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DU Mini-Workshops on GIS Modeling -- Surface Modeling/Analysis

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1 DU Mini-Workshops on GIS Modeling -- Surface Modeling/Analysis
Introduction to GIS Modeling Week 6 — GIS Modeling Procedures GEOG 3110 –University of Denver Presented by Joseph K. Berry W. M. Keck Scholar, Department of Geography, University of Denver Anatomy of a GIS Model (landslide susceptibility); Example GIS Model (electric transmission line routing); Mini-Project discussion; other GIS Model Examples as time allows (land planning, wildfire risk, pipeline routing and retail competition analysis) Joseph K. Berry, Keck Visiting Scholar

2 DU Mini-Workshops on GIS Modeling -- Surface Modeling/Analysis
Online Exam 1 (Midterm) This exam is a 2.0 hour, closed book affair taken over the Internet (honor system) — you can take during any 2.5-hour block after 8:00 am Friday February 11 and must be completed by 5:00 pm Wednesday February 16 (submit via to You will download the exam from the class website, Homework Section (time/date stamped) and the completed document to me within 2.5 hours Note– Tutor25.rgs, Agdata.rgs, Island.rgs, Bighorn.rgs, GosseEgg.rgs and Smallville.rgs databases are accessed from MapCalc Have a hand calculator or use Window’s Calculator… Start Programs Accessories Calculator How things work: Choose 1 of the three 25-point questions… Part 2 50 Points Note that there will be three parts to the exam— answer FIVE questions for Part 1, ONE from Part 2 and ONE from Part 3 Terminology/concepts: Choose any 5 of the seven 20-point questions (i.e., do not answer two) Part 1 50 Points Mini-exercises: Choose 1 of the three 25-point questions Part 3 50 Points (Berry) Joseph K. Berry, Keck Visiting Scholar

3 Class Logistics and Schedule
DU Mini-Workshops on GIS Modeling -- Surface Modeling/Analysis Class Logistics and Schedule Blue Light Special … 15 minutes of Instructor “Help” with midterm study question “toughies” Midterm Study Questions (hopefully you are participating in a study group) Midterm Exam …you will download and take the 2.5-hour exam online (honor system) sometime between 8:00 am Friday February 11 and must be completed by 5:00 pm Wednesday February 16 Exercise #6 (mini-project) — you will form your own teams (1 to 3 members) and tackle one of the six mini-projects; we will discuss the project “opportunities” in great detail later in class— Must team membership and choice of project by midnight tonight …assigned tonight Thursday, February 10 and final report due Sunday, February 20 by 5:00pm Submit the Report’s Body and Appendix separately as Word .doc files …Web Layout with Figure Tables not to exceed 6.5 inches in width No Exercise Week 7 — a moment for “dance of celebration” Exercises #8 and #9 — to tailor your work to your interests, you can choose to not complete either or both of these standard exercises; in lieu of an exercise, however, you must submit a short paper (4-8 pages) on a GIS modeling topic of your own choosing. Berry Joseph K. Berry, Keck Visiting Scholar

4 DU Mini-Workshops on GIS Modeling -- Surface Modeling/Analysis
Spill Migration Modeling (mini-Project 8 “essence”) Elevation Surface Overland Flow Model 1) The Pipeline is positioned on the Elevation surface 1) Pipeline 4) A Report is written identifying flow paths that cross HCA areas X HCA Impact 4) Report 2) Flow from Spill Points along the pipeline are simulated X 2) Spill Point #1 3) High Consequence Areas (HCA) are identified 3) HCA 5) Overland flow is halted when Flowing Water is encountered (Channel Flow Model) 5) Flowing Water (Berry) Joseph K. Berry, Keck Visiting Scholar

5 DU Mini-Workshops on GIS Modeling -- Surface Modeling/Analysis
Types of Surface Flows Common sense suggests that “water flows downhill” however the corollary is “…but not always the same way” (See Beyond Mapping III online book, Topic 20 “Surface Flow Modeling” at (Berry) Joseph K. Berry, Keck Visiting Scholar

6 DU Mini-Workshops on GIS Modeling -- Surface Modeling/Analysis
Characterizing Overland Flow and Quantity Intervening terrain and conditions form Flow Impedance and Quantity maps that are used to estimate flow time and retention (Over) (Thru) Link to Spill1_animation (Berry) Joseph K. Berry, Keck Visiting Scholar

7 DU Mini-Workshops on GIS Modeling -- Surface Modeling/Analysis
Simulating Different Product Types Physical properties combine with terrain/conditions to model the flow of different product types Flow Velocity is a function of— Specific Gravity (p), Viscosity (n) and Depth (h) of product Slope Angle (spatial variable computed for each grid cell) (Berry) Joseph K. Berry, Keck Visiting Scholar

8 DU Mini-Workshops on GIS Modeling -- Surface Modeling/Analysis
Characterizing Impacted Areas Flows from spill 1, 2 and 3 The minimum time for flows from all spills… Drinking water HCA Impacted portion of the Drinking water HCA characterizes the impact for the High Consequence Areas (Berry) Joseph K. Berry, Keck Visiting Scholar

9 DU Mini-Workshops on GIS Modeling -- Surface Modeling/Analysis
Modeling Stream Channel Flow (Vector) 3) Impacted High Consequence Areas (HCA) are identified In= hr Out= 9.86 hr HCA 3) Impacted HCA Times 4) Report is written identifying flow paths that cross HCA areas 4) Report of Impacted HCA’s 2.5 + ( ) = 3.5 hours total 1) Channel Flow Time 0 hr 7.3 hr 8.4 hr 9.6 hr 10.8 hr 10.1 hr 13.1 hr 11.2 hr 13.6 hr 1) Channel Flow times along stream network segments are added Base Point Overland Flow (Raster) 2) Overland Flow time and quantity at entry is noted X .14 .12 .27 .25 .72 .78 Overland Flow (2.5 hours) 2) Overland Flow Entry Time X = = hr away from Base Point 11.2 hr 13.1 hr Channel Flow Model (Berry) Joseph K. Berry, Keck Visiting Scholar

10 GIS Modeling (Binary Logic; Ranking Model)
DU Mini-Workshops on GIS Modeling -- Surface Modeling/Analysis GIS Modeling (Binary Logic; Ranking Model) Binary Choropleth Calculate Slope Renumber Renum 0, 1 (Berry) Joseph K. Berry, Keck Visiting Scholar

11 GIS Modeling (Arithmetic Average; Rating Model refinement)
DU Mini-Workshops on GIS Modeling -- Surface Modeling/Analysis GIS Modeling (Arithmetic Average; Rating Model refinement) Ratio Isopleth Calculate Renumber Renum 1 - 9 (Berry) Joseph K. Berry, Keck Visiting Scholar

12 GIS Modeling (Simple Buffer Extension)
DU Mini-Workshops on GIS Modeling -- Surface Modeling/Analysis GIS Modeling (Simple Buffer Extension) Spread Renumber Calculate 0, 1 (Berry) Joseph K. Berry, Keck Visiting Scholar

13 GIS Modeling (Effective Buffer Extension)
DU Mini-Workshops on GIS Modeling -- Surface Modeling/Analysis …but what about a refinement that would create a weighted proximity buffer with declining weight factors for increasing distance— 0 = outside buffer 1 = road cell .9 = close to road : = increasing distance .1 = buffer edge cell 0 - 1 Spread Renumber 0, 1 (Berry) Joseph K. Berry, Keck Visiting Scholar

14 Transmission Line Routing Model (Hypothetical)
DU Mini-Workshops on GIS Modeling -- Surface Modeling/Analysis Transmission Line Routing Model (Hypothetical) Goal – identify the best route for an electric transmission line that considers various criteria for minimizing adverse impacts. Existing Powerline Proposed Substation Criteria – the transmission line route should… Avoid areas of high housing density …prefer low housing density Avoid areas that are far from roads …prefer close to roads Avoid areas within or near sensitive areas …prefer far from sensitive areas Avoid areas of high visual exposure to houses …prefer low visual exposure Houses Roads Sensitive Areas Elevation (See Beyond Mapping III, Topic 19 for more information) (Berry) Joseph K. Berry, Keck Visiting Scholar

15 DU Mini-Workshops on GIS Modeling -- Surface Modeling/Analysis
Routing and Optimal Paths (Avoid high housing density) MOST PREFERRED ROUTE PROPOSED SUBSTATION (END) Step 3. The steepest downhill path from the Substation over the Accumulated Preference surface identifies the “most preferred route”— Most Preferred Route avoiding areas of high visual exposure AVOID AREAS OF HIGH HOUSING DENSITY Step 1. Housing Density levels (0-83 houses) are translated into values indicating relative preference (1= most preferred to 9=least preferred) for siting a transmission line at every location in the project area. HOUSES HOUSING DENSITY DISCRETE PREFERENCE MAP Least preferred (high cost) Most preferred (low cost) ACCUMULATED PREFERENCE SURFACE EXISTING POWERLINE (START) Step 2. Accumulated Preference from the existing powerline to all other locations is generated based on the Discrete Preference map. Single-criteria Model (Berry) Joseph K. Berry, Keck Visiting Scholar

16 Routing Model Flowchart (Model Logic)
DU Mini-Workshops on GIS Modeling -- Surface Modeling/Analysis Routing Model Flowchart (Model Logic) Model logic is captured in a flowchart where the boxes represent maps and lines identify processing steps leading to a spatial solution High Housing Density …build on this single factor Far from Roads In or Near Sensitive Areas High Visual Exposure Avoid areas of… “Algorithm” “Calibrate” “Weight” Within a single map layer Among a set of map layers Multi-criteria Model (Berry) Joseph K. Berry, Keck Visiting Scholar

17 Routing Model Flowchart (Model Logic)
DU Mini-Workshops on GIS Modeling -- Surface Modeling/Analysis Routing Model Flowchart (Model Logic) Model logic is captured in a flowchart where the boxes represent maps and lines identify processing steps leading to a spatial solution Within a single map layer Among a set of map layers Step 1 Identify overall Discrete Preference (1 Good to 9 Bad rating) “Algorithm” “Calibrate” “Weight” Step 3 Identify the Most Preferred Route from the end location End Start Best Route Step 2 Generate an Accumulated Preference surface from the starting location to everywhere Start Route Accumulation Surface (Berry) Joseph K. Berry, Keck Visiting Scholar

18 DU Mini-Workshops on GIS Modeling -- Surface Modeling/Analysis
Step 1 Discrete Preference Map Most Preferred Discrete Preference Map Least Preferred …identifies the “relative preference” of locating a route at any location throughout a project area considering all four criteria [avoid areas of High Housing Density, Far from Roads, In/Near Sensitive Areas and High Visual Exposure] “Pass” “Mountain” of impedance (avoid) Calibrate …then Weight HDensity RProximity SAreas VExposure (Berry) Joseph K. Berry, Keck Visiting Scholar

19 DU Mini-Workshops on GIS Modeling -- Surface Modeling/Analysis
Step 2 Accumulated Preference Map DU Mini-Workshops on GIS Modeling -- Surface Modeling/Analysis (digital slide show AccumSurface) Accumulated Preference Map (most preferred) “Pass” (most preferred) “Pass” …identifies the “total incurred preference” (minimal avoidance) to locate the preferred route from a Starting location to everywhere in the project area Splash Algorithm – like tossing a stick into a pond with waves emanating out and accumulating preference as the wave front moves (Berry) Joseph K. Berry, Keck Visiting Scholar

20 DU Mini-Workshops on GIS Modeling -- Surface Modeling/Analysis
Step 3 Most Preferred Route (digital video OptimalPath) Optimal Route (most preferred) “Pass” (most preferred) “Pass” …the steepest downhill path from the End over the accumulated preference surface identifies the optimal route that minimizes traversing areas to avoid (most suitable) Note: Straightening and Centering techniques can be applied …see Beyond Mapping III, Topic 19 for more information (Berry) Joseph K. Berry, Keck Visiting Scholar

21 DU Mini-Workshops on GIS Modeling -- Surface Modeling/Analysis
Step 4 Generating Optimal Path Corridors (digital slide show TotalAccumulation.ppt) (most preferred) “Pass” (most preferred) “Pass” Optimal Corridor …the accumulation surfaces from the Start to the End locations are added together to create a total accumulation surface—the “valley” is flooded to identify the set of nearly optimal routes (Berry) Joseph K. Berry, Keck Visiting Scholar

22 Model Results (Georgia Experience ...EPRI, GTC, Photo Science)
DU Mini-Workshops on GIS Modeling -- Surface Modeling/Analysis Model Results (Georgia Experience ...EPRI, GTC, Photo Science) Feature Article in GeoWorld, April, 2004 A Consensus Method Finds Preferred Routing See Combining alternative corridors identifies the decision space reflecting various perspectives (Berry) Joseph K. Berry, Keck Visiting Scholar

23 DU Mini-Workshops on GIS Modeling -- Surface Modeling/Analysis
Routing Model Flowchart DU Mini-Workshops on GIS Modeling -- Surface Modeling/Analysis Siting Model Simple Average Equally important Engineering 5 times more important Natural Built Route Avoidance Areas Non- Spannable Water bodies Mines and Quarries (actvie) Buildings Airports Military Facilities EPA Superfund Sites State and National Parks USFS Wilderness Area Wild/Scenic Rivers Wildlife Refuge Listed Archeology Listed NRHP Districts And City and County Parks Day Care Centers Cemetery Parcels School (K-12) Church …maps identifying areas that must be avoided Weight Engineering Linear Infrastructure Slope …maps of the criteria for siting are identified, then interpreted by different stakeholder groups for relative importance in routing Public Lands Floodplain Land Cover Wildlife Habitat Streams/ Wetlands Natural Environment Proximity to Buildings Spannable Lakes/Ponds Proposed Dev.s Land Use Building Density Built Environment Calibrate (Berry) Joseph K. Berry, Keck Visiting Scholar

24 DU Mini-Workshops on GIS Modeling -- Surface Modeling/Analysis
Alternate Corridors …Alternate Corridors for each stakeholder perspective are generated Built Natural Engineering Simple (Average) All (Berry) Joseph K. Berry, Keck Visiting Scholar

25 Additional Data Collection
DU Mini-Workshops on GIS Modeling -- Surface Modeling/Analysis Additional Data Collection …extensive site-specific information is gathered within the Alternative Corridor boundaries to aid in refining and selecting final options (Berry) Joseph K. Berry, Keck Visiting Scholar

26 DU Mini-Workshops on GIS Modeling -- Surface Modeling/Analysis
Generate Alternative Routes (Design Team) DU Mini-Workshops on GIS Modeling -- Surface Modeling/Analysis …Design Team finalizes the Alternate Routes Routes are defined within the Alternative Corridors using expert judgment. Objective Quantitative Predictable Consistent Defensible Exceptions are noted for deviations from optimal paths within the corridor area… …deviations outside the corridor area require variance approval Built Natural Engineering Simple (Berry) Joseph K. Berry, Keck Visiting Scholar

27 Routing Model Experience (Conclusions)
DU Mini-Workshops on GIS Modeling -- Surface Modeling/Analysis Routing Model Experience (Conclusions) The Methodology is… Objective, Quantitative, Predictable, Consistent, Defensible GIS-based approaches for routing electric transmission lines utilize relative ratings (calibration) and relative importance (weights) in considering factors affecting potential routes. A quantitative process for establishing objective and consistent weights is critical in developing a robust and defendable transmission line siting methodology. Note: there are advance techniques for Calibration and Weighting …link to CalibrateWeight.ppt See Feature Article in GeoWorld, April, 2004 “A Consensus Method Finds Preferred Routing” (Georgia Experience) See select , online book Beyond Mapping III, Topic 19 “Routing and Optimal Paths” See select Column Supplements Beyond Mapping, September 03, Delphi (Calibration) See select Column Supplements Beyond Mapping, September 03, AHP (Weighting) (Berry) Joseph K. Berry, Keck Visiting Scholar

28 Mini-Project (Exercise #6)
DU Mini-Workshops on GIS Modeling -- Surface Modeling/Analysis Mini-Project (Exercise #6) Exercise #6 (mini-project) — you will form your own teams (1 to 3 members) and tackle one of eight projects …assigned today and final report due Sunday, February 21 by 5:00pm Project 1 – Hugag Habitat Suitability Revisited Project 2 – Visual Exposure to Timber Harvesting Project 3 – Emergency Response Project 4 – Geo-Business Analysis Project 5 – Landslide Susceptibility Project 6 – Transmission Line Routing Project 7 – Wildfire Risk Analysis Project 8 – Pipeline Spill Migration (Berry) Joseph K. Berry, Keck Visiting Scholar

29 GIS Modeling (Example Project)
DU Mini-Workshops on GIS Modeling -- Surface Modeling/Analysis GIS Modeling (Example Project) Example Project – Slippery Mountain Landfill Suitability …criteria for a 0 (not suitable), 1 (minimally suitable) through 9 (extremely suitable) …Your charge is to prepare a prospectus for deriving the Landfill Suitability map that clearly explains how each of criteria are evaluated and then combined into an overall suitability map that respects the legal constraints and reflects the county commissioners’ criteria weightings. In addition, calculate the average landfill suitability rating for each district (Districts map). Finally, generate a map that identifies the average rating within 300 meters (3-cell reach) for each of the housing locations (Housing map). (Berry) Joseph K. Berry, Keck Visiting Scholar

30 Example Graded Project – Landfill Suitability
DU Mini-Workshops on GIS Modeling -- Surface Modeling/Analysis Example Graded Project – Landfill Suitability …posted online at class website, under “Lecture Notes” section, Week 6, Graded Mini-Project Example (Berry) Joseph K. Berry, Keck Visiting Scholar

31 Project 1 – Hugag Habitat Suitability Revisited
DU Mini-Workshops on GIS Modeling -- Surface Modeling/Analysis Project 1 – Hugag Habitat Suitability Revisited …add four new habitat criteria Hugags like to be near water Hugags are terrified of roads Hugags like cover diversity Hugags like to be near forest edges …implement a weighted average analysis and compare the old and new results (Berry) Joseph K. Berry, Keck Visiting Scholar

32 Project 2 – Visual Exposure to Timber Harvesting
DU Mini-Workshops on GIS Modeling -- Surface Modeling/Analysis Project 2 – Visual Exposure to Timber Harvesting (Berry) Joseph K. Berry, Keck Visiting Scholar

33 Project 3 – Emergency Response
DU Mini-Workshops on GIS Modeling -- Surface Modeling/Analysis Project 3 – Emergency Response …first phase off-road travel by ATV starting at any road location and encountering the following ATV_friction for determining effective proximity …second phase proceeds on foot into the ATV inaccessible areas by using the “Explicitly” option to Spread …final map uniquely identifies ocean (blue) and hiking inaccessible areas (grey), and rescue response time (green to red) as both a 2-D map and a 3-D drape on the elevation surface (Berry) Joseph K. Berry, Keck Visiting Scholar

34 Project 4 – Geo-Business Analysis
DU Mini-Workshops on GIS Modeling -- Surface Modeling/Analysis Project 4 – Geo-Business Analysis Competition Analysis Part 1— calculate two travel-time maps, one from Kent’s Emporium and the other from Colossal Mart Part 2— create a relative travel-time advantage map clearly shows which store has the relative advantage Part 3— generate a binary map identifying just the “combat” zone where neither store has a strong advantage Part 4— generate a map that identifies the customers in the combat zone. Density Analysis Part 1— Create a customer density surface that identifies the total number of customers within half a kilometer Part 2— Generate a binary map identifying the “pockets” of unusually high customer density (mean + 1 Stdev or more customers per 500m reach). Part 3— Generate a map that shows the relative travel-time advantage within the pockets of unusually high customer density. (Berry) Joseph K. Berry, Keck Visiting Scholar

35 Project 5 – Landslide Susceptibility
DU Mini-Workshops on GIS Modeling -- Surface Modeling/Analysis Project 5 – Landslide Susceptibility …criteria for a 0 (not susceptible), 1 (minimally susceptible) through 9 (extremely susceptible) Overall landslide susceptibility is defined as the weighted average rating of the three criteria A second map that identifies the susceptibility ratings for just the uphill areas around roads to 250 meters (2.5 cells) Another map identifying the average landslide susceptibility (1 to 9) within the uphill buffered area around roads for each of the management districts identified on the Districts map (Berry) Joseph K. Berry, Keck Visiting Scholar

36 Project 6 –Transmission Line Routing
DU Mini-Workshops on GIS Modeling -- Surface Modeling/Analysis Project 6 –Transmission Line Routing Discrete Cost Map Accumulated Cost Map Least Cost Path The client, MegaWatt Power, needs to identify three routes— a route that treats visual exposure from houses and roads equally (simple average Cost), a route considering visual exposure to houses ten times more important than exposure to roads, and a route considering visual exposure to roads ten times more important than exposure to houses. (Berry) Joseph K. Berry, Keck Visiting Scholar

37 Project 7 – Wildfire Risk Analysis
DU Mini-Workshops on GIS Modeling -- Surface Modeling/Analysis Project 7 – Wildfire Risk Analysis Wildfire Risk is related to— cover type, terrain and human activity factors Wildfire risk needs be summarized in a couple ways… Calculate the average wildfire risk for each of the districts. Create a map that shows the average wildfire risk within a 300 meter buffer around all housing locations. …implement the “common sense” idea that locations closer to the fire station at the Ranch community center (Locations base map) ought to have the calculated risk lowered. (Berry) Joseph K. Berry, Keck Visiting Scholar

38 Project 8 – Pipeline Spill Migration
DU Mini-Workshops on GIS Modeling -- Surface Modeling/Analysis Project 8 – Pipeline Spill Migration Pipeline Spill is related to— physics, product properties and terrain conditions Identify the implied steepest downhill spill path for each of the three test locations (Spills map) along the proposed new transmission pipeline and map as a 3D Grid display with all three route individually identified and draped over the Elevation surface. Identify the minimum path time for a spill anywhere along the entire Proposed route (Pipelines map) and map as a 3D Grid display with the spill density map (10 Equal Ranges contours) draped over the Elevation surface. Create a map that shows the estimated minimum time for a spill based on the spill time map (created above) to reach all of the impacted areas with the high population HCA (HCA_Hpopulation map). To illustrate the model’s sensitivity to different products create another minimum time map for the high population HCA that considers crude oil flow instead of water. (Berry) Joseph K. Berry, Keck Visiting Scholar

39 GIS Modeling (Mini-Projects)
DU Mini-Workshops on GIS Modeling -- Surface Modeling/Analysis GIS Modeling (Mini-Projects) …Good luck!!! There is a “Life-Line” if you get totally stuck. For the price of one grade (drop from 100% possible to 89% possible) I will you a MapCalc script with the complete solution—you just need to write-up the solution in a “professional, free of grammatical/spelling errors, well-organized, clearly written, succinct manner” that demonstrates your understanding of the processing. General clarification, questions and Life-line requests will be processed via workdays 8:00-4:00 pm and Saturday/Sunday, 9:00-11:00 am. It behooves you to decide on a project and outline a solution as soon as possible Note: emergency situations call me at (Berry) Joseph K. Berry, Keck Visiting Scholar

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