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Challenges. Asraar Al-Harbi 201202279.

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Presentation on theme: "Challenges. Asraar Al-Harbi 201202279."— Presentation transcript:

1 Challenges. Asraar Al-Harbi

2 “The key to life is accepting challenges
“The key to life is accepting challenges. Once someone stops doing this, he's dead.” ― Bette Davis

3 Our course talks about the following :
Microsoft Access Microsoft DreamWeaver Microsoft Excel Microsoft PowePoint Microsoft Outlook Microsoft Word

4 The program that I’m using now is :
Power Point

5 For sure we all face challenges in this course, I’ll be listing three challenges in this presentation : The time for this course. The lessons for it. The Lab quizzes.

6 Let’s start by talking about the course time.
The time for this course is late and it’s the last class. So, we came to class and we’re all exhausted.

7 The Lessons we’re taking.
The lessons are easy, but we only have one hour to finish and we already came tired. So its kinda exhausting.

8 Lab quizzes. As I said before, lessons are easy but there’s no enough time for us. And we’re taking the quizzes without knowing that we’re having it.

9 Remember that : Everything’s hard at the beginning as it goes easier and easier as long you kept on pushing yourself to be better. Accumulating your work wont satisfy you when your exams starts to begin.

10 Thank you for listening , Hope you enjoyed.

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