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February 28 and 29.

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1 February 28 and 29

2 SOL Review Pair up, grab a lap top
Go to: Under “Ask Grammar, Quizzes, Search Devices”, select Interactive Quizzes from the drop down menu. Scroll down to the heading “NOTORIOUS CONFUSABLES” # , select quiz #125 and at least one other quiz and work with your partner to take it. When you have finished, select Submit Application and review your score and READ the notes for the ones you missed!!!!

3 Then… Writing SOL Review:
With your partner, choose ONE of the following prompts to answer: Some young people view celebrities — including professional athletes, actors, and musicians — as role models. Do you think that celebrities are good role models? Explain why or why not. According to an old saying, “Money can’t buy happiness.” Tell whether you agree or disagree and give reasons to support your opinion. Many important inventions have changed people’s lives. Discuss the invention you think has made the biggest change in the way people live. Submit your INTRODUCTORY PARAGRAPH with THESIS SENTENCE UNDERLINED, and your outline for the paper (see outline organizer under Daily Power Points)

4 The Catcher in the Rye Academic: Read chapter 7 as you read guide; What’s up with the red hat?; and Mental Instability – Death of Allie and Attending several different private schools. Honors: Read chapter 6, journals, What’s up with the red hat?; and Mental Instability – Death of Allie and Attending several different private schools.

5 Homework: Unfinished class work
Online text of The Catcher in the Rye: Rye/ 2nd third of book post due March 8th (B) and 9th (A).

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