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Offline Report Outline: Status update DST Proposal P. de Simone

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1 Offline Report Outline: Status update DST Proposal P. de Simone
24 September 2001 Outline: Status update DST Proposal

2 Processing of summer 2001 data
Reference data set: Runs (1 June - 19 Sep) 7.6 G triggers Offline L dt = 58.3 pb-1 DBV-9 : 17.0 pb-1 DBV-10: 41.3 pb-1 Total events collected: 326.7 M Bhabhas 125 M f decays est. sf = 2.9 mb 28.4 M KL tags 21.7 M KL crash 50.7 M K+K- tags 15.7 M rp tags 6 Sept 1 June 51 pb-1 7.3 pb-1 LAB integrated luminosity

3 Event streaming cos raw bha kpm ÷10 ksl rpi rad clb ÷100 flt afl
2000 Hz cos 40 Hz raw DC recon. Evt. Class bha 86 Hz prescaled cosmic kpm ÷10 ksl 1640 Hz yes 590 Hz EmC recon. MB cosmic Bhabha DC recon. Evt. Class rpi 70 Hz rad yes clb ÷100 flt 700 Hz afl 9 Hz

4 Processing statistics for summer 2001 data
Raw data: 7565 M Events, 20 TB Physics: 3.0 % of total events 34 % of raw volume Bhabhas: 4.0 % of total events 25 % of raw volume 20 ms 60 ms Stream Events (M) Volume (GB) Summary kpm ksl rpi M Events rad TB clb bha flt afl M Events cos TB Avg. fraction of events tracked 36% NOTE : the new IBM machines halve the reconstruction time NOTE : in 2000 the avg. fraction of tracked events was 26 %

5 datarec performance in summer 2001
Daily averages — Acquisition rate (evts./day) — Reconstruction rate (rec. evts./day) Follow-up End of data Start of rec. at 6 p.m.  Avg. rec. rate on 64 CPU’s 3KHz Troubles managing more CPU’s Avg. reconstruction rate on 64 IBM CPU’s : 1.5 KHz Staging and procedural losses count Once in stable situation, able to follow the present DAQ rate

6 datarec executables DBV-9 and DBV-10
DCONVR Added fine parametrizations of the resolution curves obtained using data VTXFIN Minor bugs fixed DBV - 10: A_C zlib event compression physics streams 160 GB/pb-1  86 GB/pb-1 TRCLMOD The talk-to defaults have been changed. By default, track-to-cluster association for tracks connected to a vertex at the far end is now performed ECLMOD The b cut window defining the KL crash tag has been widened

7 datarec platform dependence
Test of DBV-10 on SunOS and AIX performed in July: Input: 1000 raw events (Run 18850) Output in ksl stream: AIX: 11 events, including 3 not found on SunOS SunOS: 10 events, including 2 not found on AIX Limited information from quick diagnostics  potentially misleading statements Differences appear at track-fit level Differences became more pronounced after DBV-8 Differences made worse by discreteness in fine s-t error parameterizations Elements of truth in these statements, but full story is more complicated Turn attention to impact on analysis

8 Platform dependence: stream contents
Run (4.8 Mtrig) processed on AIX/SunOS Detail for ksl stream: Only AIX: 6239 Only SunOS: 3688 Different length: Otherwise equal: After KL tag analysis: Rxy < 5 cm, |z| < 20 cm |Mpp – MK| < 20 MeV One track assoc. to clust. Difference in counts: 0.04% (AIX/SunOS: 22731/22722) Difference in events: 0.24% (Only AIX/SunOS: 32/23) Stream/Tag AIX SunOS Diff (%) kpm 42516 42536 0.05 w/vertex 9960 9969 0.09 ksl 119354 116812 2.1 KSTAG 72737 70083 3.6 KSNEUT 10121 10129 0.08 KLCRASH 20419 20429 KLTAG (Gold) 24757 24759 0.01 INTER 5551 5445 1.9 rpi 13842 13844 rad 34099 34088 0.03 ppg 1789

9 Platform dependence: Monte Carlo
MC sample: 1000 ksckl2pc events (KS  p+p-, KL  p+p-) 43 events with different length 1 event with different event-type tag Gold KLTAG, KLCRASH, KSEMIL on both INTER on AIX only 1 event with different stream tag Gold KLTAG, KSEMIL, INTER on Sun Lost (UFO) on AIX Platform comparison using MC has subtle points: In MC, DTCE is generated on one platform, reconstructed on both When data analyzed in same way, fewer differences observed Statistics are very poor Effects appear to be at per-mil level in MC, as in data SunOS disp. vtx. split AIX

10 Platform dependence: Observations
Large differences apparent at a glance are characteristic of events that are: Poorly reconstructed Intrinsically difficult to reconstruct Background Much smaller differences in event samples of physics interest Fractional differences between platforms at per-mil level We regularly tolerate such differences when starting datarec without waiting for calibrations Much work in progress Still trying to understand the problem Situation less alarming than initially feared

11 New information in DB2 Counters: VLAB, Gold Bhabha, gg, KSp+p-, KSp0p0, KL crash 20 fields K+K-, rp, Neutral Radiative, Rejected Bhabha, cosmic, MB Job table +8 unused fields Fitted quantities: s from Bhabhas, Etot from gg, T-L/c from Bhabhas, T-L/c from gg, 20 fields M(KSp+p-), sM(KSp+p-), P(KS) Job table +13 unused fields Status flags: Biases: Indicates any reconstruction errors that cause biases in stream 2 flags per stream Obsolete: Indicates if file has been superseded by a new reconstruction datarec file table Encoding of status flags: Word of bits independently set to indicate reasons for bias/motive for reprocessing Calibrations (DC, EmC t, EmC E) Bugs (FILFO, clustering, tracking, each ECL filter, etc.) No bits set means stream good to use for analysis Example KID query: input url "dbdatarec:stream_code=’rad’ and run_nr between and 17330 and Biases=0 and Obsolete=0"

12 Proposal for mini-DST production
Mini-DST’s to be produced: in dedicated production pass in zlib-compressed YBOS format with a bank subset essential for physics analysis, including summary banks for different event classification substreams it looks reasonable to reach 5-6 KB/evt Status: zlib compression Done Scripts Some work needed Retained banks Proposal exists and Summary banks needs approval Substreaming from analysis groups 15 October is the target date for the readiness of a preliminary version of the DST production mechanism

13 DST substreams proposal
Proposal based on ksl Ntuple, radiant substreams, datarec streams, and EVCL tags ks2pi KS  p+p-, KS  p0p0 ksemil KS semileptonic decays klcr KL crash kl2p0 KL  p0p0 kl3p0 KL  p0p0p0 klppp KL  p+p-p0 intertag interferometry tags kpm kpm (K+K-) stream rpi rpi (rp) stream neu_max4g neutral events, at most 4 prompt g’s neu_min5g neutral events, at least 5 prompt g’s cha_min3g 2 tracks, 3 or more prompt g’s cha_ppg p+p-g tagged events clb clb (m+m-, p+p-) stream

14 DST banklist proposal Raw Banks LRID, EVCL T0GL
2 KB/evt w/w/o compression LRID, EVCL Event headers T0GL Global t0 TRIG (TPIE, TMON, TCAF, MOKA) Trigger summary Based on Ntuple block, to be done CTRG Sector-to-cluster CSPS Calorimeter hits Summarizes CELE+CWRK, almost done CLUS Calorimeter clusters Summarizes CLPS+CLLS, almost done QWRK QCAL hits DC hit counts Based on Ntuple, to be done DTFS Fitted tracks DST version without hit lists DVFS Fitted vertices TCLO Track-to-cluster ECLS, ECLO Event classification Only highest-numbered version in DST KNVO, VNVO, INVO Neutral vertices

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