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True Disciple.

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Presentation on theme: "True Disciple."— Presentation transcript:

1 True Disciple

2 Four Verbs Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you

3 Making Disciples Go Baptize

4 Go and Baptise People in our Immediate Influence Great Commandment Great Commission

5 Making Disciples Go Baptize Teaching them to Obey

6 Make Disciples Go Baptize Teach them to Obey Teach them to Obey All that Jesus has commanded

7 Everyone can Disciple People to Disciple Others
At Least 4 Generations Jesus Disciples Make Disciples All I have Commanded Everyone can Disciple People to Disciple Others

8 Teaching them to Obey ALL that Jesus has Commanded
Intentional Discipling

9 Need to Intentionally Build into the Lives of Others
Intentionally Build What?

10 Whatever you do, you start from the beginning!

11 You never start from the beginning, you always start with the end!

12 How do you build a table?

13 How do you sing a song?

14 You need a “Blueprint”

15 Jesus knew His life mission
It’s Finished!! Jesus knew His life mission

16 Paul knew his life mission
“However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me – the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace.” (Acts 20:24) “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” (2 Timothy 4:7)

17 Two people getting married
Are you willing to take this man? I will! Are you willing to take this woman? And they live happily ever after!

18 Here comes the baby! What sort of child will it grow up to be?
What values? What qualities of life? What social skills? What spiritual qualities? What physical qualities

19 Important Principle! Whatever you do, you need a blueprint – you need to see the end picture before you are ready to begin! You need a Plan

20 Train a Football Player
Not just playing games Not just watching games What is a good football player? What skills will he have? What character will he have? INTENTIONAL

21 What does a Disciple look like?
DAILY LIFE Discipling People is all about living out their Life

22 Define what a good follower of Jesus looks like
15 Qualities of Life of a Disciple

23 Discipling people is to build in these 15 Qualities into a person


25 We need to get deep into the Life of the Person
Daily Life We need to get deep into the Life of the Person

He appointed twelve – that they might be with him and that he might send them out to preach WITH HIM PRINCIPLE

27 Must be One on One

28 Each one being trained by someone Each one training someone

29 A person grows better when he is helping someone else to grow

30 The person is trained while he is training someone else – on the job training

31 Everyone can Disciple People to Disciple Others
At Least 4 Generations Jesus Disciples Make Disciples All I have Commanded Everyone can Disciple People to Disciple Others

32 Once we have agreed on the Qualities of the Life of a Disciple, then we need to find out how to build these qualities into People





37 “Making a Permanent Difference” Summary and Updated Version
Only 23 pages

38 Using the “Journey Guide”

39 Using the “Journey Guide”

40 You need Tools for building the 15 Qualities into your People

41 For Every Quality we have Tools
Smartphone App Website Printed Page


43 Discipling People Developing People Coaching People
This must become Priority for the Church of Jesus Christ

44 Change the way we look at our members

45 Members of our Church Attends Worship Attends Cell Group

46 Our View of Church Church is not the meetings
Don’t bring people to the church; bring the church to the people Church is everyday life The key is training disciples Disciples are to be sent out

47 The way to look at Our Members
D0 – Not being discipled D1 – Being discipled (not yet discipling others D2 – Training Disciples (has 1 Generation) D3 – Discipling others to Disciple others D4 – Has 3 Generations of Disciples

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