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Rich People! By Sarah “gangster” Gardner, Suzan barTEA parTAY, Debster Singer, Pat two last names and Chris BMF Gordon.

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Presentation on theme: "Rich People! By Sarah “gangster” Gardner, Suzan barTEA parTAY, Debster Singer, Pat two last names and Chris BMF Gordon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rich People! By Sarah “gangster” Gardner, Suzan barTEA parTAY, Debster Singer, Pat two last names and Chris BMF Gordon.

2 Who Makes Up the Upper Class?

3 Forbes The Elite VS the 5% Taxes
TOP: CEO’s, politicians and board members BOTTOM: Lawyers, doctors and salaried positions around $300,000

4 Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs

5 GDP In Relation To Happiness

6 Rich Kids Rich kids are having trouble Anger
High Rate of Maladjustment 70% of Family Businesses Fail to Pass to Next Generation

7 Rich Kids Why do rich kids hate their parents? Not enough “No” Time

8 Lack of Connection Wealthy people don’t need other people
Causes psychological differences: Less altruistic Less able to read other’s emotions Less likely to reach out to others when in need Slower to show compassion More likely to behave unethically

9 Rich People Lifestyles
Early Risers Keep lists Count Calories Limited Internet

10 Rich People Lifestyles
Aerobic Excercize Listen to autio books on their commute to work Happy birthday calls Make their children do volunteer work Less TV watching Wake up three hours before work Teach success habits to their children Love of reading

11 Rich people eat differently than poor people do.
Rich people generally do not spend a lot of time preparing their own food. They generally eat more nutritionally balanced diets than lower socioeconomic groups. One study by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that the higher the income, the higher the values for quality, variety, diversity and overall diet quality. The world, literally, is their oyster- Rich people have lots of choice. When you can eat anything you want, you might just end up eating what is good for you…or maybe not.

12 References Alan Dunn. (n.d.). Retrieved from percent/2/ Domhoff, G. W. (n.d.). Retrieved from Killermann, S.. Retrieved from upperclass-privilege/ M. W. Kraus, S. Cote, D. Keltner. Social Class, Contextualism, and Empathic Accuracy. Psychological Science, 2010; 21 (11): 1716 DOI: / Paul K. Piff, Daniel M. Stancato, Andres G. Martinez, Michael W. Kraus, Dacher Keltner. Class, Chaos, and the Construction of Community.. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2012; DOI:  /a P. K. Piff, D. M. Stancato, S. Cote, R. Mendoza-Denton, D. Keltner. Higher social class predicts increased unethical behavior. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2012; DOI:  /pnas Does social class predict diet quality? Retrieved from Fast Food Still Major Part of U.S. Diet. Retrieved December 1, 2013, from

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