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Year 3 Multicultural Model Implementation

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1 Year 3 Multicultural Model Implementation
What is Multiculturalism and Why/How is it important to me as an Educator? Year 1 Awareness Study Year 2 Structures Study Year 3 Multicultural Model Implementation

2 Setting Ground Rules m1 Respect Activity - Assigned Reading: Chapter 1 of Ronald Takaki’s A Different Mirror, Foreword Jim Cummins from Affirming Diversity: The Sociopolitical Context of Multicultural Education, A Brief History of Multicultural Education Defining Multicultural Education.

3 Ground Rules m1 Listen actively -- respect others when they are talking. Speak from your own experience instead of generalizing ("I" instead of "they," "we," and "you"). Practice timely attendance. Do not be afraid to respectfully challenge one another by asking questions, but refrain from personal attacks -- focus on ideas. Participate to the fullest of your ability -- community growth depends on the inclusion of every individual voice. Instead of invalidating somebody else's story with your own spin on their experience, share your own story and experience. The goal is not to agree -- it is about hearing and exploring divergent perspectives. Be conscious of body language and nonverbal responses -- they can be as disrespectful as words. Raise your hand as necessary and when appropriate to speak. Paul C. Gorski

4 What do we know? m1 Anonymous Survey Activity Defining multiculturalism All staff same sheet of paper and pencil NO NAMES Write definition of multiculturism, definition of diversity, whether you think you teach with these to items in mind – differentiate culturally, what percentage of our teachers teach with these items in mind, on a scale of 1-10 how important is multiculuralism on student achievement Crumble paper up, stand in a circle with back to inside, throw paperball over your shoulder with eyes closed, once prompted open eyes and turn around, go and pick up a paperball, uncrumble. Share results without opinions – Facilitator emphasizes different starting points and helping each other to clear up misconceptions and practices. Multicultural Quiz (handout)

5 Setting the Stage m2 Discussion of assigned reading and definition of multiculturalism Main points and Q&A

6 Timeline of Multicultural Education m2

7 Circles of My Multicultural Self m3
House Assignments: Ethnicity Exploration

8 Goal setting: Individual Needs/School Needs m3
Reflection discussion

9 Blake’s model m4

10 Ethnic Exploration Presentations m5, m6,m7
Each presentation time for Q&A

11 Facilitating Difficult Dialogue m8
Assigned Reading: Part1 Culturally Relevant Schools Chpt.’s 1-3.

12 Interpersonal Relationships m9

13 Connecting with School Prejudice m10

14 Collaborative Problem-Solving Case Studies m11

15 How do we relate this to m12
Colleagues Students Parents/Families

16 Exploring Language: Definitions m12

17 Challenging Communication m13

18 Classroom m14 Incorporating vs Integration
Differentiating Instruction beyond learning styles Assigned Reading: Chapter 5 Culture, Identity and Learning pg. 144 Affirming Diversity

19 The Depth and Breadth of Multiculturism m14

20 Setting up the multicultural classroom environment m15

21 Learning Social Roles: Boy/Girl m15
Assigned Reading: Chpt. 8 Learning from Students pg. 308 Affirming Diversity.

22 Awareness of the contexts in which we work and live m16
Step 1…. Step 2 Structures… Step 3 Implement Mastery… Step 4 Advocacy…

23 References

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