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HIV Plus 1.

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1 HIV Plus 1

2 Look at this man with HIV
Look at this man with HIV. What comes to your mind when you think of HIV or AIDS? Why do people fear HIV?

3 Understanding HIV virus
Understanding HIV virus. We need not be afraid of it if we know about it. In this class we will try to understand how HIV causes us to be ill How it could infect any one of us if we are not careful and follow some simple rules

4 HIV is a virus. it cannot be killed by usual antibiotics which only kill bacteria. It looks like this on the microscope.

5 What fights germs in our blood. The white cells
What fights germs in our blood? The white cells. These act as policemen in our blood to protect us from germs. Revise. They keep us healthy

6 Show video 1 – microscope appearance of white cells chasing and killing germs when they surround them

7 HIV is different. When white cells eat HIV germs the germs do not get killed. Instead they grow inside the white cell. The white cell is changed by the germ so that the white cells actually make new HIV germs. Explain this picture

8 In this photo from a microscope you can see HIV germs coming out of the body of a white cell

9 Video 2 How HIV infects white cells. This video is too long
Video 2 How HIV infects white cells. This video is too long. Stop video when it has shown HIV infecting white cells and inject their DNA into white cells. Fast forward to end where new HIV germs come out of infected white cells Video 2

10 Policemen protect our community from rowdies
Policemen protect our community from rowdies. But what will happen if rowdies change our policemen into rowdies!?

11 Our white cells stop protecting us because they have been damaged or changed by HIV. We lose protection against other even ordinary germs. Then we get infections in many parts of our body

12 When our body gets infections everywhere the HIV infection is now called AIDS. People used to die because of AIDS

13 But we can stop HIV! Ordinary germs are all around is. They ccan invade our body through eating food that is not clean, water, air or skin wounds. But HIV can only spread to us through 4 ways.

14 1st and commonest method

15 2nd method

16 3rd method: through blood- but we need not be afraid of this methods so much because the Government rules make sure that all blood is tested for HIV before being given to others

17 4th method- from mother to child

18 We also need to know how HIV CANNOT Be spread
We also need to know how HIV CANNOT Be spread. We need to stop having foolish fears that make us afraid of people with HIV


20 In the first years of infection HIV causes no symptoms because it damages white cells very slowly. So you cannot know who has HIV by looking at them. In this picture can you guess who has HIV?

21 HIV is now treatable Tablets called ART cannot cure AIDS
HIV is now treatable Tablets called ART cannot cure AIDS. They can control the HIV virus damaging white cells as long as the tablets are taken. These tablets are free and supplied by the Government

22 Tablets Can also stop spread from infected mothers to their children

23 Revise Unprotected sex- most important
Same needle or syringe being reused Blood transfusion with HIV infected blood From mother to child Are these preventable? Do you think you will never allow sexual ways of becoming infected?

24 Good ordinary people like you and me can make mistakes!
Watch Video 3 STOP video when it reaches the part where the young man meets the homosexual person Discuss Can this happen to you Video 4 Chumma

25 Condoms: Girls should insist on it
Video 5

26 How to use condoms Video 6- May not be suitable to every school
Where to get condoms Story of someone who went to a shop to buy condoms, became shy and bought a sweet instead! He then risks HIV! Do you need to be shy to ask for condoms? Best way- no sex other than with your lifetime partner

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