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Derivatives and Integrals of Inverse Trig Functions

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Presentation on theme: "Derivatives and Integrals of Inverse Trig Functions"— Presentation transcript:

1 Derivatives and Integrals of Inverse Trig Functions

2 Inverse Trig functions

3 Inverse Trig functions
A geometric representation of the range values for each inverse trig function is shown in the coordinate plane at right. arccos arcsin arctan

4 Inverse Trig Derivatives
1 x y

5 Derivatives of Inverse Trig functions

6 Find the derivative of 2) Find the derivative of

7 Find the derivative of

8 4) Find the derivative of

9 Integration of Inverse Trig Functions

10 5) Find Find

11 7) Find

12 Home Work Inverse Trig Worksheet Wks 5-F
Use a section header for each of the topics, so there is a clear transition to the audience. Inverse Trig Worksheet Wks 5-F

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