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Technische Fachhochschule Berlin University of Applied Sciences © 2004 TFH Berlin | Labor Online-Learning From Project to Sustainability: The implementation.

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1 Technische Fachhochschule Berlin University of Applied Sciences © 2004 TFH Berlin | Labor Online-Learning From Project to Sustainability: The implementation of Online Study Programs into a traditional University ONLINE EDUCA BERLIN International Conference on Technology Supported Learning & Training December 1 - 3, 2004 Günter Siegel Laboratory Online Learning Technische Fachhochschule Berlin University of Applied Sciences

2 Technische Fachhochschule Berlin University of Applied Sciences © 2004 TFH Berlin | Labor Online-Learning Content Project Virtual University (Virtuelle Fachhochschule) Virtual University of Applied Sciences E-Learning at TFH Berlin (UAS) The Laboratory Online Learning Functions and services Learning Management System Demands & Offers Perspectives UAS University of Aplied Sciences

3 Technische Fachhochschule Berlin University of Applied Sciences © 2004 TFH Berlin | Labor Online-Learning Project Virtual University of Applied Sciences 11 UAS and 2 universities in 6 federal states Developing 2 study programs, media and computer engineering and industrial management and engineering Establishing a virtual organisation Start of the first study program was 2001 End of the project 12/2003 FH Lübeck TFH Berlin FH Brandenburg FH Braunschweig/Wolfenbüttel FH Ostfriesland Hochschule Bremerhaven

4 Technische Fachhochschule Berlin University of Applied Sciences © 2004 TFH Berlin | Labor Online-Learning The Innovation Statement n The cooperating universities (UAS) will offer n The cooperating universities (UAS) will offer cooperative programs of studies, a virtual organisation is built by non-virtual institutions n Multimedial teaching material will be used in the virtual study programs and new telematic didactical methods will be applied. n Courseware will be usable for many different groups of learners, globally available modules and open universities studies should be integrated.

5 Technische Fachhochschule Berlin University of Applied Sciences © 2004 TFH Berlin | Labor Online-Learning e. g. media and computer engineering Informatics 1 In addition globally available study materials: CBTs, WBTs, exercises, scripts, animations, virtual laboratories, case studies, research results, conferences, virtual courses of studies,..... Programming 1 Study Modules in the Virtual University Programming 2 Data Bases Operating Systems Programming 3 Media Engineering Authoring Systems Multimedia Programming Multimedia Technology n n n FH Braunschweig/ Wolfenbüttel TFH Berlin FH Lübeck Hochschule Bremerhaven FHO Emden Conception Responsibility n n n

6 Technische Fachhochschule Berlin University of Applied Sciences © 2004 TFH Berlin | Labor Online-Learning n 1 module covering a 4 swh lecture costs 100 000 EUR n cost for updating contents 25% per year n break even point - assuming 80%virtual part, 20%face-to-face part is reached, if 6 universities share the use of course material n Share your contents with your colleagues ! n Project funding 22,5 Mio. EUR over all, a part of 10 Mio. EUR was used for production of multimedia learning material n Re-financing: Students pay 65 EUR per module and semester Calculation of the Costs, Funding

7 Technische Fachhochschule Berlin University of Applied Sciences © 2004 TFH Berlin | Labor Online-Learning 2000 Contract of cooperation signed by 7 universities Start of bachelor study in Media and Computer Engineering, accredited by ASIIN Start of master study in Media and Computer Engineering Time Schedule Test of first modules within existing study programs (in Berlin: Propädeutikum Virtuale, Quality Management) spring 01 01/02 winter 04/05 Start of bachelor study in Industrial Management and Engineering 02/03 State of Study Start

8 Technische Fachhochschule Berlin University of Applied Sciences © 2004 TFH Berlin | Labor Online-Learning Projektträger: l Fachhochschule Lübeck (Computer Engineering), (Industrial Eng.) l FH Ostfriesland/Emden (Computer Engineering) Wilhelmshaven (Industrial Eng.) l FH Braunschweig/Wolfenbüttel (Computer Engineering) l Hochschule Bremerhaven (Computer Engineering) l FH Brandenburg (Computer Engineering) l TFH Berlin (Computer Engineering) (Industrial Eng.) l FH Stralsund (...): offered study Cooperation Contract is signed by Projektförderer: Virtual University of Applied Sciences

9 Technische Fachhochschule Berlin University of Applied Sciences © 2004 TFH Berlin | Labor Online-Learning The Cooperating Universities and their Studies STUDY OFFICE Other study programs Study program: Industrial Management and Engineering Study program: Media and Computer Engineering University 2 University (UAS) n University 1 Virtual University of Applied Sciences

10 Technische Fachhochschule Berlin University of Applied Sciences © 2004 TFH Berlin | Labor Online-Learning Elements of Virtual Cooperation in the Virtual University Virtual University Board (members: university presidents) Virtual departments, members: deans Working groups for each lecture Virtual University of Applied Sciences

11 Technische Fachhochschule Berlin University of Applied Sciences © 2004 TFH Berlin | Labor Online-Learning Computer Supported Cooperative Learning Coaching: Assistance, Questions, Answers Self Study Server 24 h-Service Information, Help, Exercises synchronous synchronous/asynchronous asynchronous Coordination of study organisation and content availability Tele- Tutor or Mentor Single Learners Learner Groups asynchronous synchronous Project VFH (Guiding Project)

12 Technische Fachhochschule Berlin University of Applied Sciences © 2004 TFH Berlin | Labor Online-Learning VAUS Number of Students Comp.Eng.

13 Technische Fachhochschule Berlin University of Applied Sciences © 2004 TFH Berlin | Labor Online-Learning State of E-Learning at TFH Berlin 12 e-Learning-modules (Virtual UAS) Learning management system installed 2 bachelor & 1 master online study courses Several e-Learning materials for face to face studies Complete infrastructure (W-LAN, computer-laboratories) Various small e-Learning projects in progress Online course offer at the Distance Learning Institute (FSI)

14 Technische Fachhochschule Berlin University of Applied Sciences © 2004 TFH Berlin | Labor Online-Learning Today P Single e-Learning projects T Traditional studies O Online studies

15 Technische Fachhochschule Berlin University of Applied Sciences © 2004 TFH Berlin | Labor Online-Learning Laboratory Online Learning Founded 2004, sustainable transfering the knowledge of the VUAS project to the University Today an institutional part of the TFH Berlin Related to the departments of computer science and economic and social sciences Multidisciplinary cooperation between professors, paedagogicals, computer scientists, designers, engineers, solicitors and students

16 Technische Fachhochschule Berlin University of Applied Sciences © 2004 TFH Berlin | Labor Online-Learning Functions and services for the online study courses Organization of the academic study and the administration of the students, the instructors and the study modules Servicing, maintainence and advancement of the course material Supporting the students Advising, supporting and training for instructors to use new media Training for the Learning Management System and the communication tools

17 Technische Fachhochschule Berlin University of Applied Sciences © 2004 TFH Berlin | Labor Online-Learning Institutional functions and services Supporting all departments concerning the production of online learning material, Bundling e-Learning initiatives Developing Blended Learning concepts for curricula, Supply of equipment and know-how for Distance-Learning (seminar area for distributed meetings, video conferences for transnational examinations), Supply and administration of a learning management system (LMS) and the training of the users, Forming a profile within the e-Learning research by supporting theses and dissertations

18 Technische Fachhochschule Berlin University of Applied Sciences © 2004 TFH Berlin | Labor Online-Learning Learning Management Systems Blackboard – in use for the online study courses since 2001 CLIX – learning platform of the imc.LRN - open source application suite for learning and research communities Moodle – open source course management system (CMS).. others Communication and collaboration software Netucate – realtime collaboration services in cooperation with partner universities

19 Technische Fachhochschule Berlin University of Applied Sciences © 2004 TFH Berlin | Labor Online-Learning Demands Business demands Job training programs Technical demands LCMS-Systems, BSCW, Cooperation and Communication Tools... Research / Best Practice E-Learning, Blended Learning, Paedagogical methods Learners demands Online support, Exercises, interactive programs Lecturer demands Paedagogical support, case scenarios, training Institutional demands management, curriculum, job training Laboratory Online Learning

20 Technische Fachhochschule Berlin University of Applied Sciences © 2004 TFH Berlin | Labor Online-Learning Offers Technical administration availability, security, support Production new or customised course material, international standards, design, interaction Research evaluation, contribution to latest developments Training for students and lecturer Consulting paedagogical technical for business partners other universities Institutional improvement adjustments, curriculum development, exams, regulations, job training Laboratory Online Learning

21 Technische Fachhochschule Berlin University of Applied Sciences © 2004 TFH Berlin | Labor Online-Learning Ambition Perspectives

22 Technische Fachhochschule Berlin University of Applied Sciences © 2004 TFH Berlin | Labor Online-Learning Other tasks to be done Translation of VFH modules into English language and having English speaking mentors Foundation of life long learning agency Finding co-operation partners world wide Installation of additional learning centers - inside Germany - outside Germany Perspectives

23 Technische Fachhochschule Berlin University of Applied Sciences © 2004 TFH Berlin | Labor Online-Learning Further information Contact: Günter Siegel| Stefan Müller| Thank you for listening!

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