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The importance of drug take-back programs: protecting our health and environment [TEMPLATE PRESENTATION] prepared by the product stewardship institute.

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Presentation on theme: "The importance of drug take-back programs: protecting our health and environment [TEMPLATE PRESENTATION] prepared by the product stewardship institute."— Presentation transcript:

1 the importance of drug take-back programs: protecting our health and environment [TEMPLATE PRESENTATION] prepared by the product stewardship institute

2 the problem with leftover pharmaceuticals

3 accidental poisonings
drug abuse accidental poisonings health + safety

4 aquatic impacts water quality environmental health

5 trashing or flushing meds is NOT the solution
trashing should be used only as a last resort

6 the solution

7 drug take-back on-site receptacles mail-back envelopes

8 drug take-back U.S. support for drug enforcement administration (DEA)
eleven national prescription drug take-back days office of national drug control policy (ONDCP) part of its national drug control strategy food and drug administration (FDA) developed guidelines with ONDCP for drug disposal environmental protection agency (EPA) promotes consumer use of take-back programs States nearly all state agency websites provide information either on their own state programs and/or federal DEA take-back days

9 where do collections take place?
the 2014 DEA rule allowed more entities to collect controlled substance. these include convenient locations such as: hospitals with a built-in pharmacy police stations mail-back programs by DEA-authorized entities pharmacies (most convenient)

10 independent pharmacies
local, independent, retail pharmacies volunteer nationwide to provide critical take-back services to their communities.

11 free access in 500 stores in 40 states
chain pharmacies for sale in stores provided free to police stations free access in 500 stores in 40 states

12 drug take-back approaches + funding sources voluntary programs
government funded programs retail pharmacy initiatives law enforcement initiatives legislation laws requiring program funding from pharmaceutical industry with government oversight

13 voluntary drug take-back programs
provide helpful services, but funding can be insecure

14 extended producer responsibility (EPR) laws provide sustainable funding for community take-back

15 legislative activity at local, state, & federal levels
pharmaceuticals EPR in the united states legislative activity at local, state, & federal levels


17 pharmaceuticals EPR programs in canada and europe
manitoba established in 2011 france established in 1993 canada: 4 programs europe: 15 programs hungary established in 2005 british columbia established in 1996 portugal established in 2001 spain established in 2003 Source: Health Products Stewardship Association, 2015; Health Care Without Harm Report, 2013

18 how do we move forward?

19 build diverse stakeholder coalitions to pass pharmaceuticals EPR legislation

20 follow psi’s step-by-step guide:
how-to-guide for implementing a pharmacy-based drug take- back program

21 educate the public on proper disposal
safe drug disposal flier

22 questions?

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