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Patient Care.

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Presentation on theme: "Patient Care."— Presentation transcript:

1 Patient Care

2 What to do! Each rhythm have its own treatment!
As techs only a limited base knowledge is needed ACLS

3 Atrial or Ventricular Atrial Ventricular
A-Flutter Medication Ablation A – Fib Cardioversion Ventricular V- Tach Stable Medication Cardioversion Unstable CPR Deliberation Checking the pulse in the carotid is the best site to determine circulation.

4 Cardiopulmonary Emergencies
Asystole CPR Verified by pulse check Medication PEA MI Oxygen Administration Aspirin Blood Thinners Nitroglycerin Immediate Attention.

5 Your role. Unless you are trained in CPR – you have a limited role.
Most cases, if you notice an abnormal strip you should remain calm however notify providers immediately.

6 Signs and Symptoms Angina Shortness of Breath Sweating Fainting Dizzy
Chest Pain Shortness of Breath Sweating Fainting Dizzy Fatigue Radiating Pain Tightness

7 Stress Testing Issues Patient Complains of Chest Pain, sweating, short of breath, dizzy or light headiness or fainting. STOP TEST IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY Provider Follow orders

8 Emergency Codes (Common)
Code Red Fire Code Yellow/Black Hazards/Lockdowns Code White/Gray Missing Patient/Combative Patient Code Green Evacuation/Internal Disaster Code Pink Missing Baby Code Blue Code Blue Braslow

9 Ethics

10 7 Principles. Autonomy Beneficence Justice Non-melficence Veracity
Role Fedility Confidentiality

11 HIPPA VERY IMPORTANT!!! Don’t mess up.

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