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Security SIG in MTS Fraunhofer FOKUS Tallinn, 4-5 October 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Security SIG in MTS Fraunhofer FOKUS Tallinn, 4-5 October 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Security SIG in MTS Fraunhofer FOKUS Tallinn, 4-5 October 2011

2 ETSI work – TVRA framework Next steps & perspectives
Contents Motivation Planned output ETSI work – TVRA framework Next steps & perspectives Security SIG in MTS, 4-5 October 2011

3 Security Standardization bodies
International, e.g. ISO, ITU European, e.g. ETSI, ENISA National, e.g. NIST, AFNOR, DIN Industrial communities, e.g. IEEE, OMG Security SIG in MTS, 4-5 October 2011

4 Terminology (1): Standards
The Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation (CC) is the driving force for the widest available mutual recognition of secure IT products. This web portal is available to support the information on the status of the CCRA, the CC and the certification schemes, licensed laboratories, certified products and related information, news and events. The ISO series of standards have been specifically reserved by ISO for information security matters. This of course, aligns with a number of other topics, including ISO 9000 (quality management) and ISO (environmental management). Security SIG in MTS, 4-5 October 2011

5 Terminology (2): Recommondations
RFC2828 (191 pages of definitions and 13 pages of references) provides abbreviations, explanations, and recommendations for use of information system security terminology. OUSPG/Codenomicon Glossary of Vulnerability Testing Threat modeling framework (Trike): ETSI ISG on Security indicators (ISI) starting with R2GS Club terminology Security SIG in MTS, 4-5 October 2011

6 Sample terms Asset: Attack: …
Anything that has value to the organization (27000). Entities that the owner of the TOE presumably places value upon (CC). Data, or occasionally a physical object, which is featured in the business Rules of the System. Attack: Attempt to destroy, expose, alter, disable, steal or gain unauthorized access to or make unauthorized use of an asset (27000). A task which, if it worked, would help accomplish a threat (Trike). Control, Continuous Checking, Information Security Risk, Incident, Resilience, Security Event, Security Objective, Security level, … Security SIG in MTS, 4-5 October 2011

7 Case studies experiences
Industrial approaches validated in industry lead case studies, coming from ETSI members, e.g.: ITEA DIAMONDS project case studies: Smart Cards Industrial Automation Radio Protocols Transport/Automotive Telecommunication Security SIG in MTS, 4-5 October 2011

8 TVRA framework - objectives
TVRA is a method for use by ETSI standards developers undertaking an analysis of the threats, risks and vulnerabilities of a telecommunications system. Builds from (and complements) the Common Criteria (ISO/IEC 15408). Security SIG in MTS, 4-5 October 2011

9 TVRA in ETSI technical commitees
TISPAN WG7 (future WG “Risk management” on Privacy and Security technologies?) TR part 1, v4.2.3 ( ): method and proforma for TVRA part 2, v4.2.1 ( ): Protocol Framework Definition; Security Counter Measures TR v3.1.1 ( ): NGN Security TR v2.1.1 ( ): eSecurity, user guide to eTVRA STF 415 Security support to NGN: smart meter ITS: TR v1.1.1 ( ): Intelligent Transport Systems; Security: TVRA of 5,9 GHz radio communication in an ITS (vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-roadside) Security SIG in MTS, 4-5 October 2011

10 Next steps Contributions in MTS
Start Special Interest Group (SIG) for “security [testing]” First meeting 15th December 2011 in Berlin: NWI TS focusing on security testing terminology (methodology etc.)? Similar to ongoing performance testing work NWI TR focusing on security including industrial case studies? Similar to ETSI TR (Application of Model-Based Testing in the Telecoms Domain) Collaboration with INT new work item on Security/Benchmarking test plan (using MSF inputs) Collaboration with TISPAN TVRA lacks on test methods Enrichment with (model-based) testing techniques? Security SIG in MTS, 4-5 October 2011

11 More Steps & Perspectives
Contribution to new ETSI Industrial Specification Group (ISG) on Information Security Indicators (ISI) Transfer to other international committees (e.g. ISO) using PAS (public available specification) criteria to initiate further international NWI (e.g. via DIN) ETSI members support: FOKUS, Conformiq, TestingTech, Codenomicon, FSCOM, … Security SIG in MTS, 4-5 October 2011

12 x Timeline 2011 2012 2013 2014 SIG start ETSI initiatives ETSI drafts
ETSI final ISO input? ISO input? Security SIG in MTS, 4-5 October 2011

13 Thank you! Security SIG in MTS, 4-5 October 2011

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