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Maldives Workshop for Capacity Building for Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Country Presentation Abdullah Zameer Amjad Abdul Wahhab Ahmed Shaheed.

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Presentation on theme: "Maldives Workshop for Capacity Building for Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Country Presentation Abdullah Zameer Amjad Abdul Wahhab Ahmed Shaheed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maldives Workshop for Capacity Building for Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Country Presentation
Abdullah Zameer Amjad Abdul Wahhab Ahmed Shaheed

2 Introduction Total 1190 islands 200 inhabited islands 20 atolls
Geographical area: 90,000 sq km Land area only 300 sq km Population: 270,101 (2000 census) 40.7% under 15 years

3 Lower Kindergarten (LKG) Upper Kindergarten (UKG)
Education System Lower Kindergarten (LKG) Age 4 Upper Kindergarten (UKG) Age 5 Primary (1-7) Age Lower Secondary (8-10) Age Higher Secondary (11-12) Age

4 Schools 315 schools in 200 islands Government: 81 Community: 165
Private: 69

5 Enrolment (March 2003) Total student enrolment: 104,408

6 Enrolment over a Decade

7 Net Enrolment Ratio (NER)

8 Teachers (March 2003) Total no. of teachers: 6004

9 Teachers (cont…) 3,411 1,590 561 54

10 Teachers (cont…) Expatriate vs Local Trained vs Untrained 32% 36% 68%

11 Student-Teacher Ratio (Trained Teachers)
All teachers Trained teachers only Low overall NER due to higher number of untrained teachers. Trained teachers are less in the atolls compared to Male’.

12 Teacher Training Faculty of Education (Maldives College of Higher Education) conducts courses for teachers ranging from Certificate level to Bachelor of Education

13 Summary Universal primary education achieved
NER of Lower Secondary is 44% NER of Higher Secondary is only 1.6% Expatriate teachers: 36% Untrained teachers: 33%

14 Education Management Information System

15 EMIS is a management tool
Administration is concerned with maintaining routine operations Management is concerned with forward planning, process improvement An Education Management Information System is a tool to assist with that forward planning and process improvement

16 Indicator-Based EMIS The EMIS need by MOE will incorporate an “indicator”-based development of data . . . the purpose of accountability is improvement; simply identifying a problem or even identifying the cause of the problem is insufficient Republic of Maldives Education Master Plan Part 2 page 73

17 Management Improvement Cycle
Goals Monitor Progress (Indicators) Monitor Progress (Indicators) Review Processes

18 EMIS feeds from existing systems
NOTE: These other systems are not necessarily computer based

19 Information Flow

20 Sources suggesting EMIS content
Education Master Plan 1995 EMIS Feasibility Study 1997 Requests from other agencies* Local President’s Office Treasury, etc. Other UNESCO, etc. “Standard” Indicators, e.g., Education for All (EFA) 2000 *Note the need to distinguish between requests related to administrative processes (generally concerned with individual transactions) and regular summary reports.

21 Education Master Plan – Goals & Priorities
Pre-primary, Primary and Middle School Encourage and promote community cooperation and participation in conducting early childhood care and education activities Develop culturally appropriate training schemes for teachers, parents and community members Continue the development unified national basic education system Develop infrastructure support for basic education Strengthen professional support for basic education Expand the capacity of and upgrade the quality of private and community administered schools Pursue a financial policy which enhances a more equitable distribution of opportunities at the basic level of education Provide library facilities in schools and promote the habit of reading among students Provide special education and appropriate vocational education for children with special needs Mobilize existing resources to reduce pressing needs for trained teachers Encourage and promote the participation of the community in all aspects of the provision of basic education Develop a framework for the establishment of decentralized education offices

22 Education Master Plan– Goals & Priorities
Secondary Education Increased Relevance of Education to the Local Environment Continue integration into the formal and non formal education curriculum of Islamic principles, Maldivian culture, tradition and values and key concepts Integrate the concept of Education and Work into the curriculum of the formal and non-formal education system Increase awareness through formal and non-formal education of the need for protection of the environment Promote physical education, recreation and sports activities in schools Strengthen and expand population education activities Increase Trainable Manpower Create infrastructure to expand enrolment at basic and secondary education level Increase Trained Manpower for National Development Expand the capacity for pre-service and inservice training to increase the output of trained teachers

23 School Census Database

24 Login

25 Contents Screen

26 School Registration Data

27 Sample Screen School Name Screen Status Tool Bar Scroll Bar
Screen Select Tabs jklasdoafsdnasdfnklasdnlasdvnnn

28 Sample Validation Error Message

29 Enrolment – Primary Age in Grade

30 Enrolment – Secondary Age in Grade

31 New Enrolments by Grade

32 New Enrolments in Grade 1

33 Student Progression

34 Exemptions by Subject - Primary

35 Passes by Subject – Primary

36 Exemptions by Subject - Primary

37 Enrolments by Subject – Lower Secondary

38 Passes by Subject – Lower Secondary

39 Enrolments by Subject – Upper Secondary

40 Passes by Subject – Upper Secondary

41 Students’ Home Atoll Primary

42 Students’ Home Atoll - Secondary

43 Students’ Home Island - Primary

44 Students’ Home Island Secondary

45 Staff Details & Qualifications

46 Class & Period Distribution - Primary

47 Class & Period Distribution - Lower Secondary

48 Class & Period Distribution - Upper Secondary

49 Number of Classes per Grade

50 Classes within Sessions

51 School Equipment & Furniture

52 Land & Tanks

53 School Accommodation

54 Library Materials

55 Student Fees

56 Income Summary

57 Expenditure Summary

58 Annual Report (Last Year)

59 Planned Activities (This Year)

60 Reports

61 Main Menu


63 Aggregation and Filtering

64 National capacity building strategies

65 Areas in need for strengthening / consolidation
Lack of adequate qualitative data (requires a mechanism to collect the qualitative data within the system. Lack of well trained personnel expertise & logistics Lack of adequate funds and resources

66 Solutions / objectives
Capacity buildings at all levels Training of trainers for comprehensive monitoring and evaluation functions Procure machinaries , tools & resources

67 Strategies To train at least 2 or 3 persons at macro and micro level.
Exchange ideas and follow models Cooperate and extend mutual support bilaterally To obtain technical assistance and financial support from donators and other aides To collaborate with UNESCO in order to utilize maximum benefits in terms of the joint coordinated efforts within the region

68 Requests & suggestions
UNESCO to provide a facilitator for a specific period of time to train the trainers in terms of CB for EFA UNESCO to coordinate a network to facilitate the developmental information within the region. What we can offer: Exchange of ideas sharing models and experience.

69 Thank you

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