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MISSION: POSSIBLE a presence in Every Nation

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2 MISSION: POSSIBLE a presence in Every Nation
Matthew 28:19-20 NKJ ‘..baptise them and teach them to obey everything I have commanded you..’ MISSION: CHANGE

3 We are to baptize them- this suggests they have been born again
BAPTIZE.. DISCIPLE We are to baptize them- this suggests they have been born again We are to teach them to observe all that Jesus commanded us- this implies we need to disciple them

4 FOCUS ON DISCIPLING Real change in people’s lives happens when they receive Christ as savior and then become doers of the teachings of Christ Our mission is not only to get people saved but to further lead people into changed lives

5 Willow Creek mission ‘to turn irreligious people into fully devoted followers of Christ’

6 Leadership in its simplest form is moving people
FROM HERE TO THERE Leadership in its simplest form is moving people

Leaders lift Leaders empower Locate where people are at and add value to their lives Jesus modelled the lifting, empowering and adding value to people’s lives

8 JESUS MODEL During Jesus' earthly ministry, he invested in five distinct groups: a. an inner circle composed of Peter, James and John b. spiritual family of the twelve apostle

9 JESUS MODEL c. a team of 72 he personally equipped & sent d. a network of 120 who gathered in the upper room e. the multitudes he taught, healed and fed

10 MARK 6:32-42 NASB v. 37 But He answered them, “You give them something to eat!” v.38 And He said to them, “How many loaves do you have? Go look!”

11 MARK 6:32-42 NASB Jesus is intentionally moving the disciples from being mere observers to being participators Often people do not believe they have what it takes, thus as leaders we need to move people from being spectators to being participators

12 LEADERS THAT MOVE Leaders train other leaders to move the organization forward Leaders inspire an ‘I can do spirit’ – Moses, Peter Leaders identify, train and assign people

13 WHY INVOLVE OTHERS It will limit church growth, you cannot do ministry alone- Ac6; Ex 18 Whenever God calls someone, He surrounds them with people- Moses and the elders Ex 4:29; Ex 12:21 You multiply yourself in others Tim 2:2

14 HOW TO INVOLVE OTHERS Create an environment of stretching – Jesus challenged the disciples A shark grows in relation to its environment Allow people to fail and offer restorative counsel- Jesus with Peter

15 HOW TO INVOLVE OTHERS Inspire people with the belief that God can use them- Gideon (Jug 6) Look for loyalty- people who have been with you for a long time Remember, there is no sign on anyone’s forehead that they will make a great leader- Quote Dr Cho

That God’s work will not stumble when the baton passes from one generation to the other Increases our reach, to move into supernatural increase- Philip in Samaria

It ensures that we can have prevailing churches It ensures the passing on of legacy OUR MISSION IS NOT ONLY TO BAPTIZE, BUT THAT THE CHANGED LIVES RESUL IN DISCIPLES

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