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Welcome: Classroom Expectations

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1 Welcome: Classroom Expectations
Miss. George

2 Classroom Expectations
There are 3 rules you are expected to follow: 1. Be Respectful - to yourself - to others - to the environment 2. Be Responsible 3. Be the BEST you can be!

3 Entering class Arrive on time
Line up silently in a single file line outside the classroom before entering Wait for permission to enter and leave the classroom Remain silent and sit in your seat, as soon as you arrive to class

4 In-Class Expectations
Do not leave your seat without permission Independent work means by yourself Stay on-task during independent and group work Submit all work on time

5 Housekeeping Expectations
Nothing should be left in desks when you leave Chairs should be stacked in piles of 6 in front of the bulletin board by the closet, at the end of the day Gum chewing is not allowed at all, EVER

6 Housekeeping [Cont’d]
You’re encouraged to bring a bottle of water to class No other drinks are allowed outside of lunch time You may bring a healthy, allergen-free snack to class with you in the morning Use appropriate language Actively listen

7 BYOD Devices are for education not recreation
Can only use with teacher permission for a subject-related reason No devices in the hall, during lunch, or at recess

8 Washroom Expectations
You must get teacher permission before leaving the room You must take the washroom pass with you You must sign out in the sign out book when you leave & sign in when you return

9 Expectations - Absences
If you know you’re going to be absent, bring a note Notes must be provided for all missed tests and assignment due dates

10 Expectations- Absences
Missed Work: You are expected to catch up on missed work You are expected to find two Homework Buddies in the class Homework Buddies must collect handouts for you when you are absent

11 Class Website Use website daily to check for:
- all homework assignments and due dates - upcoming quiz or test dates - upcoming events and important dates

12 Lunch Expectations Only students with written consent may leave school property for lunch Lunch must be eaten in YOUR OWN CLASSROOM

13 Lunch Expectations [Cont’d]
Stay in your seat the entire time: You may not get up to throw out garbage until dismissal for recess Raise your hand, if you need to get up for anything else

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