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“Climate Change and Water Education as integral part of ESD"

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1 “Climate Change and Water Education as integral part of ESD"
(Almaty, Kazakhstan, 28 September 2016) Dr Kristine TOVMASYAN Programme Specialist for Natural Sciences UNESCO Almaty office 

2 United Nations Educational Scientific -natural, social, human sciences Cultural Organization

Region with huge scientific and research capacities Immense steppe, deserts and high mountain ranges Home to unique ecosystems and diverse geological structure Scarce in water resources, prone to variety of natural hazards

4 Priority areas in NATURAL SCIENCES in Central Asia
Water resources management: science, education, water cooperation Adaptation to climate change, disaster risk reduction Ecological and Earth Sciences for sustainable development Science, technologies, innovations for sustainable future

5 International Hydrological Programme (IHP)
The only intergovernmental scientific programme on water resources in the UN system Created in 1975 after the International Hydrological Decade Member States define needs and plans of phases Provides a platform for research, water resources management, governance, education and capacity building During the “Water for life” decade consolidated scientific and professional networks to provide scientific advise for decisions and policy makers

6 The UNESCO Water Family
Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme (IHP) UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP) Water-related centres under the auspices of UNESCO

7 The UNESCO Water Family

8 WWater Security : Addressing Local, Regional and Global Challenges
Axis 1 Mobilizing International cooperation to Improve knowledge and innovation to address water security challenges Water Related Disasters and Hydrological Changes Groundwater in a Changing Environment Addressing Water Scarcity and Quality Water and Human Settlements of the Future EcohydrologyEngineering Harmony for a Sustainable World Education, Key to Water Security Axis 3 Developing institutional and human capacities for water security and sustainability Axis 2 Strengthening the Science-Policy interface to reach water security at local, national, regional, and global levels

9 Theme 6: Water Education, Key for Water Security
UNESCO IHP-VIII: WATER SECURITY Responses to Local, Regional, and Global Challenges Theme 6: Water Education, Key for Water Security Improve and update water education at all levels A multi- and interdisciplinary approach Efforts to attract and support scientists, professors, teachers and community - To capitalize on the role of UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water and the network of UNESCO Chairs and Category II Water Centres

10 Theme 6: Water Education, Key for Water Security
MAIN PRIORITIES: - Enhancing tertiary water education and professional capabilities in the water sector - Addressing vocational education and training of water technicians - Water education for children and youth - Promoting awareness of water issues through informal water education - Education for transboundary water cooperation

11 UNESCO and Climate Change
Provide MSs with climate-related knowledge, data and information services and policy advise: Climate knowledge and science Climate change education and public awareness Climate change and water security Biodiversity and climate change etc.

12 Climate Change education
Part of UNESCO’s ESD programme, a critical thematic focus of ESD Supports and guides countries to meet commitments under Paris Agreement and UNFCCC article 6 on education Provides teaching and learning resources and trainings

13 UNESCO in Central Asia: addressing water issues
Implements activities through UNESCO cluster office, based in Almaty As part of wider Natural Sciences Sector, operates in the framework of strategic priorities of IHP-VII phase Works towards enhancing cooperation, research, monitoring, education and capacity building for sound water resources management in the countries of the region Key activity areas: climate change and glaciers, groundwater, water education, water related hazards

14 Impact of climate change in Central Asia

15 Impact of climate change in Central Asia
- Glaciers important long-term reserves of fresh water. - Glaciers impacted, but no data on long term effect and availability of water resources - Direct effects on freshwater supply, irrigation and hydropower generation - Upstream/downstream countries: sustainable development, energy and food security in Central Asia

16 Glaciers, climate change and water resources
Advocacy and promotion of dialogue Promoting dialogue among scientists and policy makers on understanding of the present challenges in Central Asia on glaciers melting and its influence on water resources. A follow-up seminar is planned to be held in 8-9 November 2016 in Bishkek.

17 1978 2011 Promoting research and scientific cooperation
G. Kamnynasky Long history of research; Lack of coordinated activities; Lack of capacities Little exchange of knowledge; Glaciology centre (UNESCO category II) 2011 M. Hoelzle

18 Glaciers, climate change and water resources
Capacity building activities UNESCO helps bringing together young scientists and researchers from the region to study glacier mass balance and their reaction to climate change. Two training courses were organized in 2015 and 2016 in Kyrgyzstan.

19 Glaciers, climate change and
water resources Addressing risks: EWS for glacier lake outburst floods A regional project on monitoring of glacier lakes and establishment of EWS from glacier lake outburst floods. Science cooperation and education on risks associated with glacier melting is a key component of this project, focusing especially on vulnerable mountain communities Promoting research: The 3rd Pamir’s High Elevation International Geophysical Expedition Aims to evaluate impacts, vulnerabilities, and adaptation options in the face of climate change induced stress on water resources in the Pamir region using synthesis of remote sensing, geochemical data, and integrative modeling.

20 Aral Sea Basin -Larger, Aral Sea basin context;
-Two major glacier-fed rivers: Amu-Daria and Syr-Daria; -Cooperation with the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea; -Aral Sea Basin Program 3

21 Few experiences from around the world – Central Asia Region:
“Lessons on Cooperation Building to Manage Water Conflicts in the Aral Sea Basin” This case study presents the current situation of the Aral Sea Basin and lessons to be learned from the difficult and complex conditions that followed the break-up of the Soviet Union. That collapse led to an intricate environmental problem, and the countries of the basin are working through cooperation to find an effective way to manage water resources

22 Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme
Examples of Transboundary Water Cooperation From Potential Conflict to Cooperation Potential -facilitates multi-level and interdisciplinary dialogues in order to foster peace, cooperation and development on management of transboundary water resources

23 UNESCO: local action, Kyzylorda region, Kazakhstan
UN in Kazakhstan Joint Programme ( ) - results-oriented collaborative programme jointly developed by the Government of Kazakhstan, Ministry of Regional Development, mayorat of Kyzylorda region, and six UN Agencies, including UNESCO, to improve the wellbeing and quality of life in the Kyzylorda region through innovative approaches to delivering economic, social and environmental services to the local population, particularly for the most vulnerable. November 25, 2014

24 Education and training for local water technicians
Water Resources Management Promote procedures for implementing decisions on water supply in order to preserve the resource potential of the Aral Sea Basin and protect it from the negative effects of pollution and depletion. It includes: Enhancing capacities of local water managers on water education and on IWRM; Use of new approaches and tools on water resources management and techniques. Wetland monitoring Wetlands formed in the northern part of the eastern coast of Aral Sea due to the flooding of the minor delta during the construction of dams in A new delta has formed at the mouth of Syr-Daria river with meadow and riparian-woodland growth and a range of animals. The wetlands are also a place for human economic activity: fishery, hunting, grazing, haymaking. Therefore the diverse team of experts studies and monitors the unique wetlands formation process, considering also information on pollution, sedimentation, erosion and flooding.

25 Natural Sciences: Trans-disciplinary approach
Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) The Man and Biosphere Programme (MAB) In the framework of MAB Programme, UNESCO Almaty Office supports nominations of national protected areas to the UNESCO World Network of Biosphere Reserves and works closely with the MAB National committees in the cluster countries The role of education as a catalyst for building a better and more sustainable future. The Global Action Programme is also designed as a concrete, tangible contribution to the post-2015 development and education agendas. International Geoscience Programme (IGCP) Disaster Risk Reduction Approbation of early warning systems in order to prevent the negative effects of extreme weather events on public health and municipal infrastructure. It includes: - conducting training on hydroclimatic risk management ; - enhancing knowledge of local communities to risks in the context of ESD. The IGCP has always built bridges between disciplines and between scientists, including young ones, with aims of stimulating cutting-edge research and sharing scientific knowledge for the benefit of all.

26 Integrated Water Resources Management Tertiary education and professional development of water scientists, managers and decision makers Education is an effective way to change behavior, increase public awareness of the necessity to adapt to climate change and the treatment of water as a scarce resource UNESCO paved the way to concept of water diplomacy and promoted several mechanisms for the peaceful management of shared water resources (surface and groundwater)

27 IWRM study module for universities
Integrated Water Resources Management IWRM study module for universities Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) study course was developed in 2009 with support of UNESCO Almaty Office. In 2015 the course materials were updated. In 2016 UNESCO Almaty initiated the adaptation of the IWRM course materials, initially developed for Kazakhstan, to the universities of Kyrgyzstan. The newly adapted study module will be presented in October 2016 in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Project executing agency – The Center «Cooperation for Sustainable Development» (CSD), Almaty, Kazakhstan The purpose of the project is to improve the process of decision making on water resources on the basis of an integrated approach to water resources management through capacity building of young specialists.

28 IWRM training module The module curricula Syllabus
Presentation of lectures Cases Test Resources Glossary Methodology materials The materials of the IWRM study module are already used by a number of universities in Kazakhstan, and some universities in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.

29 Water education: tertiary level
Customizing UNESCO’s guidelines on IWRM to include regional perspectives in managing climate extremes, focusing on Aral Sea basin Water education: tertiary level Study module on Climate Risk Management (CRM) was developed in 2015 for the universities of Kyzylorda region. In 2016 this course was finalized and presented in Kyzylorda. A training on this new study module was organized for university teachers from Kazakhstan. Kyzylorda State University has agreed to mainstream the CRM study module in its curriculum as an elective course, starting from academic year

30 Water education for children and at community level
Future steps: Water education for children and at community level Come l’UNESCO …il preambolo

31 The challenge we all have
How to put water in the minds of people? The challenge we all have Come l’UNESCO …il preambolo Thank you for your attention!

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