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CS623: Introduction to Computing with Neural Nets (lecture-5)

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1 CS623: Introduction to Computing with Neural Nets (lecture-5)
Pushpak Bhattacharyya Computer Science and Engineering Department IIT Bombay

2 Backpropagation algorithm
…. Output layer (m o/p neurons) j wji …. i Hidden layers …. …. Input layer (n i/p neurons) Fully connected feed forward network Pure FF network (no jumping of connections over layers)

3 Gradient Descent Equations

4 Backpropagation – for outermost layer

5 Backpropagation for hidden layers
…. Output layer (m o/p neurons) k …. j Hidden layers …. i …. Input layer (n i/p neurons) k is propagated backwards to find value of j

6 Backpropagation – for hidden layers

7 General Backpropagation Rule
General weight updating rule: Where for outermost layer for hidden layers

8 How does it work? Input propagation forward and error propagation backward (e.g. XOR) w2=1 w1=1 = 0.5 x1x2 -1 x1 x2 1.5 1

9 Issues in the training algorithm
Algorithm is greedy. It always changes weight such that E reduces. The algorithm may get stuck up in a local minimum.

10 Local Minima Due to the Greedy nature of BP, it can get stuck in local minimum m and will never be able to reach the global minimum g as the error can only decrease by weight change.

11 Reasons for no progress in training
Stuck in local minimum. Network paralysis. (High –ve or +ve i/p makes neurons to saturate.) (learning rate) is too small.

12 Diagnostics in action (1)
1) If stuck in local minimum, try the following: Re-initializing the weight vector. Increase the learning rate. Introduce more neurons in the hidden layer.

13 Diagnostics in action (1) contd.
2) If it is network paralysis, then increase the number of neurons in the hidden layer. Problem: How to configure the hidden layer ? Known: One hidden layer seems to be sufficient. [Kolmogorov (1960’s)]

14 Diagnostics in action(2)
Kolgomorov statement: A feedforward network with three layers (input, output and hidden) with appropriate I/O relation that can vary from neuron to neuron is sufficient to compute any function. More hidden layers reduce the size of individual layers.

15 Diagnostics in action(3)
3) Observe the outputs: If they are close to 0 or 1, try the following: Scale the inputs or divide by a normalizing factor. Change the shape and size of the sigmoid.

16 Answers to Quiz-1 Q1: Show that of the 256 Boolean functions of 3 variables, only half are computable by a threshold perceptron Ans: The characteristic equation for 3 variables is W1X1+W2X2+W3X3= θ (E) The 8 Boolean value combinations when inserted in (E) will produce 8 hyperplanes passing through the origin in the < W1, W2, W3, θ> space.

17 Q1 (contd) The maximum number of function computable by this perceptron is the number of regions produced by the intersection of these 8 planes in the 4 dimensional space R8,4= R7,4 + R7, (1) R1,4= 2 and Rm,2= 2m, for m= 1,4 (boundary condition)

18 (8,4) 128 Answer (7,3) 44 84 (7,4) 32 (6,2) 52 (6,3) 12 (6,4) 30 22 (5,4) (5,3) (5,2) 10 14 (4,4) 16 (4,3) (4,2) 8 Each non-root node has 2 children as per the the recurrence relation. 8 (3,2) (3,4) 8 (3,3) 6 (2,4) (2,3) 4 (2,2) 4 4 The value of Rm,n is Stored beside the node (m,n) (1,4) 2 (1,2) 2 (1,3) 2

19 Answer to Quiz1 (contd) Q2. Prove if a perceptron with sin(x) as i-o relation can compute X-OR Ans: y θ W2 yu W1 yl

20 Q2 (contd) Input <0,0>: y < yl sin(θ) < yl (1)
Input <0,1>: y > yu sin(W1+θ) > yu (2) Input <1,0>: y > yu sin(W2+θ) > yu (3) Input <1,1>: y < yl sin(W1+W2+θ) < yl (4)

21 Q2 (contd) Taking yl =0.1, yu= 0.9 W1=(Π/2)=W2 θ= 0
We can see that the perceptron can compute X-OR

22 Answer to Quiz-1 (contd)
Q3: If in the perceptron training algorithm, the failed vector is again chosen by the algorithm, will there be any problem? Ans: In PTA, Wn= Wn-1+ Xfail After this, Xfail is chosen again for testing and is added if fails again. This continues until Wk.Xfail > 0. Will this terminate?

23 Q3 (contd) It will, because: Wn= Wn-1 + Xfail Wn-1= Wn-2 + Xfail .
Therefore, Wn.Xfail= W0.Xfail+ n.(Xfail)2 Positive, growing with n. Will overtake – δ after some iterations. Hence “no problem” is the answer.

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