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World Climate Zones.

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Presentation on theme: "World Climate Zones."— Presentation transcript:

1 World Climate Zones

2 Activity #1 Create Take the notes on the next slide on one side
of your notebook. Draw the image on the next slide on the opposite side of your notebook.

3 I) What is the difference between weather and climate?
Weather is the day to day changes in the atmosphere. precipitation temperature humidity wind speed This is animated so that the teacher can allow the class the opportunity to brainstorm what the changes in the atmosphere may include! wind direction cloud cover air pressure sunshine

4 I) What is the difference between weather and climate? continued
-Climate is the overall pattern of weather in an area, usually based on an average over 30 years. - A region’s climate is determined by the average weather in the location over a long period of time. .

5 Activity # Create Draw the image on the previous slide on the opposite side of your notes. Be sure to include all of the labels in your drawing.

6 II) Tropical Climates These climates are found in areas that lie close to the equator. Between 23.5°S and 23.5° N latitude. Three types: tropical wet, tropical wet and dry, tropical monsoon.

7 Remember/Understand How does the sun impact and the tropical climates?
Why do you think the sun is an important factor to the warm temperatures of tropical climates?

8 II) Tropical Climates continued
Tropical wet regions, also known as rain forests with lots of rain. Only slight season change. Tropical wet and dry climates have three seasons: 1) cool and dry; 2) hot and dry; 3) wet and hot. Tropical monsoon climates have a warm dry winters and warm rainy summers.

9 3. Using a world map describe the relative location of the tropical climates around the world Using a world map name 3 specific places that have a tropical climate.

10 III) Dry Climates Located 20° - 35º N and S of the Equator
Also the continental regions of the mid-latitudes. Separated into Arid (desert) and Semiarid (steppe)

11 III) Dry Climates Continued
Arid (desert) climates get less than 10 in. of precipitation a year. Some deserts can be frozen! 120°F in the day and 0° F at night. Semiarid (steppe) climates Hot, dry summer and cold, wet winter 10-20 inches of rain a year.

12 Apply Information 5) Compare and contrast arid and semiarid climates. 3-4 sentences Compare (tell how they are alike) Contrast (tell how they are different)

13 Think Critically! 6) How can this be considered a desert?

14 IV) Temperate (Moderate) Climates
Temperate climates lie between the tropics and the polar regions of the world. Between 23.5N to 66.5N and 23.5S and 66.5S Divided into Mediterranean, Humid Subtropical and Marine West Coast climates.

15 IV) Temperate (Moderate) Climate Continued
Usually found near a warm ocean or sea. They range from warm, dry summers to cool, wet winters. Temperatures can range from 80s in the summer to as low as 30s in the winter.

16 Evaluate Information 7) What are some pros and cons of living in a temperate (moderate) climate? Pros (good things) Cons (bad things)


18 Analyze 8) Using the map on the previous page explain what type of climate in Michigan. 9) Describe the different areas of the world that have a subarctic climate. 10) Which areas of the world are the rainforest located? (hint….. Think about which climate zone has the rainforests)

19 Evaluate Why do you think that the climates further from the equator are the coldest and the ones closest to the equator are the warmest? sentences. - Be sure to include relationship between the sun and the different climate zones in your answer.

20 Create Show the teacher that you are ready for your final activity before starting. On a half sheet of paper from your teacher, create three quiz questions from the information from this discussion. You may use the question sentence starter paper provided by your teacher. Turn this in at the end of this activity.

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