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BUILDING YOUR APP ONLY CONTEST Corus Radio New Media prepared by Sara Lanthier and Dunner Dec 23, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "BUILDING YOUR APP ONLY CONTEST Corus Radio New Media prepared by Sara Lanthier and Dunner Dec 23, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 BUILDING YOUR APP ONLY CONTEST Corus Radio New Media prepared by Sara Lanthier and Dunner Dec 23, 2014

2 Step 1 – Create Contest Create a contest in the Promotions tool like you would for a standard contest.

3 Step 2 – Rules & Regs Make sure to include the App Only Rules and Regs when setting up your contest. These rules separate us from Apple and acknowledge that you must have downloaded the app to win the contest.

4 Step 3 – Publish Contest Click publish contest. Choose ‘Do Not Insert” for promotions List Widget. This will make the contest live without inserting it on your website.

5 Step 4 – Add Contest to App
Go to ‘Settings’ and under Mobile App Settings, choose ‘Navigation’ and select “Add Item”

6 Step 4 – Add Contest to App cont.
Name your contest in the “Name” field Select your icon* Go to “Type’ and select “Promotion” Go to ‘URL’ field. This will list all the station contests. Select your app only contest. Set the start and end date and save. * Dunner has forwarded Zip drive with available icons for navs

7 Step 5 – Customize the Nav Bar
Rank/reorder your navigation by dragging the bars up and down

8 Step 6 – Review On Your App
Check out your contest on your app! Ensure it’s functioning as you want it to be. Hit It To Win It

9 THINGS TO NOTE Your users will have to log-in to the listener club on the app the first time that they use it in order to enter the contest (or will have to sign-up if they aren’t members. All of your standard Rules and Regs on your website have been updated with the ‘Apple exclusion’ blurb.

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