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2-3: Echinoderms starfish sea lilies feather stars sea urchins

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1 2-3: Echinoderms starfish sea lilies feather stars sea urchins
* Echinoderms are starfish sea lilies feather stars sea urchins sea cucumbers sand dollars * Echinoderm means _______________ in Greek. All echinoderms have spiny skin. spiny skin

2 Echinoderms five There are ______ characteristics of echinoderms.
All echinoderms have: Spiny skin An internal skeleton A five part body A water vascular system Tube feet

3 Characteristics of Echinoderms
spiny skin * All echinoderms have __________ Some of them have small hair-like spines, like the starfish. * Some echinoderms have long spines, like the sea urchin.

4 Characteristics of Echinoderms
* The internal skeleton of an echinoderm is made of bony plates that are bumpy or spiny. * An echinoderm’s is . a system of tubes that carry food and oxygen and remove wastes move * The water vascular system also helps an echinoderm _________.

5 Characteristics of Echinoderms
tube feet * Echinoderms have tube feet * An echinoderm’s tube feet are used for moving and for getting food

6 Starfish sea stars five or more tube feet * Starfish are also called
* Starfish have arms connected to a central body. five or more * On the bottom of the arms are hundreds of that look like suction cups. tube feet

7 Starfish * A starfish is able to re-grow its arms.
* A starfish uses its tube feet to move and to open its food.

8 Sea Urchins spines poisonous
* Sea urchins have longer and sharper that they use to protect themselves. * Some sea urchins have spines. poisonous

9 Sea Urchins sea plants tube feet
* Sea urchins have a mouth hidden under its body. sea plants * A sea urchin uses its five teeth to eat * A sea urchin is not very active. Sometimes, it does move slowly using its When not moving it uses its feet to stick to the ocean floor. tube feet

10 Sea cucumbers ____ __________ Sand dollars Sea lily

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