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Welcome as a new master student at Department of Informatics !

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome as a new master student at Department of Informatics !"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome as a new master student at Department of Informatics !

2 Outline of today Welcome by head of department Knut Liestøl
Information from head of studies Dag Langmyhr Information from student administration Information meeting for each program Meet and greet with the research groups Party in Escape (student bar)

3 This is the first of two mandatory master weeks
Dag told you about the second week that focus on writing Here ycan find the program for this week: We hope that you will get to know the building, eachother and get ready for courses that start next week

4 Our master programs Informatics; programming and networks
•Informatics; nanoelectronics and robotics •Informatics; language and communication •Informatics; design, use, interaction •Informatics; technical and scientific applications Innovation and Entrepenurship •Also we have two more: •Network and system administration •IT og Ledelse 11. april 2011 Ny Powerpoint mal 2011

5 Student administration
You find our reception at 4th floor We are open every day from 12-15 Our is

6 Student card You must take a picture and get a student card at SIO information center in Kristian Ottosens hus, at Blindern Campus, (in the same building as the bookstore Akademika) You must pay your semester fee before you can get the student card. With this card you get access to this building.

7 User name and password You either got this to your phone or in the welcome information If not: It-support for students is located in the reception on the first floor, there is also a helpdesk on campus; Houston located in the same building as Akademika

8 Important deadlines First deadline for course registration is Thursday 18. august (tomorrow) the the course registration is closed until august 23th. Final deadline for signing up for courses is September 1. September 1. is also the deadline for:

9 Pay semester fee Signing up for courses Register in StudentWeb Apply for «special examination arrangements»

10 StudentWeb Is found here: As a master student you register for courses in «active courses» or «aktive emner» do not use the indivdual study plan You must register and pay the semester fee each semester

11 For those of you with «Betinget opptak»
Husk at betingelsen må innfris i løpet av første studieår. For spørsmål rundt betingelsen ta kontakt med oss. 11. april 2011 Ny Powerpoint mal 2011

12 Where do you find information?
Master pages at the IFI website Here is updated information, from the very start and until you deliver the thesis, also the course website (semester page)

13 Study plan agreement By December you must hand in your study plan agreement this is where you decide upon courses in your master degree, and who your supervisor is. •More information about available theses and meetings with the different research groups and Simula, UNIK and SINTEF will be held in september/october.

14 External education If you have some courses or education from outside of UiO and want to use that in our master degree, come to by us in the administration and talk with us.

15 Exchange? It’s possible to take one semester as an exchange student: you will get invitation to information meeting about this soon.

16 The student life at IFI and UiO
A lot of student organisations: Navet, FuI, Cyb, Verdande and many more, Dagen invites all master students to a kick off next week. Read more in «IFI-Blekka» A lot of student organisations at UiO, August 22. you can get to know them on Blindern campus.

17 SiO student welfare organisation
Have a lot of offers; Health Sports Housing Kindergartens Etc. read more about SiO on

18 Career center at UiO Use them!
Workshops Career Counseling CV and Cover letter The Job Interview Career Fairs

19 Who to contact: Under the program you can look at the Contact page to find out if it is IFI, the MN-Faculty or Knutepunktet that you should contact.

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