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Fostering Opportunities in Clinically Underserved Settings Building a Comprehensive Underserved Medical Student Experience Martha Seagrave, PA-C, Karen.

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1 Fostering Opportunities in Clinically Underserved Settings Building a Comprehensive Underserved Medical Student Experience Martha Seagrave, PA-C, Karen Richardson-Nassif, PhD, David N. Little, MD FOCUS on Need: Increased Diversity--The cultural and ethnic makeup of the United States and Vermont is becoming more diverse. Inequities—Inequities in access to health care, health care I information, and in health care outcomes exist in all areas of the country and world. Inadequate Preparation--National and local leaders and medical students identify the need for additional training in the care of patients with special needs and underserved communities, in order to meet these challenges. FOCUS on Collaboration : Goal: To graduate physicians with competency and confidence to work with the underserved. Convened an Advisory Board consisting of faculty, an expert in assessment, medical student, social worker, community members. Developed partnerships with local and national colleagues and organizations working with the underserved with a dedication to teaching. FOCUS Dinner Series on the Underserved Refugee Health Panel 1/06 FOCUS on Continuity The Vermont Integrated Curriculum progresses from: Foundations 1 ½ years—the study of the basic of medicine, both clinical and basic science Clinical Clerkship 1 year– application of basic science into clinical practice Advanced Integration 1 ½ years--senior scholarship and supervised patient management. The FOCUS Track—UVM’s four year continuity curriculum addressing needs of the underserved-- designed and introduced to mirror the flow of the Vermont Integrated Curriculum. FOCUS on Recognition and Knowledge: Foundations Level FOCUS Dinner Series: 1 ½ hours panel discussions with experts, students and members of underserved population Topics for year one: Rural Health 10/05, Refugee Health1/06, International Health 3/06 Sports/Med Fest-Students and Faculty provide sports physicals to athletes with intellectual disabilities in preparation for participation in Special Olympics--12/05 Cultural Competency Day Workshop for the community on Caring for the Elderly—5/06 FOCUS Student generated community project on Prevention FOCUS on exposure and action: Clinical Clerkship Level Increased Placement in FQHC and RHC sites. Community Projects addressing important local health issues. Student/preceptor generated Short term, achievable, focused Volunteers in Medicine Incorporated FOCUS on Outcomes: Outcomes we plan to assess: Interest in and effectiveness of training opportunities to enhance cultural competence. Working together with communities to address important local health issues. Career choices in family medicine and underserved settings. Enthusiasm for and participation in volunteer community activism throughout the medical school experience and beyond. FOCUS on FOCUS Family Physicians are uniquely trained to recognize and address the global needs of an individual in the context of family and community. In this role, the family doctor increasingly addresses the needs of more diverse and underserved populations. Increased student interest in the care of these populations necessitates the development of related educational programs and clinical and volunteer opportunities. Family Medicine should take the lead in this endeavor to sustain and enhance student enthusiasm and emphasize the logical and desirable choice of a career in Family Medicine. FOCUS on Experience: Advanced Integration Senior selective course option working with underserved populations: Experiences in free clinics and FQHC/RHC/underserved settings throughout the United States Partnership with Volunteers in Medicine Institute—Opportunities for students at non profit free health clinics staffed by volunteer health professionals. Students will present their experiences to faculty/students. Medical Students at Sports/Med Fest Project sponsored by HRSA Grant D56HP00115

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