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Science Jeopardy!.

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1 Science Jeopardy!


3 Earth in Space Jeopardy
Craters Surface Features Gravity Planets Tides 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

4 What is round, bowl-shaped, rim, rays, peaked center?
Craters 100 Name 3 features of craters. What is round, bowl-shaped, rim, rays, peaked center?

5 Craters 200 What can scientists learn from studying craters on planets and moons? What is the more craters on the surface, the older the surface? This is best identified when there is little or no atmosphere.

6 Explain why we don’t see many craters on Earth.
What is the craters have been eroded by weathering processes or destroyed from geologic processes?

7 Name the two types of craters and describe how they are different.
What are simple and complex craters? Complex craters are larger in diameter and more shallow.

8 Describe how meteor size and velocity affects crater features.
Craters 500 Describe how meteor size and velocity affects crater features. What is the larger the meteor size, the larger the diameter, depth, and rays of the crater? What is the faster the velocity, the larger the diameter, depth, and rays of the crater?

9 What is water erosion, soil erosion, tectonics, and volcanism?
Surface Features 100 Name at least 3 types of surface processes that can shape the landscape. What is water erosion, soil erosion, tectonics, and volcanism?

10 What process is responsible or occurring in the picture below?
Surface Features 200 What process is responsible or occurring in the picture below? What is tectonics?

11 Surface Features 300 What type of process created the formations in the picture below? Explain how you know. What is wind erosion? You can see ripples and sand dunes where the sand was blown and deposited.

12 Which planets show signs of weathering or geologic processes? Explain.
Surface Features 400 Which planets show signs of weathering or geologic processes? Explain. Terrestrial planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars) because they have a surface that can show signs of weathering.

13 What evidence of water is visible on Mars?
Surface Features 500 What evidence of water is visible on Mars? What are stream channels and water frozen in the polar caps?

14 What is the force of attraction between two objects?
Gravity 100 What is gravity? What is the force of attraction between two objects?

15 Describe the difference between mass and weight.
Gravity 200 Describe the difference between mass and weight. What is mass is the amount of matter in an object and weight is the force due to gravity of an object?

16 What factors affect gravity?
What is the mass of the object and the distance between the objects (radius)?

17 Gravity 400 What is inertia? What is the tendency for all objects to move in a straight line unless an unbalanced force acts on the object?

18 Explain why planets move in a curved orbit.
Gravity 500 Explain why planets move in a curved orbit. What is all the planets have the tendency to move in a straight line, but the sun’s gravitational force is pulling on the planets, so they move in a curved path.

19 Name the planets in order (starting closest to the sun).
What is Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune?

20 Name which planets are terrestrial and which are gaseous.
What are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars are terrestrial, while Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are gaseous?

21 Planets 300 Describe the differences between terrestrial and gaseous planets (list at least 3 characteristics of each). What is… Terrestrial: closer to the sun, closer together, smaller, rocky, surface features… Gaseous: further from the sun, large distances between, massive, no surface, rings, high winds, helium/hydrogen, many moons

22 Describe the atmosphere of Venus.
Planets 400 Describe the atmosphere of Venus. What is high levels of carbon dioxide? This combined with water vapor creates an intense greenhouse effect. Venus is very hot and has acid rain.

23 This planet has the most moons? Why?
Planets 500 Identify Me - 500 This planet has the most moons? Why? What is Jupiter because it has the largest gravitational pull so it can capture and keep the most moons in its orbit.

24 Tides 100 The primary cause of ocean tides on Earth
What is the moon’s gravitational pull on the Earth?

25 Tides 200 Which moon phase(s) cause neap tides?
What are first and last quarter moons?

26 How does Jupiter’s gravitational force affect its moon Io?
Tides 300 How does Jupiter’s gravitational force affect its moon Io? What is Jupiter’s pull squeezes and releases Io, which causes melting and leads to volcanism?

27 Which moon phase(s) cause spring tides? Why?
What is new and full moons because the Sun, Earth, and Moon are all in alignment?

28 Tides 500 When there is one high tide on Earth, explain why there is another high tide on the opposite side of the Earth simultaneously. What is the Sun, Moon, and Earth are all in alignment…the moon pulls the water on the side of Earth closest to the moon toward the moon causing a high tide…on the opposite side of the Earth, the Earth is being pulled towards the moon leaving a bulge of water behind (high tide).

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