 24. A. Loose Connective tissue 24.B. Adipose tissue 25. Fibroblast A. Basement membrane 26B. Glandular Epithelium Pseudostratified Columnar Epithelium a. Goblet cell (secretes mucus) b. Lumen Simple squamous epithelium Stratified squamous epithelium Mitosis Keratinization Simple cuboidal epithelium Pseudostratified columnar epithelium Loose Connective Tissue





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