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Quantum Mechanics
Electrons behave as waves (interference etc) and also particles (fixed mass, charge, number)
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Science at the end of ~1900: Classical Mechanics
Leading to Mech. Engg., Civil Engg., Chem. Engg.
Science at the end of ~1900: Electromagnetics
Rainbows Polaroids Lightning Northern Lights Telescope Laser Optics
Science at the end of ~1900: Electromagnetics
Electronic Gadgets
Science at the end of ~1900: Electromagnetics
Chemical Reactions Neural Impulses Ion Channels Biological Processes Chemistry and Biology
But there were puzzles !!! What does an atom look like ???
Dalton (1808) What does an atom look like ???
Solar system model of atom
Continuous radiation from orbiting electron mv2/r = Zq2/4pe0r2 Centripetal force Electrostatic force Pb1: Atom would be unstable! (expect nanoseconds observe billion years!) Pb2: Spectra of atoms are discrete! Spectrum of Helium Transitions E0(1/n2 – 1/m2) (n,m: integers)
Bohr’s suggestion From 2 equations, rn = (n2/Z) a0
Only certain modes allowed (like a plucked string) nl = 2pr (fit waves on circle) Momentum ~ 1/wavelength (DeBroglie) p = mv = h/l (massive classical particles vanishing l) This means angular momentum is quantized mvr = nh/2p = nħ From 2 equations, rn = (n2/Z) a0 a0 = h2e0/pq2m = Å (Bohr radius)
Bohr’s suggestion E = mv2/2 – Zq2/4pe0r Using previous two equations En = (Z2/n2)E0 E0 = -mq4/8ħ2e0 = eV = 1 Rydberg Transitions E0(1/n2 – 1/m2) (n,m: integers) Explains discrete atomic spectra So need a suitable Wave equation so that imposing boundary conditions will yield the correct quantized solutions
What should our wave equation look like?
∂2y/∂t2 = v2(∂2y/∂x2) String y x w k Solution: y(x,t) = y0ei(kx-wt) w2 = v2k2 What is the dispersion (w-k) for a particle?
What should our wave equation look like?
Quantum theory: E=hf = ħw (Planck’s Law) p = h/l = ħk (de Broglie Law) and E = p2/2m + U (energy of a particle) w k Thus, dispersion we are looking for is w k2 + U ∂2y/∂t2 = v2(∂2y/∂x2) So we need one time-derivative and two spatial derivatives X
Wave equation (Schrodinger)
iħ∂Y/∂t = (-ħ22/2m + U)Y Kinetic Potential Energy Energy Makes sense in context of waves Eg. free particle U=0 Solution Y = Aei(kx-wt) = Aei(px-Et)/ħ We then get E = p2/2m = ħ2k2/2m w k
For all time-independent problems
iħ∂Y/∂t = (-ħ22/2m + U)Y = ĤY Separation of variables for static potentials Y(x,t) = f(x)e-iEt/ħ Ĥf = Ef, Ĥ = -ħ22/2m + U Oscillating solution in time BCs : Ĥfn = Enfn (n = 1,2,3...) En : eigenvalues (usually fixed by BCs) fn(x): eigenvectors/stationary states
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