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FIELDS Keith Goetz Solar Probe Plus A NASA Mission to Touch the Sun

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1 FIELDS Keith Goetz Solar Probe Plus A NASA Mission to Touch the Sun
Solar Probe Plus A NASA Mission to Touch the Sun 17-19 May 2016

2 FIELDS Outline Block Diagram Changes Since Mission CDR
PDR/CDR RFA Status Subsystem Status Test Flow GSE (Facilities and Equipment) Product Assurance Waivers & Deviations Anomalies & PFRs SOC status Summary Backup

3 FIELDS Instrument Sensors
V2 electric antenna Unchanged from CDR Five voltage sensors Two Fluxgate magnetometers One Search-Coil Magnetometer Main Electronics Package V3 electric antenna MAGi, MAGo SCM MEP V4 electric antenna V5 electric antenna V1 electric antenna

4 FIELDS Block Diagram Two Sides Each has a Spacecraft I/F
Each has a Magnetometer Each has Antenna Biasing Each has a Power Supply FIELDS1 also has Data Controller Board Radio Frequency Spectrometer Digital Fields Board SCM Calibration Control Absolute Time Sequencer TDS I/F FIELDS2 also has Time Domain Sampler DCB I/F SWEAP I/F

5 FIELDS Major Changes since M-CDR
No science requirement changes have occurred Changes since M-CDR Reason for Change Impact on Resources Replace V1234 whip retention with APL WRS Avoid resonances in whips during launch Mass increase V1234 antenna mechanical design (hinge angle, materials, harnessing) Whip Retention System Thermal model evolution Minor mass increase Change V1234 thermal characteristics and PA qualification Increase MAG boom sensor heater allocations Boom thermal balance test results Power increase

Review # RFAs # Open # Closed # Concurred I-PDR 20 (16/4) 20 I-CDR 32 (26/6) 3 29 27 SOC CDR 5 F-OR 11 (8/3) 1 10

7 FIELDS RFAs Not Yet Concurred
CDR RFA Title Owner Status Progress 2 Scrub and update FIELDS ICDs FIELDS Open Seven signed One to sign One in progress – 31 May 5 Evaluate impact of S/C dynamic response for V12342 APL In progress 22 LNPS Loading Requirements Closed 23 Grounding In progress – 31 May 26 First Motion Deployment of V1234 after S/C-Level vibe RFA # FO CDR RFAs Owner Status Progress 1 Close iCDR RFAs FIELDS Open RFA #2 above

8 FIELDS LNPS FMs LNPS1 (above) and LNPS2 (below) are complete
Both are tested and fully functional Both have 500+ hours of burn-in TV heat rejection testing has been done LNPS1 delivered to instrument I&T at UCB in April LNPS2 will come with the TDS

9 FIELDS DCB/RFS FM1 Assembly is complete Digital tests complete
RFS analog section performance currently in calibration. FPGA completed all simulations All RFS FPGA spectral processing tests and anti-aliasing filtering successful Boot PROM to be soldered in Delivery to I&T mid-May

10 FIELDS DCB/RFS FM1 Flight Software
Verified RFS high & low frequency receiver (HFR & LFR) power spectra Verified HFR select cross spectra with phase accuracy to 0.1 degree! Verified LFR high resolution spectra Verified burst power spectra Compresses at 2.38 Mbps Verified flash data storage & read back into telemetry All FSW essential features are complete Cross Spectral Analysis Nailed the Right Frequency and Coherence

11 FIELDS TDS FM TDS is partially complete Red circles on ADCs
Blue circle on PROM Partially tested Awaiting flight parts AD7621 analog to digital converter is a commercial PEM Testing complete Screening complete Qualification on-going Lot jeopardy risk Expect final assembly by 1 May and delivery to instrument I&T in early June

12 FIELDS AEB FMs AEBs assemblies are complete (AEB2 on the left, AEB1 on the right) Expect to deliver AEB1 to I&T in May (with the DCB) Expect to deliver AEB2 to I&T in June (with the TDS)

13 FIELDS DFB FM DFB assembly is complete Red circle on SideCar ASIC
ADC module Board level testing revealed a problem in SideCar ASIC 2 ADC channels w/ low impedance Work-arounds exist to use as-is but root cause is unknown Possible ESD Current board – FM1 – to become FS A new board is being assembled With more attention to ESD possibilities FM1 expected at UCB in mid-June FM2 expected at UCB in early-July

14 FIELDS V1234 PAs FMs V1234 preamplifiers (4) and spares (2) are complete Awaiting testing

15 FIELDS Test Results High Fidelity EM Built Integrated Tested
Test-bed to be used throughout mission FM will start I&T in May

16 FIELDS V1234 Antennas EM antennas have been built and tested at temperature Odeillo, SAO, ORNL TV - hot and cold deploys TB (3) Vibe FM fab in progress

17 FIELDS V5 FM Electronics board is assembled
MAG screening shows mechanical components are magnetically clean Screening shows that EEE components carry ~.1nT at location of MAGo

18 FIELDS SCM EM SCM assembly (EM at right) schedule at risk of delay due to personnel losses at Orléans and competition from other projects FIELDS is working to retain skilled technician and keep development on track – FM coil testing shown below Late summer delivery of FM is now planned

19 FIELDS MAGi/o FMs MAGo electronics (above) and sensor (below) are complete Instrument is tested and qualified Instrument is calibrated, staked and conformal coated Tested Performance, Vibe, partial EMC Instrument now has 100+ hours of burn-in MAGo is ready deliver to instrument I&T at UCB GSFC PSR completed 25 April No actions MAGi will be ready shortly

20 FIELDS EM Boom Thermal Balance
Sensor TBs have been done stand-alone A full boom TB was done in January 2016 Worked very well Found the boom to be at the cold end of its predicted range Required somewhat more heat (MAGi, MAGo and SCM) than was expected Heater authority as-is is ok Heater allocation needs to increase A repeat on the flight hardware is planned for March 2017

21 FIELDS Firmware/Software Status
Flight Software Status DCB 97% complete TDS 95% complete DFB ASIC 100% complete FPGA Resources Aeroflex UT6325 % done Total Utilized Logic Cells Utilized Logic Cell Fragments IO Cells Utilized RAM/FIFO Clocks MAGi/o 100% 91.9% 57.3% 50.5% 18/24 1/9 RTAX-4000 % done R-Cells C-Cells R+C Cells RAM/FIFO IO w/Clocks DCB 99% 48.5% 62.5% 57.8% 71/120 457/840 TDS 95% 56% 68/120 249/840 DFB 77.1% 95.9% 89.7% 94/120 279/840

22 FIELDS Verification Schedule
We identified 858 requirements at level-4

23 FIELDS Test Flow 10/7/16 12/7/16 3/1/17

24 FIELDS Ground Support Equipment
Bench Testing In constant use Uses stimuli Uses S/C emulators and GSEOS Uses GSEOS to send commands Allows script execution Uses GSEOS to acquire data Delivers data to users Allows SOC access to data Allows early development Using real data streams

25 FIELDS SOC Status SOC planning is well along
Based on recent RBSP development Evolves naturally from existing GSE data handling Instrument operations Evaluating recently released GSEOS software for the generation and transmission of commands Working with the MOC and other instruments on the science planning process Adapted an existing tool for choosing the FIELDS select data Science Data Center CDF data format, naming conventions, data archive directory structure, etc. established and consistent with previous missions Data pipeline code builds off of GSE/EM test code, routines are under development Coming milestones FIELDS SOC support of FIELDS instrument I&T this summer FIELDS SOC support of S/C I&T next year and beyond

26 FIELDS Issues, Anomalies & PFRs
Open Issues MAG white-painted blankets DCB flash memory parts – soldering of gold plated leads Boom sensor heater power allocation vs authority V1234 heater power in all cases V3 heat from SPC Anomalies & PFRs DFB SideCar ASIC problem – new FM in production GSE over-voltage – no damage

27 FIELDS Waivers and Deviations
Waiver/Deviation W/D Status PWB plating thickness W Approved MAG heater power in-rush Submitted Tin whiskers in transformers At PMPCB Grounding in remote boxes In preparation Harness w/ primary, secondary and signals

28 FIELDS Summary Flight hardware is coming together
Problems are being worked Flight firmware and software is ready for I&T today Fully functional at the instrument level Requirements are well understood – verification plan ready Plans lead to fully qualified flight hardware toward the end of 2016 Schedule reserve exists – allowing for known risks and issues FIELDS expects to deliver to S/C I&T in March 2017

29 FIELDS Backup

30 FIELDS V1234 TPS Shift Accommodation
V1234 antennas mount to spacers which mount to TSA structure Spacers are designed to give equal illumination to all 4 antennas Spacer size for V1 and V2 have changed to accommodate chamfer change Spacer size for V1 and V4 will change to accommodate one of three TPS sizes (V2 and V3 are on the –X side and are unaffected) Current plans call for spacer manufacture by APL

31 FIELDS Drawing Status ALL drawings required for flight fabrication have been released Unreleased drawings related to: Flight firmware Flight software Final heaters

32 FIELDS FM Hardware Build Status
Board name Layout PWB Fab Coupon testing Assembly Reported by Updated AEB1 ü Dennis S 1/4/16 AEB2 DB FM (DCB) 5/30/16 Peter H 4/27/16 DB FM (TDS) 8/17/16 Keith G. 4/11/16 DB FM (DFB) 8/24/16 Mary DCB/RFS Dorothy 10/21/15 DFB (FM1) 3/20/16 DFB (FM2) 5/12/16 3/21/16 LNPS1 Keith 3/1/16 LNPS2 MAG1 Dave S MAG2 PA1234 1/5/16 PA5 3/22/16 TDS 5/13/16

33 FIELDS Test Procedures
Source: SPF_IAT_010_TestProcListing.xlsx

34 FIELDS Ground Support Equipment
UCB I&T Facilities (214B) Post-Transport Testing Area Soldering/Cleaning Bench GSEOS Computers, Displays Signal Generators & Scopes EM Main Electronics Assembly & Test EMC (CE) measurements Test Platform for Ops FM Main Electronics Assembly Initial Testing End-to-End with 1 Antenna Source: SPF_MGMT_020_Facilities/214B

35 FIELDS Ground Support Equipment
UCB I&T Facilities (320E) FIELDS and SWEAP Built Class Clean Room GSE Benches Outside FM Antennas Assembly and Test FM Main Electronics Post-Coat Re-Assembly Final Testing FIELDS-SWEAP Tests Calibration w/ Antennas TV Chambers Available (in 320) Vibration Table (B20) EMC in SF Bay Area Source: SPF_MGMT_020_Facilities/320B

36 FIELDS Ground Support Equipment
Bench Testing In constant use Uses stimuli Uses S/C emulators and GSEOS Uses GSEOS to send commands Allows script execution Uses GSEOS to acquire data Delivers data to users Allows SOC access to data Allows early development Using real data streams

37 FIELDS Ground Support Equipment
S/C CPT Testing Uses stimuli for CPTs Allows coordinated timing tests Using S/C GSE sync Uses S/C and MOC Uses GSEOS to send commands Uses GSEOS to acquire data Delivers data to users Uses SOC to acquire data Produces data products

38 FIELDS Ground Support Equipment
Flight Configuration Uses S/C and MOC Uses GSEOS to send commands Uses SOC to acquire data Delivers data to users Produces data products

39 FIELDS Ground Support Equipment
MAG stimuli cans

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