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Presentation on theme: "DREAMS… WHAT DO THEY MEAN???"— Presentation transcript:


2 Information-Processing
Dreams sift, sort and fix the day’s experiences into memory REM sleep facilitates memory

3 People who get more REM sleep have higher scores on memory exams
Evidence People who get more REM sleep have higher scores on memory exams

4 Physiological Theory Dreams provide the sleeping brain with periodic stimulation that helps preserve brain’s neural pathways Evidence- Infants spend more time in REM sleep than older people

5 Cognitive Theory Dreams are a natural part of brain maturation and development They draw on our working concepts and knowledge Evidence- The dreams of small children are more like a slide show.

6 Problem Solving Theory
Dreams are the continuity of waking thought but in dreams you are not constrained by logic or realism like you are when you are awake

7 People self-report that they solve problems in their dreams
Evidence People self-report that they solve problems in their dreams

8 SIGMUND FREUD Manifest Content: The story line of the dream
Latent Content: The hidden meaning (symbols) within the dream (This is what Freud was really interested in) Dreams are key to understanding inner-conflict

9 FREUD Carl Jung (Freud’s student) picked up and expanded where Freud left off Jung believed that you could “decode” your dreams

10 Evidence There is no scientific evidence for this theory.

11 Activation-Synthesis Theory
Dreams are a product of activity from pons and/or brainstem Cerebral Cortex attempts to make sense of neuron firings by creating a story DREAMS HAVE NO MEANING!

12 Evidence PET scans and other imaging techniques provide evidence for this.

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