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Presentation on theme: "APPROXIMATION ALGORITHMS FOR FACILITY LOCATION PROBLEMS"— Presentation transcript:

David B. Shmoys, Eva Tardos, Karen Aardal Twenty-Ninth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing (STOC), 1997 Presentation Prepared by Sapna Grover

2 ALGORITHM Assignment of clients to facilities 1/12
Opening variables, yi (x1,y1) is the LP Solution 1/3 Assignment variables, xij is the Connection cost that client j is paying in (x1,y1) 1/12 1/6 1/6 1/3 2/3 2/3 1/4 R 1/5 1/3 4/5 1/2 4/3 Cf (x,y) = facility opening cost of solution (x,y) Cs (x,y) = service cost of solution (x,y) C(x,y) = total cost of solution (x,y) R=4/3 At least 1/4th extent of dj is being served from facilities within its ball Note: Fields in red designate opening variables of facilities and fields in purple indicate assignment of clients to facilities. Opening facilities to 4 times the current extent and thereby changing the assignments correspondingly Now, every client is being served by facilities within its ball. New Solution = (x2,y2) Cf (x2,y2) ≤ 4 Cf (x1,y1) Cs (x2,y2) ≤ Cs (x1,y1) Note that at least 1/4th extent of dj is being served from facilities within its ball

3 Consider the ball with smallest
And within it the facility i* with smallest opening cost Open i* and close all others. 1 r j New Solution = (x3,y3) Bounding Service Cost in (x3,y3), cj’i* ≤ cj’i’ + ci’j + cji* (By tirangle ineq.) ≤ R + 2r ≤ 3R ≤ 4 Thus, Cs (x3,y3) ≤ 4Cs (x1,y1) i* Cf (x3,y3) ≤ Cf (x2,y2) ≤ 4 Cf (x1,y1) Cs (x3,y3) ≤ 4Cs (x1,y1) Thus, C(x3,y3) ≤ 4 C(x1,y1) ≤ 4 IPOPT , a 4-factor solution. r i’ 1/4+1/4 +1/2 =1 R (x1,y1) is the LP Solution Cf (x,y) = facility opening cost of solution (x,y) Cs (x,y) = service cost of solution (x,y) C(x,y) = total cost of solution (x,y) R=4/3 At least 1/4th extent of dj is being served from facilities within its ball. Cf (x2,y2) ≤ 4 Cf (x1,y1) Cs (x2,y2) ≤ Cs (x1,y1) 1/4 Assign j’ completely to i*. R R j’ This will dissolve ball j’. 1/4 1/2 Now consider another client j’, being served by a facility i’, recently closed in ball of j. Note that i’ lies in overlapping region of j and j’.

4 Questions?

5 ALGORITHM (x1,y1) is the LP Solution
is the Connection cost that client j is paying in (x1,y1) R Cf (x,y) = facility opening cost of solution (x,y) Cs (x,y) = service cost of solution (x,y) C(x,y) = total cost of solution (x,y) R=4/3 At least 1/4th extent of dj is being served from facilities within its ball At least 1/4th extent of dj is being served from facilities within its ball


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