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Kyrene de la Estrella Mrs. Kostich Room 10 Curriculum Night 2017-2018.

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Presentation on theme: "Kyrene de la Estrella Mrs. Kostich Room 10 Curriculum Night 2017-2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kyrene de la Estrella Mrs. Kostich Room 10 Curriculum Night

2 About Mrs.Kostich Teaching Experience/ Years in Kyrene Personal

3 Daily School Schedule 7:40 a.m. Line up at #10 on basketball courts
7:45 a.m. School starts 8:00 a.m. IFG (Instructional Focused Groups)Math 8:30 a.m. Math 9:15 a.m. Recess/Snack 9:30 a.m. ELA 10:50 a.m. Lunch (Recess precedes lunch) 11:35 a.m. ELA/Skills 12:15 p.m. Science/Social Studies/Health 1:00 p.m. IFG Reading 1:45 p.m. Specials 2:35pm Dismissal (Wed. 12:35pm)

4 Special Areas Schedule Specials are daily from 1:45-2:30
Monday: Library Tuesday: Art Wednesday: Music 11:45-12:30 Thursday: PE Friday: Computer Lab * Tennis shoes need to be worn on Thursdays

5 Math Resources: Investigation/Engage NY Math Stations/Games
Math facts –students need to be fluent with facts up to 20 Time to the 5 minutes Money One and Two Step Word Problems/Strategies Standard and Metric Units of Measurement Geometry Dreambox Parent Resources: Kyrene web page/Schools/Estrella/Math Resources for Parents/2nd Grade

6 ELA Resources: Amplify-CORE Knowledge Language Arts Skills/Phonics
Whole group/Small group Individual, one on one with teacher Dibels/fluency Read alouds

7 Core Knowledge is aligned to Common Core Reading Standards
Comprehension of Literary and Informational Text Writing narrative, informational and opinion pieces Listening & Speaking Skills Language/Vocabulary. Each new domain or topic of study within your child’s grade level will build on knowledge gained from their previous learning. Over time and grade levels, students will experience a cohesive and broad knowledge of social studies, science, health and cultural literacy A parent letter will be sent home at the beginning of each Domain explaining the focused topic of study.


9 Science States of Matter Body Systems Weather Insects

10 Technology Computer lab 1-1 laptops Discovery Ed Share Microsoft Word
Typing Agent

11 Homework Folder Purple folder comes home each day (keep in backpack)
Homework packet comes home each Friday Due the following Friday

12 Progress Reports 4 times a year Grades: Proficient Developing
Area of concern Sign envelope & return A+

13 Behavior Table Points S.T.A.R. slips Praise, high fives, thumbs up
Communication with parents

14 BUY your favorite Box Tops products.
AN EASY WAY TO EARN CASH FOR ESTRELLA! Look for the pink Box Top on hundreds of participating products. Each is worth 10¢ for your school! In 3 easy steps: BUY your favorite Box Tops products. CUT out the Box Top from each package. Neatly trimmed Box Tops are appreciated. Please check the expiration date as well, as we do not receive credit for any expired Box Tops. SEND your Box Tops to school with your child in a Zip Lock baggie labeled with their Full Name and their Teacher’s Name. ESTRELLA GETS CASH for every Box Top collected to help buy the things it needs most. All those Box Tops really add up!

15 Communication Phone: 480-541-3110 Weekly emails/newsletters
Phone: Weekly s/newsletters


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