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超伝導サブミリ波サウンダ (SMILES)の開発

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Presentation on theme: "超伝導サブミリ波サウンダ (SMILES)の開発"— Presentation transcript:

1 超伝導サブミリ波サウンダ (SMILES)の開発
稲谷順司 SMILESミッションチーム June 14, 2001 JEM-SMILES

2 FY2000の研究・開発 システム設計 コンポーネント設計 地上システム設計 ミッション解析 構造設計,構造モデル製作,音響試験 熱設計
EMC設計,電磁シールド試験 コンポーネント設計 コンポーネントPDRの実施 地上システム設計 ミッション解析 “JEM/SMILES Mission Plan”発行 June 14, 2001 JEM-SMILES

3 June 14, 2001 JEM-SMILES

4 Instruments SMILES: Superconducting Submillimeter-wave Limb-emission Sounder View in the Cryostat June 14, 2001 JEM-SMILES

5 Signal Flow June 14, 2001 JEM-SMILES

6 構造モデル June 14, 2001 JEM-SMILES

7 SMILES構体の電磁シールド June 14, 2001 JEM-SMILES

8 サブミリ波アンテナ鏡面 Size: 400 mm x 200 mm Material: Aluminum Surface Error:
< mm (rms) Beam efficiency change is less than 1% for temperatures -4C to +49C. Temperature range expected in orbit: -31.5C to +16.5C Heaters shall be used to keep the accuracy. June 14, 2001 JEM-SMILES

9 Antenna Response Pattern
Effective Pattern: Integrated over AZ angles Averaged for six consecutive EL points involved in a unit data June 14, 2001 JEM-SMILES

10 June 14, 2001 JEM-SMILES

11 Receiver Noise-Temperature
SIS Mixer + HEMT Amp. @ 300K HEMT Amplifier Devices: FHX76LP Gain: 23-26 HEMT Amp @ 20K June 14, 2001 JEM-SMILES

12 4 K Mechanical Cooler Cooling to 100 K & 20 K:
Cooling Capacity: 20 mW @ 4.5 K K K Power Consumption: 300 W @ 120 VDC Mass: Cooler 40 kg Cryostat 26 kg Electronics 24 kg Total 90 kg Cooling to 100 K & 20 K: Two-stage Stirling Cooler Cooling to 4.5 K: Joule-Thomson Cooler June 14, 2001 JEM-SMILES

13 Cryostat by SHI Radiation Shield: MLI (40 layers)
Signal Input Window: IR Filters (‘Zitex’) Support for 100 K Stage: S2-GFRP Straps (12 pieces) Support for 20 K Stage: GFRP Pipes (4 pieces) Support for 4 K Stage: CFRP Pipes (4 pieces) by SHI June 14, 2001 JEM-SMILES

14 Sub-mm Receiver Subsystem
To Antenna Ambient Temperature Optics AOPT Cryostat To Cold-Sky Terminator AAMP Single Sideband Filter CREC Sub-mm LO Source He Compressor (JT) He Compressor (ST) June 14, 2001 JEM-SMILES

15 Single Sideband Filter
June 14, 2001 JEM-SMILES

16 システム雑音温度 June 14, 2001 JEM-SMILES

17 Acousto-Optical Spectrometer
Bandwidth: 1200 MHz x 2 units GHz /unit Frequency Resolution: 1.8 MHz (FWHM) 0.8 MHz /ch Output Data: 16 bits x 1728 ch /unit in 500 msec AOS (Astrium & OPM) June 14, 2001 JEM-SMILES

18 Global Coverage Trajectory for 24 Hours The Arctic Region
Covered Latitudes: 68N – 35S (ISS Yaw: +15 deg) 65N – 38S (ISS Yaw: 0 deg) 61N – 42S (ISS Yaw: -15 deg) Horizontal Sampling Interval: about 360 km in orbital direction June 14, 2001 JEM-SMILES

19 Height Resolution (Antenna)
Angular Width (or Interval) [deg] Linear Width (or Interval) at Tangent Point Heights: 10 – 60 km [km] ISS: 350 km ISS: 400 km ISS: 460 km HPBW 0.096 3.82 – 3.24 4.08 – 3.51 4.41 – 3.82 Sampling Interval 2.25 – 1.92 2.42 – 2.10 2.60 – 2.26 A refraction effect is included, which is significant for TPH < 20 km. June 14, 2001 JEM-SMILES

20 Errors in Tangent Point Height (1-s level)
Causes of Errors Bias [km] Random [km] Errors in Attitude: Sub-mm beam offset errors 5.02 - Mechanical driving errors 0.27 Thermal bending errors 0.12 Mechanical alignment errors STT measurement errors 0.06 Time synchronization errors 0.50 0.18 Errors in Altitude: ISS positional errors 0.30 0.10 Overall Error with the beam offset 5.07 0.34 Overall Error w/o the beam offset 0.76 June 14, 2001 JEM-SMILES

21 Expected Spectra: Band-A
Limb Scanning A June 14, 2001 JEM-SMILES

22 Expected Spectra: Band-B
June 14, 2001 JEM-SMILES

23 Expected Spectra: Band-C
Limb Scanning C June 14, 2001 JEM-SMILES

24 分子の存在量(VMR) Model atmosphere at 45N June 14, 2001 JEM-SMILES

25 (Latitude resolution of 5 deg, averaged over longitudes)
分子に対する検出分解能 Daily Averaged Data (Latitude resolution of 5 deg, averaged over longitudes) Single Scan Data (in every 53 sec) June 14, 2001 JEM-SMILES

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