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Chapter 7 Thermal-hydraulic Issues in RIR
I. What is RIR ? II. History of Nuclear Safety Regulation III. Appendix K in Deterministic Safety Analysis IV. Option 3 RIR V. Thermal-hydraulics research for Option 3 RIR
I. Introduction of Risk-Informed-Regulation
1. Definition of Risk Risk = Consequence X Frequency Measure of Risk Population(Social) Risk Individual Risk Safety Goal Upper Bound Goal Lower Bound Goal Lower Bound Goal for NPP (NRC) Individual Risk ; 원전으로 인한 추가적 위험 배제 Social Risk ; 타 발전원 보다 덜 위험, 다른 사회적 위험도 에 상당한 추가적 위험 불허
Recognitive Risk Real Risk vs Recognitive Risk
Factors of Recognitive Risk Ignorance or uninformation Biased knowledge for conse-quence and frequence No role to control Mass panic Mode of Transportation Year Deaths Passenger miles in millions Deaths/billion passenger miles [km] British Deaths/billion passenger (km) Bus 43 244,600 0.176[0.11] 0.4 Air Carrier 321 1,357,874 0.236[0.15] 0.3 Rail (Amtrak) 18 10,608 1.697[1.05] 1.0 Passenger car & Motorcycle 1998 41,471 1,754,174 23.6[14.6] 4.0
2. RIR: Risk Informed Regulation
Current Regulation deterministic regulation Prescriptive regulation Future Regulation RIPBR(Risk Informed Performance Based Regulation) Purpose of RIR Enhance Safety Decisions Efficiently Use NRC Resources Reduce Unnecessary Industry Burden Improve Public Confidence 결정론적사고해석(EM) 과 확률론적 사고해석(PSA)
Risk Triplet 1. What can go wrong? --- Accident Scenarios (LOCA, Transient) 2. How likely is it? --- Frequency, Probability, Uncertainty 3. What are the consequences? --- Core Damage, Radioactive Release, Cancer, Fatality Risk analysis is a method to systematically describe the above triplet in order to understand the consequence, sensitivity and mutual effect between systems due to the risk.
II. History of Nuclear Safety Regulation
Before 1957 - Probability calculation for radiation source and consequence during postulated accidents - WASH-2 (AEC, 1950) ; Exclusive area radius - WASH-740(AEC, 1957) ; Windscale reactor accident Consider occurrence and consequence of accidents in large nuclear plant 2. SL-1 사고 ; 3 person dead - possibility of power excursion - need of containment 3. Concept of maximum credible accidents(DBA) - safety features to prevent the accidents which may result in the core melt - containment, “isolated castle” to prevent the leak of radioactive materials - LOCA as DBA and target of regulation (AEC/NRC) Defense in Depth Multitiple Barriers and Multiple Levels of Protection DBA and ESF(Engineered Safety Features) ECCS, containment, etc Deterministic Safety Analysis
5. PSA (Probabilistic Safety Analysis) 6. RIR or RIPBR
4. Severe Accident (1) WASH-1400 (1975) ; Reactor Safety Study(RSS) - Adopt of PSA (2) TMI accident(1979.3) - Severe Fuel Damage(SFD) - radiation source term - recognize the importance of PRA (3) Chernobyl accident (1986) Beyond DBA ; NRC safety goal 5. PSA (Probabilistic Safety Analysis) 6. RIR or RIPBR (1) Existing NPP (3) Future reactors Integrated decision in RIR
PSA 수행 절차
History of Nuclear Regulation
III. Appendix K in Deterministic Safety Analysis
Produce significant margin for PCT calculation Too conservative but old fashioned Still doctrinaire faith even recent pile of research report with huge budget
Doctrinaire Faith Faith for 2200 oF Old fashion
1966 – 1967 study ; Zr embrittle and rupture temp. (1370 oC ) << M.T. (1820 oC ) 1971 AEC policy statement ; 2200 oF (AEC1971) AEC public rulemaking hearing (1972.1~’73.12, Report of 22,000pp ) 1974 Jan. 4 “Acceptance Criterion for ECCS” ( 2200 oF or 1204 oC ) Findings on 1204 oC Criterion after 1973 hearing Old fashion Uchida & Tagami Correlation for P/T Anlaysis in Containment Design O Preformance data ; 1965 O Dimension Chamber (cylinder); H 90cm test plate ; 14 x 30 cm O Pressure condition ; 1 ~ 3 atm
IV. Options for Risk Informing 10 CFR 50
OPTION 1. Make No Change to Current Part 50 Obsolete Now OPTION 2. Make Changes to the Scope of SSCs Covered by Those Sections of Part 50 Requiring Special Treatment South Texas Project Initiative for Graded Quality Assurance Granted in 2001 – Provided Basis for Option 2 Development SSC (Structure, System, and Component) Categorization Using Risk Insights as Part of the Integrated Decision Making Process RG Issued in January 2006 for Trial Use OPTION 3. Risk-Informed, Performance-Based Revision to 10 CFR Part 50 Selective Implementation Overall Part 50 Revision Process Currently Ongoing To become an Entirely New Part – 10 CFR Part 53 Refer to SECY , “Options for Risk-Informed Revisions to 10 CFR Part 50 – Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities,” December 23, 1998.
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