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Email Marketing Then and Now.

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Presentation on theme: "Email Marketing Then and Now."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marketing Then and Now

2 What we will cover How it all started Why is it still important
Getting your opened Subject lines Your Database vs Paid How to utilize your database Reporting

3 1971 Raymond Tomlinson sent a test to himself through another computer using ARPA - Advanced Research Projects Agency


5 Traditional Mail

6 Social Media

7 is dead Peter Drucker Or so they thought!

8 World Wide Web

9 Everything requires an email address
Online Banking Online shopping Booking a flight Every social media platform that was thought to be the cause of its death Pretty much anything else you need to log into

10 The latest and the greatest has always been around

11 Why is it still important

12 2017 Adobe Consumer Email Survey
Most respondents check their work or personal s at least every few hours 82% work s are open 60% personal s are open Of those 83% work s are read 64% personal s are read

13 2016 WBR Digital & Emarsys surveyed 254 retail professionals at
companies with annual revenue under 100K

14 January 2017 Radicati Group

15 54% of the entire planet is currently using email

16 Best free Email Services for 2017
Yandex Outlook Gmail ProtonMail Inbox by Gmail AOL iCloud Mail Yahoo

17 Google – 1 billion monthly active users
2016 Google – 1 billion monthly active users 2017 Outlook – 400 million monthly active users

18 February 2017 *Radicati Group


20 How do I get consumers to open my email?
Send it twice Treat their inbox as you would want to be treated Build trust Timing is almost everything Give them what they want Build a reputation

21 Subject lines

22 35% of email recipients open an email based on the subject line.
Short and sweet Use a personal touch No false promise What's on the inside If the time is right Concise is key

23 Subject lines continued.
It’s all about action Sense of urgency Using numbers Got a question, we have the answer Don’t be afraid to be a little punny DON’T USE ALL CAPS OR OVER USE EXCAMATIONS!!! Make them feel special

24 Good examples to use For our beloved customers only
An exclusive offer for you Our gift to you You’re invited Special invite

25 Your Database vs. Paid

26 How to grow your database
Just ask for it Use your own subscribers Have a social contest Have a giveaway on your website

27 Third Party Data Way to target
Data provided by companies on a larger scale The benefit is the sheer volume of user data you can access Way to target Demographic Geographical Behavioral

28 Reaching new customers
What is your goal? Increasing revenue or Reaching new customers

29 You have a database, now what?

30 Segmentation Separating your database into a list or small segments by

31 Jupiter Research Study
Marketers who segment their list can improve conversion rates Up to 355% and increase revenue by an amazing 781% Yet only 11% of marketers actually segment their list

32 *emarketer

33 Other opportunities

34 Targeting by Email Address
Google Network / Google AdWords Facebook Twitter Other Exchanges

35 But wait there is more. There is always more.

36 Mobile First

37 Use mobile ready templates

38 Have a short subject line

39 Write a good preheader

40 Optimize the “From” 68% of Americans say they base their decisions to open an on the From name

41 When you receive a newsletter from
ADM you would be expecting it to say ADM rather then say Jennifer Love or someone on our staff specifically.

42 51 seconds Balance Image & Size
Average time spent reading a newsletter after opening 51 seconds *CampaignMonitor

43 Attention Span…

44 Big Button / Big Fingers
Average size of an adult index finger Between 1.6cm and 2cm

45 Translation…. 45 x 45 px 57 x 57 px

46 Make the button large enough so they can click the button.

47 Mobile Optimized

48 Reporting In the past it has been solely on opens & clicks.
Now you need to go beyond that. Subscriber activity Engagement trends list health And optimization

49 KPI – Key Performance Indicators

50 Thank you Jennifer Love Sales Director Advocate Digital Media

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