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Level of Representation

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1 Level of Representation
Influence Index Explore, Understand, Shape Influence Bandwidth Level of Representation Trade Trade Agreements Arms Transfers Alliances IGO Membership Dependence Trade % GDP Trade % Trade B Aid % GDP Aid % Aid B Arms % Milstock Arms % Arms B GPI Ratio This slide deck has been developed as an introduction to the influence index and corresponding Tableau file. The slides describe the index and provide use cases for each of the Tableau worksheets contained in the influence dashboard. The dashboard contains several types of visualizations that should prove useful to help users better understand and analyze the index across countries and time. It is important to note that Country A is always the Influencer and Country B is always the Influencee.

2 Influence Index Explore, Understand, Shape
The Tableau file includes visualizations for outward and inward influence by country (including EU member states) and separately for inward and outward EU influence in aggregate. For each of these above-mentioned types of influence, there are the following visualizations: An Influence Dashboard that has 4 displays A Map and Pie Chart displaying each country’s influence on a chosen Country B (or vice-versa) A Scatterplot with bandwidth and dependence values A Line Graph with each country’s outward (or inward) influence across time A Tabular Display of the influence, bandwidth and dependence indices A Line Graph display that measures changes in the weighted influence subcomponents across time for a dyad Bandwidth and Dependence Maps and Pie Charts that illustrate each component’s contribution to the respective index for a chosen Country A and year. Each view is only covered once in the following slides, however each dashboard or worksheet is available for all of the approaches to influence mentioned above (outward/inward, country-level/EU).

3 Influence Index Explore, Understand, Shape
The influence index is constructed from two subindices, Bandwidth and Dependence. Bandwidth uses shared, absolute dyadic measures that are used to determine the “size of the pipe” or the magnitude of shared economic, security and political interactions through which a state could influence another. The Dependence index uses directed, relative measures to identify the degree to which the influencee (Country B) relies on the influencer (Country A). The contribution of each variable to the respective subindices is illustrated in the two figures to the left. The percent value is the weight applied to each component. Influence = Dependence2 + Bandwidth

4 Influence Index Explore, Understand, Shape
In other words, the Bandwidth value for a chosen dyad will always be the same no matter which of the two countries is the Influencer and which is the Influencee. The shared Bandwidth measure is directionally neutral. Alternatively, dependence values change depending on which country is defined as the influencer (Country A) and which is defined as the Influencee (Country B). In this pie map view for outward EU influence, we can see that influence on developed countries (US, Norway, Russia, Japan) is primarily Bandwidth (blue) and total influence (size of the circle) is generally less than on the countries that are more dependent (orange) on the EU.

5 Influence Index Explore, Understand, Shape
The contribution of each variable to the Bandwidth index can be found in the Bandwidth Map tab about halfway through the .twbx file. In this view, the bubble size represents the Bandwidth index and each angle in the pie chart represents a weighted subcomponent of Bandwidth. Users select an influencer in the dropdown filter in the top right hand corner and a year in the page shelf in the top left corner. In this example, Turkey in 2015 is the unit of analysis. A significant amount of Turkey’s Bandwidth is driven by alliances (Light Yellow), in Turkey’s case NATO, and arms transfers (Dark Yellow). Turkey’s Bandwidth is also driven by economic ties: total trade (red) and trade agreements (pink) and political ties: IGO membership (dark blue) and diplomatic representation (light blue).

6 Influence Index Explore, Understand, Shape
The contribution of each variable to the Dependence index can be found in the Dependence Map tab about halfway through the .twbx file. In this view, the bubble size represents the Dependence index and each angle in the pie chart represents a weighted subcomponent of Dependence. Users select an influencer in the dropdown filter in the top right hand corner and a year in the top left hand corner. In this example, Turkey is the unit of analysis. Most of the dependence on Turkey is driven by trade % total trade (green) and trade % gdp (pink) in addition to the gpi ratio (purple). There is little aid or arms coming from Turkey that other countries rely on, besides Georgia. Thus, dependence on Turkey is primarily economic.

7 Influence Index Explore, Understand, Shape
Moving onto the analytics of the Influence Index itself. There are two relevant dashboards: (i) Influence on Country B Dashboard (ii) Country A Influence Dashboard. These also exist separately for the EU influence index. The EU dashboards can be found near the end of the .twbx file. These dashboards are both comprised of the four sheets mentioned in slide 2: (i) a map/pie chart view (ii) a bandwidth/dependence scatterplot (iii) a line graph view (iv) a tabular display . The Influence on Country B Dashboard allows you to see influence on a chosen country, while the Country A Influence Dashboard allows you to examine outward influence from a chosen country. Users can choose the country or year of analysis by using the Country and Page controls found at the bottom of the map.

8 Influence Index Explore, Understand, Shape
When interpreting this dashboard, we see that besides a select few Central Asian/Caucasus region countries, Georgia (blue line/dot), Turkmenistan (green line/dot) and Azerbaijan (pink line/dot), Turkey’s outward influence is limited. Examining the scatterplot, Turkey has the most bandwidth (shared, absolute) with European and North American states with Germany (light blue) having the highest bandwidth with Turkey (bottom right quadrant) while the countries dependent on Turkey (top left quadrant) consist of smaller European countries (Moldova, Malta), Central Asian Countries (Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan) and small African nations (Djibouti, Comoros). The map view illustrates that the majority of Turkish influence is Bandwidth (blue) while dependence on Turkey (orange) only extends to the countries immediately surrounding it.

9 Influence Index Explore, Understand, Shape
If you are interested in examining the subcomponents for a specific dyad across time, you can use the Country A Country B subcomponents tab. This tab allows users to select specific influencers and influecees and examine the change in subcomponents across time. Users can choose specific countries to examine by using the Country A/Country B filters in the top right hand corner of the screen. Examining the components for Turkey, the influencer, and Turkmenistan, the influencee, we can determine that the recent rise in influence on Turkmenistan in the line graph in the previous slide is driven by an increase in arms exports to Turkmenistan as shown in the three selected lines in the figure to the left.

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