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Curriculum Information and Subject Choice Evening

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Presentation on theme: "Curriculum Information and Subject Choice Evening"— Presentation transcript:

1 Curriculum Information and Subject Choice Evening 2017-18
Year 10 Curriculum Information and Subject Choice Evening

2 Aims of evening Further develop school/parent partnership Organisation
School support structures Tracking and Assessment GCSE Subject Choice Careers Information

3 Key staff Mrs Gardiner Year Head Girls Mr Woodcock Year Head Boys
Mr Matchett Head of Junior School Mrs Taylor VP Curriculum Dr Collins Head of Careers

4 Parent App

5 Communication Parent App Updates on behavior and achievements Reports
Complete the permission form and Acceptable Use policy Download SIMS Parent app Await the link

6 Organisation

7 Pupils should arrive at school prepared to learn
Correct equipment: Students are expected to bring the following to school: 2 black/blue pens, 2 green/red pens, pencil, ruler, rubber, calculator, reading book, sharpener, PE kit. Correct books – pack bag the night before Correct homework for that day On time and ready to learn

8 Homework Diary

9 Homework Encourage proper use of the diary Monitor the diary at home
Check all homework is completed (neatly to the best of their ability) Sign the diary Contact us

10 Parent section in HW Diary

11 Attendance and punctuality

12 Support structures Study after school Heads of Year
Head of Junior School Teachers Tracking Pupil mentors

13 This school year Year 10 pupils will sit internal school examinations:
Winter 10 – 17 January 2018 Summer 17 – 25 May 2018

14 Assessment and tracking
There will be four assessment points: October/November - tracking report Winter exams - mid year report March – tracking report Summer exams – full report Full details on the website:




18 Target Grades Teachers will use previous results to help pupils decide on a target grade in each subject Pupils will be encouraged to work towards these target grades Our expectations are high

19 GCSE SUBJECT CHOICE How many? What subjects are compulsory?
What optional courses are on offer? What support is there? What do I do next?

20 Compulsory Subjects English Language English Literature* Mathematics

21 Modern Language and Science
Pupils are encouraged to study a modern foreign language: FRENCH GERMAN SPANISH Pupils are encouraged to study a science: BIOLOGY CHEMISTRY PHYSICS

22 GCSE Subject Choice The next SIX subjects are a free choice from the following list …

23 GCSE OPTIONS Art, Biology, Business Studies, Business Communication Systems, Chemistry, Classical Civilisation, Digital Technology, Drama, Economics, French, Geography, German, History, Food Science and Nutrition, Moving Image Arts, Music, Physical Education, Physics, Religious Studies, Spanish and Technology & Design

24 Subject Choice Combinations that cannot be chosen together:
Economics and Business Studies BCS and Digital Technology BCS and Business Studies

25 Subject Choice What other subjects would you like offered?
GCSE [ Child Development Agriculture Engineering Learning for Life and Work ?


27 Have your say SURVEY Please complete the survey, I will the link:

28 Other possible restrictions
Certain combinations of subjects may not be possible Some subjects may be oversubscribed If too few pupils choose a subject, the class may not run If any of these situations arise you will be contacted.

29 Religious Education Pupils who do not choose Religious Studies GCSE will follow the GCSE short course in Religious Studies (this is equivalent to half a GCSE)

30 Other subjects All KS4 pupils also have classes in:-
Learning for Life and Work Non-certificate P.E. Games

31 Choose a subject That they are interested in it; good at it;
that fits their career aspirations.

32 Don’t choose a subject …
because a friend is choosing it; because they like their teacher; without discussing it fully.

33 Subject choice booklet
AVAILABLE AFTER Christmas Gives information on each subject and how it is examined at GCSE Please discuss this before making any final choices

34 Subjects which are new to pupils
Information sessions Economics Business Communication Systems Business Studies Classical Civilisation Digital Technology Moving Image Arts

35 Subjects which have entrance criteria

36 GCSEs How many? 9 – 10.5 subjects Further Mathematics
Compulsory Subjects: English Literature, English Language, Mathematics Choose in order of preference

37 Support What help is there for pupils?
Parents, teachers, form tutors, year heads, careers department, careers drop-in sessions, new subject information sessions, VP curriculum Forms returned by early March

38 Year 10 CEIAG Support Dr Collins

39 Careers Module – LLW Careers Information Day 5 Dec 2017 GCSE Options Talk Choosing GCSEs - Drop in Sessions Parents’ Afternoon – 1 March 4 – 6pm Employability Talks – Options, Career Pathways and Labour Market Information Employability Classes

40 1. LLW Career Pathways GCSE and A level Subjects
Personal Career Action Plan – online Preparation for Year 10 Careers Information Day

41 2. Careers Information Day
Employer Talks Further & Higher Education Talks GCSE Subject Choice Interviews GCSE Subject Talks

42 How can Parents help? Encourage your child to –
Register for online PCAP & complete it Print and hand-in a copy of their online PCAP to their LLW Teacher Complete Careers Booklet and hand in to Form Tutor (LLW PowerPoints will be available to view on the school website in November)

43 Summary of Process Survey monkey – have your say in the offer
Careers module in school Discussion at home Subject choice booklet and form New subject information sessions Parents meeting 1 March Choose GCSE subjects early March

44 Contact us Contact the relevant member of staff by ringing the school office or Telephone THANK YOU

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