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Lit. Term Tuesday euphemism and elision.

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Presentation on theme: "Lit. Term Tuesday euphemism and elision."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lit. Term Tuesday euphemism and elision

2 euphemism Substituting an offensive word (or phrase) for another that is less offensive Use of a term that is more pleasant than the term originally presented Makes something bad sound good

3 Euphemism Examples: Sanitation Engineer = Trash Collector
Pass Away = Die Correctional Facility = Prison Vertically Challenged = Short Collateral Damage = Dead Women & Kids Casualties = Dead Soldiers

4 Elision Elidere: Latin for ‘strike out’
Verb form = elide Omitting/removing a syllable or sound in a word to make it easier to say or pronounce Also used in poetry to ensure rhythm in a line Sometimes used for euphonic effect Remember euphony? Euphony = pleasant sounds

5 Elision Examples: Common Usage: Shortened Syllable Count for Poetry
Laboratory Comfortable Temperature Vegetable Shortened Syllable Count for Poetry ‘tis instead of it is ‘twas instead of it was Informal Fluency/Slang: “Gonna” for “going to” “I dunno” for “I don’t know.”

6 Mrs. P is the best!!!!

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