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Voxeo Information and Process

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1 Voxeo Information and Process
January 18th, 2017

2 Purpose Describe the technology being implemented to manage Shift Offering Discuss what the implementation means for the Employee and the methods they will now have at their disposal Discuss implications to the various methods and their limitations

3 What is Outbound Notifications?
At the City of Toronto, the WFTS Outbound Notification feature will be used to notify personnel of Shift Offerings over voice, , and text devices quickly and reliably while following current business rules regarding seniority. WFTS keeps track of which employee was called and if they chose to accept or skip the offering. There are 4 major steps in the Outbound Notification process Process Duration: Target 1 -2 hours to fill vacancies Scheduler identifies vacancies 1. Identify Available Shifts Scheduler initiates Outbound Notifications 2. Initiate Call Out Employee receives notification by chosen method 3. Notification Employee may accept via Call In or Login 4. Offer Accepted Accept? Offer Expires

4 What do the Notifications look like?
Employee’s may be notified of available Shifts via one of 3 delivery mechanisms. Text Voice/Telephony SMITH, MIKE -> Fill Vacancy What: 12hrs PT EXTRA REG HRS Where: TPS//30B 5A2/Paramedic 1 #1 When: 12/05/16 07:00 <see Workforce TeleStaff to accept> PLAY

5 What does this mean for the Employee?
Individual Employee’s may elect to receive Shifts Offers via Text, or Voice Systematic enforcement of Shift Offers by Seniority and business rules Employee may view and/or accept Shift Offers online or via a mobile device While notifications will contain multiple shift offerings. More than one notification may be required to inform the Employee of all the vacancies. This has implications for the context Employee use to make a selection Illustrative Example: 5 offers, 2 notifications 1st Notification 2nd Notification Multiple notifications are required realize target process duration Target Process Duration: 1 – 2 hours Shifts are offered sequentially to individual Paramedics Typically number of offerings: 15 (Via voice delivery each shift offering takes approximately 40 – 45 seconds). Estimated 11 minute call duration Target number of contacts to fill the vacancies: 100 – 200

6 Web Based Shift Offering Acceptance Process
Receive Text Message Login Self Service Portal Receive New Security Code

7 Web Based Shift Offering Acceptance
Login to WFC or TS View Shift Offerings Accept / Skip Offerings

8 TeleStaff Application Access
Login to WFC or TS View Personal Calendar Make Requests

9 Outbound Mechanisms Call In or Log In for Voice or Web Based
Outbound Shift Offering 1. Voice Listen to all messages (may get multiple calls) 2. Text See each offer Bell “Read” to see each offer Rogers 3. for each offering NOT AVAILABLE 4. Pager N/A Call In or Log In for Voice or Web Based

10 Outbound Mechanisms Call In or Log In for Voice or Web Based
Outbound Shift Offering Text, , Pager Call TS or Scheduling to hear Voice Offerings 1. VOICE - Listen to all messages (may get multiple calls) - Accept / Skip - Slow Login to TS through Self Service Portal to read Offerings 2. WEB BASED - See all available offerings on main page - Quickly accept the desired shift

11 TPS Present Outbound Mechanisms
Outbound Shift Offering 8 employees/4 minutes Phone/Pager Call Scheduling and speak to scheduler 1. CALL One call answered at a time, First come first served No control of rules

12 Reference Key Definitions
Reserve Time: The scheduled period of time where the shift offering is protected for the candidate to make decision to accept or reject. It is triggered when a candidate “skips” a shift being offered. Once the Reserve time has the exceeded the shift offering is available for the next candidate Expire Time: The scheduled period of time where the shift offering may accept or rejected. Once the Expire time has the exceeded the shift offering is no longer available. CM Refresh Rate: Contact Manager Refresh Rate is the fixed rate at which WFTS will consolidate available shift offerings and present them to next eligible candidate Parameters that influence consolidation of offers  The following considerations and variables will impact the user experience as well as the behavior regarding multiple offers: Number of offers:
a. The number of offers that an employee receives is dependent on the number of available positions for their qualified job title, different shifts, and/or timeframes that a scheduler selects for outbound. Scenarios can function differently with a smaller number of offers versus a greater number of offers. (Dis)Qualifying Rules and factors:
a. Accepting or rejecting an offer will conclude the current opportunity. WFTS will 
then reevaluate the rules for all subsequent offers/vacancies for the candidate. Additional calls may be placed based on WFTS reassessing the remaining offers and determining if the candidate is not overworked, already staffed during the same time frame, and/or if their placement on the list has changed due to the acceptance or rejection of previous offers. 
 Scheduled tasks: 
 a. Two main impacts from the Workforce TeleStaff task manager are: resource consumption affecting processing time, and auto-assign tasks placing candidates into on-duty positions that could potentially conflict with a vacancy being manually outbounded. Potential task examples are as follows: i. PT Import – occurs every 6 weeks ii. PT Plot – occurs every 6 weeks iii. PT/Swing Station Move – occurs daily Reserve Time (Hiring List): Reserve time is the length of time that an opportunity is held for an individual during the outbound. Once an employee listens and skips through an offer, the reserve time starts counting down for that individual offer. Lessening the reserve timeframe can result in an employee still listening to original set of opportunities while the reserve has expired for the initial offer. This will cause WFTS to initiate a call for the second candidate. Processing
a. The Fill by Rules hiring engine takes numerous variables into consideration prior to creating a list of available and qualified employees. The number of available candidates as well as the complexity of the rules will affect how quickly WFTS can generate a list and initiate a call. Multiple offers will cause WFTS to evaluate each position individually before producing a hiring list Contact Manager Refresh Rate:
a. Dictates the time between cycles at which the Workforce TeleStaff contact manager acknowledges an outbound to be placed. Based on the items reviewed above, adjusting the refresh rate will have minimal impact on the observed behavior when providing candidates with multiple offers. Phone Providers:
i. Due to the variance in carrier/telephony providers as well as technologies unpredictable behaviors may be experienced.

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