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Children’s Songbook #150: “I’m Glad to Pay a Tithing,” Verses 1 and 2

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1 Children’s Songbook #150: “I’m Glad to Pay a Tithing,” Verses 1 and 2
1. My Heav'nly Father gives me all good and lovely things: The sun that shines, the rain that falls, the meadowlark that sings. 2. I'm glad to pay a tithing, one-tenth of all I earn; It's little when I think of all God gives me in return.

2 President Thomas S. Monson
“When performance is measured, performance improves. When performance is measured and reported, the rate of improvement accelerates.” (Favorite Quotations from the Collection of Thomas S. Monson, 1985)

3 Financial Performance Quiz
I pay an honest tithe. I give a generous fast offering. I spend less money than I make. I do not purchase on credit, but rather save enough money to make purchases in cash. I avoid debt except for buying a modest home, paying educational costs, or other vital needs. I clearly understand the difference between needs and wants.

4 Financial Performance Quiz
I know how to establish a budget. I use a budget to record my income and expenses, and I review my budget on a regular basis. I have, or am building, a financial reserve to use in times of emergencies. 10. I pay my financial obligations. 11. I save or invest a specific percentage of my income.

5 Financial Performance Quiz
12. I have taught/am teaching my family members the importance of working and earning and how to make wise financial decisions. (If you are a family of one, say “yes” to this question.) 13. Each family member (from one to many) appropriately contributes to my family’s financial well-being. 14. I have adequate medical and life insurance. 15. I have adequate renter’s, home owner’s, or auto insurance if applicable. 16. I am accumulating and rotating basic food storage without going into debt.

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