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KS4 Lesson 1 : The Media and Body Image

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1 KS4 Lesson 1 : The Media and Body Image

2 Aim To explore the possible influence of the media, pornography and advertising on young people in terms of body image, gender stereotyping and the exploitation of women.

3 Learning Outcomes I can explain some ways in which the media, including internet pornography, might influence our personal relationships in terms of: - body image - stereotyping men and women - exploitation of women

4 Ground Rules Give good attention by listening to the person speaking
Respect other people’s rights to speak and express their opinions and challenge appropriately Be sensitive to other people’s feelings/comments and use agreed language Take care with sharing personal information / names Keep confidentiality - but remember the limits of adult confidentiality Right to pass

5 Key Words Media Body image Gender stereotyping Objectification

6 1. The impact of the media Explore and consider ways in which the media can present aspects of body image that may have an influence on how young people think about themselves and sexual relationships.

7 Examples: Media Symptom Potential Impact
Airbrushing / flawless skin of models Pressure to look flawless and skinny – could lead to low confidence, low self esteem and insecurity, desire for cosmetic surgery Size zero models Could lead to body dissatisfaction which could lead to low self esteem, anxiety, eating disorders. Objectification / Exploitation- Women as sex objects Could lead to a view that women are available for sex. Could lead to sexism, harassment, inappropriate and derogatory language

8 Sex /Pornography Examples:
Symptom Potential Impact Sex is always available and its normal for it to be very casual and ‘no strings’,& negotiating sex not shown May make casual sex seem the ‘norm’, and sex as very separate from love and intimacy. Negotiation of sex and getting consent is crucial Sex is portrayed as mind blowing and you should always have orgasms! In real life it can be mind blowing! however pornography is more about fantasy than reality! expectations may not be met – orgasms don’t always happen Condoms are rarely talked about or shown to be used Could make you think condoms are not important and risk of STIs is low That its ‘normal’ to have and expect a huge penis or no pubic hair Could lead to anxiety about body image and fear you are not normal - even leading to desire for cosmetic surgery

9 2. Models in advertising What messages do these images give us? In what ways do they not represent real people?

10 Dove campaign for real beauty

11 ‘No wonder our perception of beauty is distorted’ ?

12 Boys and the perfect body

13 Devise messages and strap lines which challenge these media influences

14 The Media & Body Image: Fantasy or Reality?

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