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Carolina University of Theology

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1 Carolina University of Theology
Christian Church Epistles Part 11 – Class 2 COVER SYLLABUS. SLIDES 1 - 3 Carolina University of Theology

2 Epistle as a Genre What is an Epistle?
An epistle in the Greek ἐπιστολή, epistolē, means 'letter’. It is a writing directed or sent to a person or group of people. Question: (1) What is a Genre?

3 We have, "doctrine" in Romans; "reproof" of wrong practice in Corinthians; "correction" of wrong doctrine in Galatians.

4 Read Romans to be grounded in Christian doctrine; read Corinthians to be guided in Christian practice; read Galatians to be guarded against deceptive error.

5 Galatians: The Country. (1) Politically it was the Roman province which included Lycaonia, Isauria, and parts of Phrygia and Pisidia. (2) Geographically it was the center of the Celtic tribes, and in this sense it seems to be used in this epistle and in Acts (Gal. 1:1; Acts. 13:14; 14:6; 16:6).





10 The Occasion of the Epistle
(1) Judaizing teachers had gone among the Galatians, claiming that the Jewish law was binding upon Christians, admitting that Jesus was the Messiah, but claiming that salvation must, also be obtained by the works of the law. All Gentiles be circumcised (2) In order to gain their point and turn the Galatians from their belief, they were trying to weaken their confidence in Paul, their spiritual teacher. (1) Judaizing teachers had gone among the Galatians, claiming that the Jewish law was binding upon Christians, admitting that Jesus was the Messiah, but claiming that salvation must, also be obtained by the works of the law. All Gentiles be circumcised (2) In order to gain their point and turn the Galatians from their belief, they were trying to weaken their confidence in Paul, their spiritual teacher. They said he was not one of the twelve, and therefore, not one of the apostles, and his teachings were not of binding authority. They suggested that he had learned his doctrine from others, especially from the apostles who were pillars of the church.

11 The Church Epistles are addressed specifically and directly to the Church
The instruction in the Church Epistles is the doctrine, reproof and correction for the Church. Outside of the Church Epistles, Christians will not know that they have been justified by the grace of G-d. ANSWER TO QUESTION IS PRIEST. JUSTIFIED MEANS TO BE ACCEPTED, VINDICATED, TO DEFEND, TO VALIDATE, TO EXCUSE. Outside the Christian Epistles, Christians will not know that they have access to G-d without the need for a ________________?

12 And what was the main Galatian error?
And what was the main Galatian error? Paul calls it "another gospel, which is not another" (1:6,7), Paul uses two different Greek adjectives The first adjective (heteros) means "another of a different kind"; The second adjective (allos) means "another of the same kind. The Galatian Error – Let’s look at how Baxter explains it. And what was the main Galatian error? Paul calls it "another gospel, which is not another" (1:6,7), and then adds: "There be some that trouble you and would pervert the Gospel of Christ." It is unfortunate that our Authorized Version puts the word "another" twice here, for Paul uses two different Greek adjectives (as the R.V. indicates). The first adjective (heteros) means "another of a different kind"; whereas the second adjective (allos) means "another of the same kind." Paul would have the Galatians definitely to understand that they were being drawn away, not to a superior form of the same Gospel (as they gullibly supposed), but to something which was essentially different. And then, to make his meaning finally clear, he adds that the real bent of these troublers was to "pervert" the "Gospel of Christ." The Greek verb here translated as "pervert" means, literally, to twist a thing round, or reverse it. In reality these troublers of the Galatians were not giving them merely "another Gospel of the same kind" with supposedly superior features: they were twisting the one and only "Gospel of Christ," and reversing its meaning into something which it never meant at all

13 The real focus of these troublers was to "pervert" the "Gospel of Christ."
The Greek verb-"pervert" means, literally, to twist a thing round, or reverse it. They were not giving them merely "another Gospel of the same kind" with supposedly superior features: they were twisting the one and only "Gospel of Christ," and reversing its meaning into something which it never meant at all. The real focus of these troublers was to "pervert" the "Gospel of Christ." The Greek verb-"pervert" means, literally, to twist a thing round, or reverse it. They were not giving them merely "another Gospel of the same kind" with supposedly superior features: they were twisting the one and only "Gospel of Christ," and reversing its meaning into something which it never meant at all.

14 Runs in 3 movements of two chapters each.
The Epistle Itself Runs in 3 movements of two chapters each. The first two chapters-a narrative-pertaining to Paul himself. They are personal. The next two chapters-a discussion-pertaining to the Gospel. They are doctrinal. The remaining two chapters are an exhortation-pertaining to the Galatian believers. They are practical. The Epistle to the Galatians. Runs in three movements of two chapters each. The first two chapters are a narrative (pertaining to Paul himself). The first two chapters are personal. The next two chapters are a discussion (pertaining to the Gospel). These two are doctrinal. The remaining

15 The purpose in each of these three parts?

16 Four Kinds of “Bearing FRUIT-BEARING:"The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, etc." (5:22,23). BURDEN-BEARING: "Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ" (6:2). SEED-BEARING: "Whatsoever a man soweth, etc." (6:7). "Let us not be weary in well doing, for... we shall reap" (verse 9). BRAND-BEARING: "I bear in my body the marks [or brands] of the Lord Jesus" (6:17). PUT UP TITLE (BEFORE ENTIRE TEXT): (1) OUT OF THE SEVEN CHURCHES, WHICH CHURCH WAS ADDRESSED TWICE (COR & THESSOLANIANS). (2) WHICH ONE WAS IN THE TREATISES STYLE OF WRITING (THESSOLANIANS) AFTER TEXT: ASK STUDENTS TO TAKE OUT PIECE OF PAPER AND WRITE DOWN SALVATION SCRIPTURE (BOOK, CHAPER & VERSE)

17 The Christian’s Declaration of Independence
Galatians The Christian’s Declaration of Independence

18 How does one become right with God?
The Question How does one become right with God? Faith in Christ alone Faith in Christ plus circumcision

19 Galatians Chapters 1-2 Chapters 3-4 Chapters 5-6 History Doctrine
Practice Vindication Exposition Application Paul’s Apostleship and his Gospel come from the Lord Man is Justified through Faith Alone We are to walk by Faith and Love Testimonial and Apologetical Doctrinal and Argumentative Practical and Encouraging Source of the Gospel Defense of the Gospel Application of the Gospel The Gospel is from God, “not according to man” (1:11) The Gospel is Superior to the Law in what it is able to Accomplish The Gospel of the Spirit: Live by the Spirit Walk by the Spirit

20 Romans Galatians Calm reflection Passionate, emotional
Christianity in the study Christianity on the battlefield Later Epistle Earlier Epistle Justification by faith set forth systematically Justification by faith defended from attacks Our Constitution Our Declaration of Independence

21 Style of Writing This epistle is short and to the point. Its style is abrupt, passionate and full of strong emotion. I am amazed that you are so quickly deserting Him (1:6). If any man is preaching to you a gospel contrary to what you received, he is to be accursed! (1:9). You foolish Galatians, who has bewitched you? (3:1). Are you so foolish? (3:3). I wish that those who are troubling you would even mutilate themselves (5:12).

22 Galatians 1:6-9 6 I am amazed that you are so quickly deserting Him who called you by the grace of Christ, for a different gospel; 7 which is really not another; only there are some who are disturbing you, and want to distort the gospel of Christ. 8 But even though we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to that which we have preached to you, let him be accursed. 9 As we have said before, so I say again now, if any man is preaching to you a gospel contrary to that which you received, let him be accursed.

23 Who has Bewitched You? Does God give the Spirit and Miracles by the Law or by Faith? Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the Law, or by hearing with faith? Did you suffer so many things in vain? Are you so foolish? Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh?

24 Salvation is through faith The evidence of Abraham The evidence
of Adoption The evidence of the Tutor The evidence from the Law The evidence of the Covenant Promise

25 If you are free… Don’t be entangled in a yoke of bondage
Don’t turn your Freedom into an Opportunity for The flesh Walk by the Spirit Bear one another’s Burdens



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