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Presented by Randy Carter

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1 Presented by Randy Carter
SoftMic – Keypads /Creative Workflow Presented by Randy Carter


3 Field meanings...

4 ...Text Control: 3 scenarios: 1 – carriage return before text
2 – carriage return after text A - carriage return, insert line

5 Significant Results MIC_positive_res “RSS|Pos”

6 ...defined in Test setup.

7 Positive, not Significant...

8 Why Positive?

9 ...and

10 ...and

11 HIS notification... SoftMic has the ability to send the significant flag to the HIS by defining micparam, MIC_hl7_flags Position 4 - Controls whether the significant flag will be sent to HIS G= Significant flag will be sent to HIS if significant only. I= Significant flag will be sent to HIS if positive only (isolate). N = Significant flag will NOT be sent to HIS. Y = Significant flag will be sent to HIS if significant or positive (isolate).

12 ...and also Micro has the ability to send a significant flag to the HIS through the micparam, MIC_hl7_flags Position 5 – Allows a test without comments to cross to the HIS N = NO OBX segment will be added when the order does not have a comment or the comment is hidden. Y = An empty OBX will be sent to HIS when the order does not have a comment or the comment is hidden.

13 Batching Isolates You can now batch similar isolates from the worklist…probably most useful for the urine bench.

14 Isolate Reflexing - optional
AUT_TEST_ADD_CHAR and defined as “^^”

15 window

16 ...reflex to new or existing Isolate

17 ...edit existing Isolate

18 acknowledgement

19 Creative Workflow Ideas

20 Test Specific Media Test specific media allow for test specific keypads…many culture workups require a blood plate, but it often has a slightly different use depending on the test (specimen type). Using this idea will allow for shorter more specific keypads for each culture type.

21 …pulled by a Procedure.

22 Isolate Specific Media
Using media to signify an Isolate allow you to see exactly where each isolate workup is…and not have to open up different media comment windows to see where each workup is.

23 …that are added during workups.

24 “Dummy” Media Test specific media allow for test specific keypads…many culture workups require a blood plate, but it often has a slightly different use depending on the test (specimen type). Using this idea will allow for shorter more specific keypads for each culture type.

25 Worklist Columns Worklist columns can be specific for the 3 types: Receiving, Resulting and Review. Some information is more important than others or not needed at all depending on what phase you are at for the culture.

26 RE - Test Grid Columns

27 RE - Media Grid Columns Subcult media has a audit trail back to the parent media.

28 RE - Isolate Grid Columns

29 Questions?

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