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What is Nutrition? The process of using food and it’s substances to help your body have energy, grow, and work properly.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Nutrition? The process of using food and it’s substances to help your body have energy, grow, and work properly."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is Nutrition? The process of using food and it’s substances to help your body have energy, grow, and work properly.

3 Carbohydrates _IaY
Simple carbs – break down fast and provide quick energy Food Sources – Sugary foods like candy, cookies and syrup

4 Carbohydrates Complex Carbs: Break down slowly and provide lasting energy. Food sources Fruits, veggies and whole grains

5 Carbohydrates Fiber: Complex carbs that clean your intestines & makes you feel full longer Food sources – Same as complex carbs BENEFITS to your body Body’s main source of energy 50-60% of our diet should be carbohydrates

6 Fats 6WFYA Bad Fats Saturated
Trans Cholesterol Examples: Cheese, pizza, ice cream & beef

7 Fats Good Fats Unsaturated –Good in moderation
Examples: Avocado, olive oil, fish, & walnuts

8 Fats: Benefits to the body
Concentrated source of energy Insulates the body Cushions & Protects organs Helps absorb vitamins Slower to digests than carbohydrates Adds flavor to food

9 Protein AwcComplete
Contains all 9 essential amino acids Examples: Animal products – meat, fish and dairy products (some plant products: soy & quinoa)

10 Protein Incomplete: Missing one or more of the 9 essential amino acids
Food Sources: Grains, nuts, beans & corn

11 Protein – Benefits to the Body
Growth Builds and repairs body tissues & muscles Provides energy as a last resort

12 Vitamins 2rjA
Water-Soluble: B-complex and C, not stored Food Sources: B-Complex: Turkey, tuna, whole grains & beans Vitamin C: Citrus fruits, peppers, greens

13 Vitamins Vitamins A, D, E, & K,
Fat-soluable: Stored vitamins Vitamins A, D, E, & K, Food sources: Eggs, colorful fruits & veggies (especially orange and green), dairy, & oils Benefits to the body: Regulate chemical reactions in the body

14 Minerals Calcium Phosphorus Zinc Sodium: Salt Iron Potassium
Food sources: dairy, green veggies Phosphorus Food sources: dairy, meat Zinc Food sources: Meat, beans, dairy Sodium: Salt Iron Food sources: Meat, green veggies Potassium Food sources: Bananas, citrus fruits, green veggies, potatos

15 Minerals Benefits to the body Regulates all body processes

16 Water What foods do we find water in? Almost EVERYTHING!
Fruits, veggies, soups, juices, Why do we need water? c

17 Water – Benefits to the body
Carries nutrients to all parts of the body Helps get rid of the body’s waste Lubricates and cushions joints Aids in digestion Prevents constipation Keeps mucous membranes moist Regulates body temperature

18 What Factors influence your food choices?
Family & Friends Cultural Background Food Availability Time & Money Advertising Knowledge of Nutrition Personal Preferences

19 What’s the Difference? Appetite Hunger
The psychological desire for food. Usually stimulated by smell, sight or texture of food You WANT to eat, but don’t NEED to eat Hunger The physical NEED for food. Signs you NEED to eat may be: Stomach growling Stomach contracting Tiredness Light headed

20 What you eat affects what you do

21 What is Good Nutrition to YOU?

22 Food & Emotions Can food meet emotional needs?
What about a special event like birthday’s or holidays? What about comfort foods when you are sick or feeling sad? Is it healthy to use food as a way to deal with stress or boredom? Even though lots of people use food as a way to deal with stress or boredom, it is not a healthy way to respond to these feelings. What could you do to deal with stress or boredom rather than eating?

23 Bottom Line on Good Nutrition
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24 Sources
n/edible-innovations/fast-food2.htm Teen Health Textbook – Mary H. Bronson, Michael J. Cleary and Betty M. Hubbard.

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