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Social and Political Discourse Water Management Murray Darling System

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1 Social and Political Discourse Water Management Murray Darling System


3 Australian Capital Territory 28 GL (0.3%)
Water Usage QLD, VIC, NSW, SA each have a vested interest in the water that flows along the Murray Darling System South Australia, New South Wales and Victoria all rely on water from the Murray-Darling Basin. Key rivers in the basin include the River Murray, Darling River, Goulburn River and Murrumbidgee River. Although the River Murray covers only a small part of the Murray-Darling Basin, this critical waterway supplies, on average, more than two thirds of the Basin’s water resources. The median annual diversion used by each state between was: New South Wales 4,362 GL (51%) Victoria 2904 GL (34%) South Australia 603 GL (7%) Queensland 575 GL (7%) Australian Capital Territory 28 GL (0.3%)

4 Water Usage Think, Pair, Share:
List the types of Primary Industries we can see along the Murray Darling River Basin?

5 Examples: Agriculture Forestry Fisheries Dairy
Horticulture (herbs, flowers and ornamentals, stone fruits, berries, almonds and other nuts, grapes and vegetables) Grains and other crops Beef Forestry Fisheries

6 Impacts of water usage:
Irrigation (3,780 GL is currently diverted from rivers under Murray Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) control to irrigate a total area of 470,000 ha). Development of irrigation areas is controlled by the individual States. Damming Pesticides Fertilisers Salinity

7 How do we see Conservation along the river?

8 Conservation i.e. Revegetation of riparian zones
Fencing off cattle from the rivers Environmental Flows Water restrictions Paying for commercial and domestic water usage

9 The Murray Darling Basin Plan – YouTube link

10 Impacts/Influences on CSR
Analyse: How might the discourse of the Murray Darling Basin Plan influence contemporary societal relationships with outdoor environments? (The clear link here is to the CSR of Primary Industries and Conservation).


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