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B2- Fiscal Policy Analysis: work programme and organisation

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1 B2- Fiscal Policy Analysis: work programme and organisation
Joint Research Centre the European Commission's in-house science service Corporate Income Tax Reform in the EU B2- Fiscal Policy Analysis: work programme and organisation Jonathan Pycroft Co-authors: María Teresa Álvarez-Martínez, Salvador Barrios, Maria Gesualdo, Dimitrios Pontikakis Salvador Barrios JRC-B2 04 July 2016 Disclaimer: The views expressed are purely those of the authors and may not in any circumstances be regarded as stating an official position of any affiliated institution.

2 Overview Introduction to CORTAX: Corporate tax CGE Simulations
Harmonising EU CIT rates Single country lowering CIT rates Motivation tax competition & tax avoidance (EU Action Plan on Corporate Taxation) large vs small economies Overview

3 Overview of the Model CORTAX (CORporate TAXation)
CORTAX: Originally by CPB Netherlands (Bettendorf and van der Horst 2006) Applied general equilibrium model: households, firms, government Multi-country: EU28 + JPN + USA (+ tax haven) Comparative static (steady state equilibria) Calibrated on 2012 data (Eurostat, OECD, ORBIS, UN) Overlapping generations (old, young); inter-temporal optimization Labour/leisure optimization; workers immobile across countries 2 types of firm: DOMESTIC, MULTINATIONALS (HQ + SUBSIDIARIES) Debt and equity financing; capital fully mobile across countries Production of a single tradable final good Multinationals perform transfer pricing between EU members and profit shifting to the tax haven Governments tax corporate, labour, financial incomes. Revenues are transferred to the old generation Overview of the Model CORTAX (CORporate TAXation)

4 The CORTAX model FIRMS Domestic Multinational headquarters
Tax revenue Transfer FIRMS Domestic Multinational headquarters Multinational subsidiary Tax haven Profit shifting Transfer pricing Household OLG ( young, old ) Government Budget balanced L, K, F W, Rk, Rf G Asset, bond Debt, equity The CORTAX model

5 Simulation Design COORDINATED Harmonisation of CIT rates in the EU +
UNCOORDINATED Unilateral reduction: CIT rate in Ireland Unilateral reduction: CIT rate in Germany Free vs fixed capital across the EU28 Simulation Design

6 Harmonised CIT rates 27.7%

7 Harmonised CIT rates 27.7%

8 Harmonised CIT rates + reduction in Ireland

9 Harmonised CIT rates + reduction in Germany

10 Comparing results profit shifting
Profit shifting from headquarters to subsidiaries Harmonised baseline CIT reform IN OUT Euro millions Percentage Ireland 1185 8.98% - Rest of EU -1185 -0.17% Germany 6055 4.65% -6055 -1.03% Comparing results profit shifting

11 Comparing results mobile capital from RoW
CIT rate CoC K L GDP CIT revenue Welfare pp % % of GDP Ireland -10.0 -0.24 3.30 -0.19 1.64 -1.15 0.5 Rest of EU 0.00 -0.01 Germany 3.05 -0.34 0.88 0.2 -0.05 -0.02 Comparing results mobile capital from RoW

12 Comparing results fixed capital from RoW
CIT rate CoC K L GDP CIT revenue Welfare pp % % of GDP Ireland -10.0 -0.25 3.26 -0.19 1.63 0.17 0.5 Rest of EU - 0.00 -0.04 -0.02 -0.01 Germany 2.42 -0.37 0.69 -1.15 0.08 0.05 -0.62 0.01 -0.09 Comparing results fixed capital from RoW

13 Conclusions Tax competition impacts other countries
Profit shifting Capital iff competition for capital within EU Country size matters Larger gains for small countries And smaller losses for others Conclusions

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