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Learning Styles.

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1 Learning Styles

2 Everyone Has Preferences
Do Not Do what is described to you. If you were to clasp your hands with your fingers interlocked and one thumb on top, which thumb would be on top? Right thumb or left Guess Now, you try it.

3 Self-understanding Everyone has preferences for how he/she behaves
Sometimes people are unaware of their preferences.

4 Carl Jung Swiss psychiatrist and influential thinker
Believed that people needed to understand themselves (patterns and preferences) if they are going to understand and work with others. Believed theories of personality emerged from observations of how people collected information and how they made judgments.

5 How are minds alike yet so different? –Carl Jung
He believed that all minds are alike in terms of two functions- perceiving information and processing information. He believed that we differ in our preferences for perceiving, processing and relating to the world.

6 Thinking vs. Feeling Rabbit/Owl vs. Piglet/Tigger
Thinking behaviors- makes decisions on logical analysis, thinks things through, decides independently of other people, needs to be right and treated fairly, responds to logic and reason Feeling- makes decisions on personal feelings, spontaneous, seeks approval of others, needs to be liked and treated friendly, responds to own likes and dislikes and other people’s reactions. Rabbit and Owl are the THINKERS; Piglet and Tigger are the FEELERS.

7 Sensing vs. Intuition Rabbit/Piglet vs. Owl/Tigger
Sensing behaviors- prefers action, standard way of doing things, like activities with immediate and practical use, works steadily, comfortable with concrete details. Intuition behaviors- prefers wonder, doing things independently, activities that generate possibilities and go beyond what is, bursts of energy powered by enthusiasm, comfortable with abstract ideas. Rabbit and Piglet have SENSING behaviors; Owl and Tigger are INTUITION behaviors.

8 Concreteness of Sensing + Logic of Thinking = Rabbit
Mastery Like routine Take charge personality Know how to make an “A” Likes order and organization Like to know who, what, when, where.

9 Intuition Perception + Thinking = Owl
Understanding Likes to work independently Have definite opinions Authoritative Educated, wise, superior air Analytical Critical thinker “Teacher” Wants to know how and why.

10 Sensing Perception + Feeling Processing = Piglet
Interpersonal Likes to be with people/groups Cooperative worker Cares about feeling Worries Follows Driven by social life

11 Intuition Perception + Feeling Processing Function = Tigger
Creative Expression Lots of ideas Likes new ideas and projects, but have difficulty choosing and following through Creative Social Sense of humor Needs to learn to follow the rules

12 Learning Styles at a Glance

13 Task Rotation Tell About Your Goals/Dreams
Rabbit List 5-10 dreams/goals in sequential order. Piglet What do you need to do in order to reach your dream/goal? Brainstorm with a partner. Owl How are your dreams/goals similar to other people? (i.e. MLK, Gandhi, etc.) How are they different? Tigger Create a “All Dreams are ….” poster that lists some of the dreams people have in our society. Make the poster visually interesting.


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